Fitz thought about the idea for a moment and eventually stood from his desk and made his way over to a bookshelf. There, he pulled a small notebook from the shelf and returned to his chair. He opened it before Michael and showed him the list inside.
“My father always kept a list of families that occupied the area. I’ve tried to keep up with it, but have been lacking these last few years since I’ve not been very social,” Fitz admitted. “I shall use this list to construct my letters.”
“Perhaps you should make an enquiry before you construct your list. What if you don’t have everyone?”
“Then I shall include in my letters enquiries as well. If a lord doesn’t have an eligible daughter, then he may reply with at least a reference of whom I should contact next.”
“That is surely an idea.” Michael looked back down at the book, running his finger down the line of family names. “Well, you certainly have a good place to start with.”
“I can agree with that,” Fitz said as he closed the book and set it to the side of his desk. “It’s a beginning, for sure.”
“Then let us retire for the night. You’ll need all the energy you can muster to deal with the boys tomorrow.” Fitz smirked then as he rose from his chair with his friend and left the study. He couldn’t deny that fact at all.
As Fitz readied for bed, he couldn’t help thinking about the proposition he was about to enter into. He would agree to marry a young lady in return for having children. She would be well taken care of, and though Fitz wouldn’t be able to love her, he would make sure she remained happy during her days. He knew how to be a dutiful husband and provide for one’s needs. He only hoped that whomever he agreed to marry wouldn’t expect anything more than he could monetarily give.
It was only when Fitz laid down in bed that he started to feel anything more than the numbness he normally kept around his heart. There was a sense of fear that stole through him at the idea of bringing someone other than Marian to his bed.
Though he’d come to terms with her being gone, he hadn’t put any thought into marrying again. And now that he’d agreed to do so to Michael, if only to have children of his own, Fitz was filled with the uncertainty of whether or not he could go through with it. After all, he’d never discovered who had killed Marian and why.