“My God, Diana. You are so tight that I’m afraid I’ll find my release once more,” Fitz said between gasps of air.
“You feel so warm, Fitz. I never want to stop feeling you inside of me,” Diana said, breathless. The amount of pleasure she was receiving from having him in her felt like heaven.
“This next part might hurt, Diana. But I promise it won’t last long,” Fitz said, lowering himself on top of her and cradling her head in his hands. She wasn’t sure what he meant, but as he pressed his lips firmly to hers and thrust the rest of his length deep inside of her, she felt a terrible pain shoot through her body as though skin had been torn within her. However, the pain did not last long as Fitz began to thrust in and out of her core. The pain was quickly replaced with a sudden fire that seemed to erupt from her centre, demanding to be fed.
“Oh, Fitz. Yes, please don’t stop,” Diana said against his lips.
“I’m never going to stop,” Fitz promised. “Never again shall there be a night between us when I don’t sup from your lips and sink my cock into your tight, wet core.”
His words were all Diana needed to finally find her release, like a wave crashing over a mountain, shooting a rain of seawater everywhere. Fitz didn’t stop his thrusting even as she climaxed, only thrusting in and out of her faster as he found his second release. Her body was so warm as the waves of pleasure continued to hit her, teaching her such mysteries about pleasure and how she could obtain them every day.
After a while, they lay together, panting hard to reclaim their breath. They were still connected together, his member twitching happily inside her wet core as their legs were tangled together. Diana didn’t want to move, didn’t want to ever move away from what she’d just experienced. And as Fitz seemed to harden inside of her once more, he continued to pleasure her throughout the entire night, till the early morning hours.