“How are they doing today?” she asked the housekeeper.

“I think your father is very excited about going fishing. But I fear for my mistress. Do make sure she doesn’t overdo herself.”

“Of course. Thank you, Mrs Merriweather,” Diana said as she dipped her head towards the woman.

“You take care now. Enjoy the outing,” Mrs Merriweather called after her as Diana joined her parents in the carriage. Once situated, she waved out the carriage’s window at Mrs Merriweather as she stood waiting at the front door to see them off.

The carriage pulled away from the house, forcing Diana back onto the bench. She looked at her parents, thinking they seemed eager for their outing. But as Diana tucked a fallen strand of brown hair back behind her ears, all she could think about the discussion she’d had with Michelle.

The idea that the late Duchess was murdered only made Diana worry about her future. Would she ever learn the reason behind the death of the Duchess? And more importantly, did she now have to worry about her own life? Diana felt unnerved as the Duke’s carriage carried them to his manor once more.


Fitz was already out by the pond when he saw his carriage pull up the lane. He’d been a bit anxious this morning knowing that he’d be entertaining the Caseys once more. He knew that it was something he should grow used to because he was scheduled to be married to Miss Casey in just two weeks. They would, of course, be spending much time together once they were married. It was a matter that he’d paid much attention to as he observed his daily routine these last three days and came to understand that this habit would soon be broken by the presence of other people in his home. It took Fitz a lot of self-control to keep reminding himself the reason for this marriage and only hoped to hear the laughter of small children in his home soon.

Fitz had to admit that at least Miss Casey was a beauty. He watched as Lord and Lady Casey alighted from the carriage, followed closely by their daughter. Once the footman explained to the group that he was already prepared out by the pond, they turned towards him and started walking his way. It gave Fitz time to observe Miss Casey.

She walked with determination in each step, making him wonder how she truly felt about their marriage. She appeared pleasant enough, but clearly not as excited for the outing as her parents were. Her gown was a simple design of pale blue fabric, and Fitz had to remind himself of their large gap in rank. But as she drew closer and their eyes finally met clearly, he reasoned that there was something in her eyes that intrigued him. He saw Miss Casey as a very strong woman, and that was a trait he was curious to see more of.

“Good afternoon, Your Grace,” Lord Casey said in greeting, bringing Fitz’s attention to him as the man bowed before him, followed by a curtsey from Lady Casey and Miss Casey.

“Good afternoon, Lord Casey. I hope you are as eager as I am to catch some fresh fish for Cook,” Fitz said as he reminded himself to smile and not just stare at them.

“Indeed, good sir,” Lord Casey replied as he let go of his wife’s arm and started to roll up his sleeves. Fitz couldn’t help chuckling as he looked at Miss Casey for a moment longer. Their eyes locked, and she gave him a small smile before taking her mother’s arm.

“It’s good to see you this fine day,” Fitz said to Miss Casey, hoping to appear pleasant enough.

“Thank you, Your Grace. I am pleased to be here and to see my parents so happy with the chance to be outdoors,” Miss Casey replied as she looked at her parents. “I shall take my mother for a stroll around the pond. We then shall return to see if you have been successful in your pursuits.”

Fitz gave her a smirk as he observed her closely, thinking that if she’d been able to attend a Season in Town that she would have been married rather quickly for both her beauty and her charming words.

“Fishing can sometimes be a lengthy pursuit that requires time and patience,” Fitz reasoned.

“I’m a very patient woman,” Miss Casey replied with a smirk of her own. For a moment, Fitz wondered what it would feel like to kiss that smirk off her face. He was surprised by that feeling and quickly went about readying the fishing poles. It was then that Miss Casey led her mother away from the two gentlemen, giving Fitz a moment of peace.

“Out of all my children, I believe Diana to be the most special of them all,” Lord Casey commented before casting his line into the pond. Fitz was impressed with the distance in which he could cast his line and tried to mimic the older man’s technique. Though, he wasn’t as successful, causing Lord Casey to chuckle softly.

“And why do you say that, Lord Casey?” Fitz asked as he settled onto the grass next to the marquess. Though Fitz knew there was a large gap between their ranks, he wasn’t so proud of himself and his title not to join the older man on the soft grass while they fished. After all, he’d been taught to respect his elders regardless of rank.

“Diana grew up seeing all her older siblings grow and become married. She’s seen a lot about the real elements of life from a very young age. And now, as a grown woman herself, she is more refined and composed than any of her older siblings. She is a thinker and will share her opinion, do be aware of that. But her intelligence is one thing I never tried to discourage her from growing. You may fault me for it later once you two are properly married, but I will still have no regrets.”

“You surprise me, Lord Casey. I don’t believe many fathers would boast of their young daughter’s knowledge of things.” Lord Casey chuckled at this as he looked at Fitz.

“When you have lived as long as I have, and have borne the raising of five children, you begin to realize what characteristics make for a good person. Diana is as good as a person could be, and I believe that it’s because of her knowledge of life.”

Silence settled between them as Fitz contemplated what Lord Casey had shared for him. He’d expected the marquess to praise his daughter, to make her appear perhaps more intriguing to him than he already considered as a way to secure their marriage.

Fitz was a man of his word and would not break the engagement for as little as a disapproving thought about his intended. After all, he just needed a woman to bare his children. But he very much liked the way that Lord Casey spoke honestly with him. It seemed that Lord Casey didn’t care about rank, either.

By the time Miss Casey came around the pond with her mother, they both had a healthy glow to their cheeks. Fitz observed them closely, listening to their happy chatter. He wished to know what they were speaking of and only hoped that they were finding his estate suitable. It would soon be their home as well, and he wondered what they all thought of it. And more compelling, he wondered if Miss Casey had any thoughts of changing anything she saw before her.

“We have returned,” Lady Casey said happily. Fitz watched as Miss Casey helped her mother sit upon the grass next to her father. He could tell that the older woman was becoming feeble and wondered if he should have one of the footmen bring out a chair and pillow for her.

“Lady Casey, would you prefer a chair and a pillow to sit upon?” Fitz asked as he looked between the woman and Miss Casey.

“Oh, don’t fuss over such a thing. It’s been ages since I’ve enjoyed the outdoors so. I like to let my fingers run along the grass and remember the days when I was young and would venture out barefoot just to feel the grass between my toes.” Miss Casey laughed freely at her mother’s words, covering her mouth with the back of her hand. Fitz thought the sound of her laughter was very beautiful, a sound that he’d be willing to hear again and again. He reasoned that there were many aspects about Miss Casey that appealed to him as a man.

Fitz stilled as Miss Casey positioned herself upon the ground on the other side of him. She tucked her ankles behind her, covering her legs with the skirts of her gown. He was curious to catch a glimpse of her bare legs, but saw that Miss Casey was a true lady through and through.