Chapter 28

When Lucy and Silas returned to the parlour, Michael had arrived and Dinah and Aunt Joan were still there, talking. From the sound of it, they were still talking about Dinah’s forthcoming nuptials to the Marquess of Browning.

“Oh good! You’re all here,” Silas said, glancing at Lucy.

Lucy felt her cheeks heat up and she smiled. They were all looking at them expectantly. She glanced over at Silas again, who was beaming at her.

“Lucy has agreed to extend me the honour of courting her,” Silas announced, looking at Aunt Joan, who had gasped. “If you will grant me the permission to do so, Miss Wilds.”

“Of course!” Aunt Joan said, her hands clasped. “Oh! I’m so happy for you both.” The look of pure joy that Aunt Joan gave to Lucy spoke worlds.

“Silas! Lucy!” Dinah added. “You never told me!”

“Are you pleased, sister?” Silas asked.

“Very!” Dinah gasped, getting up and walking over to Lucy. She took both of Lucy’s hands in her own. “To think! When you two marry, you’ll be my sister!”

Lucy beamed. That was happy news, indeed. “I will find that absolutely delightful,” she said. The two friends embraced. Then, they all gathered on the settees.

“You must tell us how the two of you realized that you cared for one another,” Aunt Joan said, for she loved a good romance story. She would settle for a novel, but she preferred a true one.

“It was when we were talking, during the party,” Silas said. Lucy let him tell the story. She knew he would leave out the parts that were too racy for others’ ears. “I immediately knew that I cared for her, but it was the time apart and how often I thought of her that did it.”

Lucy noticed that Michael was frowning and silent. She wondered why. He caught her watching him and he smiled, albeit sadly, and nodded to her, turning his gaze towards his brother.

How odd, she thought to herself. She hadn’t ever spoken much to Michael Sweet. He had always seemed to be everything that was right and gentlemanly. His brow was furrowed in disapproval.I hope he isn’t angry. Though, she couldn’t think of a single reason why he would feel that way.

Unless he was jealous. Lucy thought she had seen him dancing with a very pretty lady at the party, during the summer. He had certainly never made any overtures to Lucy, so she wasn’t afraid that he was jealous in that manner.

Lucy knew Silas was courting her because he genuinely cared for her. But she knew, too—a viscount was expected to marry a proper lady. The advantage would be entirely on Lucy’s side. There was bound to be talk among the ton.