Fitz nodded as he drank the rest of his wine and set the empty glass aside. He knew that it had been a long time since he had been social at all. But he never imagined that one of his tenants would say such a thing.

“I now understand what you mean, Miss Casey,” Fitz said with a smirk. “It is no secret that I’ve kept to myself these past years, and I’m sure there are certain consequences of that.” Fitz stopped in his speaking for a moment as an idea came to mind. He thought about it for a while before speaking up again.

“What do you think about inviting everyone in the neighbourhood to our wedding celebration? The weather should be nice enough to have the celebration outside. My staff should be large enough, and it would give the tenants an opportunity to meet us both.” Fitz noticed the surprised expressions on Lord and Lady Casey’s faces. But as he looked at Diana, all he saw was that she was smiling brightly.

“I think that is a brilliant idea,” Diana replied. “It would be a rather large affair. But why not?”

“I shall speak with Mr Bingley and Mrs Stanley in the morning. It will take some major preparations to host a gathering that large,” Fitz admitted.

“It’s a very lofty goal, Your Grace,” came Lord Casey’s voice. “But I believe that the whole neighbourhood will be talking about the event for years to come.”

“Then it is settled,” Fitz said with a smile. “I shall send out the invitations in the morning and have a notice posted in the village’s centre that all our welcome to the wedding celebration.”

By the time the dinner was through and the Caseys were preparing to return home, Fitz thought how nice it would be once he was married to Diana and he wouldn’t have to see her go at night. He had more personal wants for having her with him, but there was a part of him that really missed her presence when she left. He was coming to enjoy her company, and after what they’d discussed over dinner, he was starting to see just what type of woman Diana was going to be once they were married. She was thoughtful and concerned about his tenants. He knew that she would make a proper duchess.

Once Fitz had bid them all a goodnight and saw them out to the carriage, Fitz made his way to his bedchamber. He was eager to retire for the night and try to squash his deep desires for Diana. These feelings would do him no good if he allowed them to continue. He needed to wait till they were officially married before he had his way with Diana. He would make her first time memorable, that he was sure of, but he would also let her experience more than she could hardly ever imagine from having no experience in lovemaking.

Needing to defuse the fire that was quickly building inside of him, Fitz began to think what he was going to do about Natale. It wasn’t right what she’d done and said to Diana, and a part of him wanted to put her in her place. Fitz was sure that Marian wouldn’t appreciate what she was doing by trying to scare or persuade his bride. He liked to think that Marian would want him to be happy, and he was starting to think that he could be very happy with Diana.

As Fitz got into bed, he reasoned that he’d have to talk to Natale and make it known to her that Diana had told him everything about what she’d done. He liked how honest Diana was with him and thought that would be a good thing for them to have a decent marriage.

Tomorrow he planned to visit Natale and hopefully speak with her while her husband was present. Perhaps shaming her in front of her husband would be enough to convince the woman to leave him and Diana alone.