Chapter 28
Fitz was sitting next to Diana’s bed as the morning faded into late afternoon. He’d returned to her side after her parents and former housekeeper had time to talk with her. Fitz was pleased to hear that Diana had eaten plenty and figured that the powders had made her tired once more. Now, all that Fitz was concerned about was the letter that he had in his hand.
He read it a few more times, trying to piece together everything he had been informed about. Lady Gunther had been tried for her crimes and was scheduled to be hanged for killing a duchess and attempting to kill a future duchess. The King hadn’t been pleased in the least and settled for Natale to suffer the ultimate punishment. But after receiving a full report of the trial, Fitz now had more bad news to share with Diana. He was hoping if he told her first that she could help him break the terrible news to her parents as well.
“Why such a long face?” came a soft voice. Fitz looked up from the letter in his hands and saw that Diana had awoken and was now looking at him. He forced a smile to his face as he rose from his chair and set the letter aside, coming to sit on the edge of the bed before he lowered himself down and kissed the top of her forehead.
“I’ve received a letter in the post today. It doesn’t have any good news in it,” Fitz explained, laying his body down next to hers so they could look into each other’s eyes.
“I don’t like the sound of that at all,” Diana said, reaching her hand forward slightly to rest it upon his. “Does it mean we can’t be married?”
Fitz furrowed his brow as he raised her hand to his lips, kissing her tenderly. “No, my dear. There is nothing in this world that will prevent our marriage. Besides, we’ve already been intimate. The ceremony is only to make a public appearance and to make things official.”
“Then what news did the letter contain?” Diana prompted as she sighed deeply, seeming to feel better now that she’d been reassured.
“I had one of my business associates attend the trial of Lady Gunther and report back to me so I didn’t need to be present. He was my representative and has sent me a full report of the hearing,” Fitz said, speaking slowly and softly. He didn’t wish to burden Diana with anything else since she was just barely recovering and coming back into consciousness.
“He explained that Lady Gunther is to be punished to the full extent. I reckon by now she’s already been hung.” Fitz stared into Diana’s eyes, watching her carefully to see how she would react to the news.
“It’s such a horrible situation all around,” Diana admitted. “But I do not feel any pity for Lady Gunther. Perhaps she will finally be at peace now that she is free from her mortal body.”
“Tis not something for us to consider or ponder any more, my dear,” Fitz said, wanting to help Diana move past all of this nasty business. “But there was more to the report. Lady Gunther confessed to having an accomplice to escaping Town and making it all the way out to the country. She was assisted by Lady Munster.” Fitz watched as Diana’s eyes grew large, then started to fill with tears.
“Are you saying that Vivian helped her? But how? And why?” Diana demanded to know.
“It is uncertain at this time. The report explains that Lady Munster will be taken to trial as well to explain herself and if she truly did help Natale,” Fitz explained.
“But we saw her talking with Natale in the village. We just didn’t know it was Natale at the time,” Diana said.
“I know, my dear. I understand how shocking all of this is. But I simply wanted to tell you what was happening and what most likely will happen if Lady Munster admits to helping Lady Gunther.”
Diana shook her head as tears filled her eyes. “Vivian will be hung, won’t she?” Fitz nodded, then moved closer to carefully pull Diana into his arms. He held the woman he loved as she wept for a time.
“I don’t understand why Vivian would do such a thing. I just don’t understand. I don’t want my sister to be hung,” Diana mumbled between her sobs.
“I understand, Diana. I understand what it’s like to go years without knowing such vital answers. And the worst part is, you may never know now,” Fitz said in a comforting voice. He didn’t want the woman he loved to feel any more pain than what she was going through. He held her the best he could without irritating her wound, hoping that this grief wouldn’t cause her any more pain.
“When are you going to tell my parents?” Diana asked once her sobs had subsided.
“I will once you are ready. I think it would be important if you all were together,” Fitz said.
“I’ll have my lady’s maid come and help me sit up. Then, you can bring them in,” Diana said in a certain voice.
“It doesn’t need to happen right away. We could even wait till tomorrow.”
“No, it would be better to have this done now than waiting any longer. I won’t be able to look at my parents until it is done.”
“So be it,” Fitz said as he eased his way off of the bed. He pulled the servants’ cord for Diana and then placed a kiss on her forehead. “You are such a strong woman,” he told her.
“Sometimes being strong is the only choice you have when you’re faced with such hardships. I desire to be stronger so I can walk down the aisle and finally marry you. I want to be there for my parents when they hear this dreadful news about one of their own children. It shall surely break their hearts.”
“I’m going to go and collect them now. I’ll be back shortly,” Fitz said, laying a hand on her shoulder for a moment before leaving her side. As Fitz walked out of her bedchamber, her lady’s maid was entering in a cheery disposition. Fitz hoped the younger woman would help to cheer her up because it wasn’t going to be easy to tell her parents something dreadful about one of their own children. Fitz walked down the hallway towards the stairs, his heart heavy with such a burden.
Diana was feeling sore again by the time her lady’s maid helped her get refreshed and back into bed with the pillows once more propped up against the headrest so she could sit with ease. She was taking plenty of deep breaths to force the throbbing in her side away. Sometimes it even felt like she was being stabbed all over again as her skin pulled at the burn, wanting to stretch and be free to move about once more.
When her bedchamber doors were opened, she looked up to see Fitz leading her parents into her room. They smiled at her, coming to the side of the bed and taking a seat in the chairs they had occupied earlier.