Over the years, Diana had become very observant of a person’s character. She watched how people acted in public settings versus how they appeared in private. She first learned this skill when she lived with her two other sisters, all sharing a bedroom and conversing together in private. She would listen to what they said together in their room compared to how they acted in public. It’s how she learned that most people were often two-faced. It also made her wonder why the Duke had appeared so grief-stricken at that moment before departing from them.

Diana followed her parents out of the manor as the butler held the door for them. They descended the stairs together, their path lit by torches so they could see clearly. Night had fully set in, and now they would return to their home through the dark and arrive to an even darker house. Though, as she climbed into the carriage after her mother, she realised that one day soon she would no longer be returning to her home but remaining at the manor after dinner.

Diana’s thoughts were quickly running away with her as her father stepped up into the carriage and settled himself down next to his wife. Then, the carriage began the journey home, leaving the halo of light from the courtyard and entering into the darkness of the countryside. Moonlight flickered into the carriage as it passed varies trees. Diana found it mesmerising and tried hard to focus on it instead of all the other nagging thoughts that wanted to fight for her attention.

“What a lovely evening,” Lady Casey said, breaking the silence of the ride home. “I can honestly say that I think the Duke is a delightful young man.” Diana smiled at this, focusing her eyes on her mother. She would readily agree with them but didn’t want to voice her opinion too soon on the man. After all, they’d only spent one evening together. However, Diana reasoned that it wouldn’t matter what her opinion of the Duke was because they would soon be married anyway.

“I would also add that the Duke is a kind man. He welcomed us into his home and treated us with respect, even though we are so lowly in rank compared to him,” Lord Casey said then. “I think it would be a good idea if the marriage happened as soon as possible.”

“Why do you think that, Father?” Diana asked, surprised by the idea. She figured that there would be a period of time for her and the Duke to become more acquainted before the actual marriage happened.

“In case the Duke has any second thoughts about going through with the marriage. Even though I think that a match between the two of you would be rather smart because it appeared to me that things were well between the two of you, my opinion doesn’t matter. It’s what the Duke thinks.”

“Oh, don’t give her false hope,” Lady Casey said then, a stern look upon her face. “Once the announcement has been posted in the papers, the Duke wouldn’t dare back down from the marriage. And I do agree that the Duke appeared to take a liking to our beautiful daughter.” Diana offered her mother a small smile of gratitude but wondered if she could see it in the dim light of the moon.

“Then I shall write to the papers tomorrow, if the Duke hasn’t already,” Lord Casey decided. “I shall wait upon his letter in the morning and will proceed from there.”

As silence resumed in the carriage, Diana turned her gaze and tried to watch the scenery pass by in the dark. Her thoughts turned back to the Duke and why he had looked so saddened at that moment. She wondered what had made him react that way and what secrets the man could still be keeping.

“I shall also write to all of the children and let them know of the upcoming marriage. They will see it in the papers no doubt, but I should like them to hear the news from me personally,” Lord Casey said as the carriage came up to the house. It was the one aspect of this whole arranged marriage that Diana was looking forward to. She couldn’t wait to hear about her older siblings’ reactions to learning that soon she’d become a duchess and surpass them all in rank.

As the carriage came to a stop in front of their small abode, the door was opened for them, and Diana allowed her parents to step down first. She followed closely behind them, making sure they found their way through the dark to the front door. As soon as her father pushed opened the front door, Mrs Merriweather was there with a lit candle to lead them into the house.

“It’s so good to see you all,” she said cheerfully, even though it was a late hour. “I can’t wait to hear all the wonderful details of the evening.”

“I shall tell you all as I ready for bed,” Lady Casey said with a small chuckle as Mrs Merriweather took her arm and began to lead her up the stairs. Diana stood at the bottom of the stairs and simply listened to the two of them chatter all the way to her mother’s bedchamber.

“What an evening,” Lord Casey said, pulling Diana’s attention to him.

“Yes, it was rather different from what I had originally imagined,” Diana admitted.

“And what exactly had you been expecting?” Diana saw the smile on her father’s face despite the darkness of the house. Only one other candle was lit in the foyer, and she would send it to bed with her father.

“I guess I didn’t expect the Duke to appear so young or have the characteristics of consideration or humour,” Diana admitted.

“Indeed, he is rather a witty one. I also like to think that you two hit it off right away.”

“I think the Duke has many amiable qualities. However, it makes me wonder why he chose an arranged marriage instead of attending a Season? He certainly could have any woman he desired. And surely there are other young ladies in the area that he could have chosen from.”

“If I had to make an educated guess, my dear, I would say that the Duke is still very heartbroken over the death of his late wife. I know if I lost your mother at his age, I would never remarry even if I hadn’t born an heir. And if there are any other young ladies in the neighbourhood, they are either married or have gone to Town for the Season.”

“I suppose you are right,” Diana mumbled in response. She had a deep desire at that moment to speak with her close friend Michelle to learn if she knew any more about the Duke’s past. Could he truly still be in love with his late wife? And if that was so, did that mean she would have a loveless marriage with no hope of ever gaining the Duke’s affection?

Diana bid her father goodnight as she took the stairs to her bedchamber in the near dark. She walked slowly, her hands out in front of her as she made her way through the familiar house. Her mind raced with all sorts of thoughts concerning the Duke and what her marriage would be like She figured that no matter what, she could get along with the Duke and still have her parents for company. She was sure she could perform her wifely duties in order to bear children, but since she hadn’t experienced that action in her life, she wasn’t sure of all that was required of her.

As Diana readied for bed and slipped underneath the bedcovers, she reasoned that her thoughts could trouble her tomorrow and leave her for the night. She simply focused on the positives for the night. And the most positive thing she could think of was the fact that her intended was a very handsome gentleman.