Ewan laughed. Baldwin appeared beside him, his black eyes boring into her. What was it about his gaze that made her forget, for a moment, who she was?

“Michael, hmm?” Baldwin said.

“I’ve heard he’s not exactly famous for his intriguing conversation,” Marta said.

Baldwin gave a light shrug. “Never thrilled me.”

“And not the sharpest amongst us,” Ewan continued.

“You must ensure I don’t dance with another dud.” Marta laughed. Her heart felt light, child-like. This flirtation thrilled her.

“Hasn’t Mother introduced you to Lewis Remington yet?” Ewan asked.

“I’m afraid she’s been too busy,” Marta said.

“She’s always the socialite, isn’t she?” Ewan said. “If you didn’t remind her of her age, I think she’d just assume she was still twenty-three.”

“That’s a good thing. I hope to remain always in such light spirits,” Marta returned.

“Not like Baldwin. Baldwin has always been approximately fifty years old,” Ewan said again, rapping his friend across the shoulder.

Marta grinned wider. Baldwin rolled his eyes and offered, “Not all of us can live the life of children, Ewan. Thankfully I’m always here for you to pick up the slack.”

“Oh! He has teeth,” Ewan said.

The Duke sauntered across the ballroom. He seemed amid conversation with a particularly beautiful brunette, a girl a full head shorter than Marta, with large breasts and a dark red gown. Marta swallowed and felt a strange jolt of jealousy. She didn’t know where it had come from. Now, as she turned her eyes back towards Baldwin, she realised that both he and Ewan had ogled the girl.

“Perhaps he’s already found a partner, regardless,” Marta said. It could be devastating—couldn’t be anything at all. These were people she hardly knew. One day soon, she’d be back in Austria. All of this would be a memory. Perhaps it would seem like a nightmare.

But almost on cue, the Duke spuns toward her Aunt Margaret. It seemed she’d said his name, although Marta couldn’t have heard it over the orchestra and the bubbling conversation. The Duke smiled at Aunt Margaret. It was a pleasant smile, one that didn’t stretch up towards his eyes. He leaned down a bit to listen to what she had to say. Then, his eyes traced up towards Marta. Their eyes locked.

Marta waited. She expected something to happen within her—that bubbling sensation that she was accustomed to when she was attracted to someone. Just now, she felt nothing but a stone in her stomach.

“Looks as though she’s trapped him,” Ewan said,his eyes sparkling. “Baldwin, I believe it’s time for both of us to go.”

Just before they turned away, however, Baldwin locked eyes with Marta. His eyes were humble, honest, the sort of eyes she could have gazed into for hours, days, years. She felt it, then: the fluttering.

But no. This was only Baldwin, her dear cousin’s best friend. He was an extension of the family and a boring extension at that.

Wasn’t he?

Aunt Margaret and Duke Remington approached, then. As they walked, the Duke’s blue eyes locked with hers once more. He seemed to half-listen to whatever it was Aunt Margaret prattled on about. When they finally reached Marta, she felt as though she’d been hunted. She clenched her glass of wine hard and prepared a smile: the sort of smile her Aunt Margaret wanted her to craft.

“Marta, I’d like to introduce you to Lord Lewis Remington,” Aunt Margaret said. Her voice was overly sweet, almost difficult to listen to as it was terribly high-pitched.

Lord Remington bowed a bit, yet kept his eyes up towards hers. “Good evening, Lady Schnitzler…”

Marta chuckled to herself. This was far different than the ordinary version of her name: Fraülein Schnitzler. She curtsied in response and said, “Thank you. It’s lovely to meet you, as well.”

“I spotted you when I first came in,” Lord Remington continued.

Aunt Margaret slowly slipped away, her eyes glowing. She seemed like a witch, one who’d just peppered a bit of magic through the air. Marta forced her eyes back to the rather delicious-looking Duke.

“What was that?”

“I mean, who could avoid sight of you? You’ve been the talk of the county for weeks now. We heard that the beautiful Austrian cousin prepared to join our humble season and, well. I don’t think it’s too great a stretch to say we all knew the world would never be the same as a result.”

Marta so yearned to roll her eyes. “You’ve been quite a subject as well, My Lord. And now I see why.”