As he walked, he found himself missing his father, immensely. He wished, with all his heart, that things had gone differently. What he would have given, to have one more day with him. One more conversation, in which he could tell his father that he was in love with Lucy. His father would have been pleased. Even though they had disagreed with how Silas had conducted his life and affairs, they had been very close.
But Silas was glad that Lucy was giving him her heart. She was the balm that he had known would assuage his grief. He cherished her, and the moments that they stole together. He could envision their life together, and it was a happy one, something he’d never expected for himself. He imagined returning home to find her working on a painting. He would slip in behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and showering her with kisses.
As he made his way through the streets, his mind was full of nothing but her. He thought of the painting she was working on. There was passion in her work which rivalled that of most male painters. There was light and colour, shadow and depth.
It’s no longer enough to refer to her as “accomplished,”he thought.She’s truly gifted.
He was learning that it was a slight against young ladies not to refer to them as genius. Lucy would be able to focus on her work. She could grow. Silas could support her. He could afford to rent out gallery space for her to display her paintings. He knew gentlemen who were in the art world, and he could introduce her. He considered with pride that his wife would be an artist. He could make everyone take her seriously.
When he walked into the house, Michael met him near the door. He was frowning, as he usually was those days. Silas hoped that, one day, his brother would find happiness again.
“Where have you been?” he asked.
“Out walking,” Silas said, for he didn’t want to get Lucy in any trouble.
Michael studied him, clearly not pleased with his answer. “Well, Lord Browning is here.”
“What for?”
“We must discuss wedding plans,” Michael replied. “Later, we need to finish the invitations for the party.”
Silas smiled. There was never a dull moment. “Lead on, then.” He was pleased to pay for his sister’s wedding, as well as her dowry. There was money for it.
It was what his father would have wanted. He and Michael entered the room. Dinah’s lady’s maid sat in the corner, chaperoning Dinah and Lord Browning. Silas beamed at them.