Page 38 of For a Lady's Lust

And thankfully, Isaac was still accepted into the law community. This had a great deal to do with his brother’s influence, but Isaac preferred to think that it was because he was such a likeable young gentleman. But when Isaac found out all that Gregory had taken care of when Stephen was trying to end his good reputation (which was why he had been at Stephen’s estate the day of the duel), he decided to let Gregory take the credit where credit was due.

Isaac and Louisa set their wedding day three weeks from the date of their engagement, and to say that those weeks were a whirlwind was an understatement. The dowager duchess controlled most of the planning, but Martha put her two cents in where she could, and Louisa was allowed to pick out one or two details that pleased her. Isaac was left out of the planning entirely, which suited him well, as he did not wish to get involved in such a stressful affair.

In those three weeks as well, Louisa and Isaac tried to spend as much time together as they could. They were so enjoying partaking in each other’s company without having to be secretive or withholding any sort of a secret.

One afternoon, Isaac came to visit Louisa, and they went for a walk through the woods where Isaac had come upon Louisa so many moons ago. When they came upon the spot where Louisa had fallen, Isaac had to laugh. “Is there anything I can do to ensure that you do not slip on any of these rocks once again?” he teased.

But something in Louisa’s eyes lit up, and she responded, “I suppose that the safest position to take to ensure that I won’t slip is for both of us to lie down in the grass here ...” Louisa winked at her fiancé and allowed one of the sleeves of her dress to fall down.

Isaac instantly felt his desire stirring. “If that would be the most convenient position for you,” he responded, “then I suppose we should do that, shouldn’t we?”

Isaac plopped down into the long, comfortable grass and lay on his back, grinning goofily up at Louisa. Louisa, on the other hand, did not chuckle or laugh. She had a determined look in her eyes and began undoing her dress as she moved towards him.

“Mr Quince,” she said seductively, “when I came upon you in the library, you performed a rather intimate act upon me, but did not give me the chance to reciprocate. Would you like me to …”

“Yes,” Isaac purposefully interrupted her. “I mean, yes, please. But only if you do not finish me, for I am aching to be inside of you once more.”

Louisa allowed her dress to slip from her body and stood before him in only her petticoat and corset. Isaac devoured her with his eyes and could feel his member longing for her touch. “But Mr Quince,” she said playfully, “you’ll already be inside me ... in a way.”

With that, Louisa pounced on Isaac. She did not even kiss him; she simply took down his pants just enough so that his throbbing cock was sprung forth, and then licked the tip of it with her tongue as she looked him in the eyes.

“Ohhh, my God ...” Isaac moaned, leaning his head back against the rock behind him. He put one hand on his head as he felt momentarily light-headed, but then he focused that feeling into one of pleasure. And that combined with the view of Louisa’s mouth poised to take him inside of her, as well as her supple breasts pressed against her by her corset was enough to drive Isaac to the brink.

“That ... doesn’t feel good at all, does it?” Louisa teased, licking him from his base to tip once more. Isaac closed his eyes this time and let the arousal wash over him.

“Of course not,” Isaac said in the calmest voice he could muster, given the situation. “That’s why I’m having ... no problem talking ...”

“Mmmm,” Louisa responded with her lips pressed up against his shaft. “That’s good. Then as long as you keep talking sensibly to me, I’ll keep doing this.”

Isaac looked down at his fiancée smiling wickedly at him, and he so desperately wanted to pull her on top of him and fuck her until he came inside of her, hard. But instead, he played along.

“I’m never one to back down from a challenge,” Isaac responded. He took one last look at Louisa poised and ready, and then closed his eyes, attempting to concentrate. As soon as he started speaking, though, Louisa put him inside of her warm, wet mouth, and he could feel her sucking on him. This was a cruel, cruel punishment. “See? I can still sp ... speak perfectly normally; in fact, I can speak so well while you’re doing this that I ...”

Isaac groaned suddenly because his tip had just hit the back of Louisa’s throat, and he was fully inside her mouth. But when he made the noise, Louisa pulled him out and chastised him, saying, “What did I say about talking? Keep going, or I’ll stop!”

Isaac growled in sexual frustration but obeyed her. “I shall recite the best work of poetry that I know, then,” he continued, and Louisa slipped him back inside her mouth. She began sucking and moving him in and out of her while supplementing the movement with her hand.

It was such an effective manoeuvre that Isaac very nearly came right then and there. He tried desperately to recite whatever poem it was that he had started out trying to, but when he could not, he just gave up and hoped that Louisa would not stop.

And thankfully, she did not. She continued easing him in and out of her mouth in the most tantalizing way, and he put his hands on either side of her head. He could feel his body beginning to tense up, and the pleasure was starting to move its way up his legs. He knew that if she continued, he would not be able to last much longer, and so after he had moaned and growled in enough pleasure, he gently stopped her and said, “If you want me in between your legs, you’re going to have to stop that soon.”

Louisa pouted and crossed her arms in front of her, pushing her breasts upwards even more. “That simply is not fair,” she complained in jest, “for I was just getting to the good part!”

Isaac chuckled sexily and leaned in towards her. Their faces were centimetres apart, but Isaac did not kiss her. He took his hand, slipped it beneath her underclothes, and placed it between his legs. “Oh, no,” Isaac whispered, “that cannot have been the best part, for I have not yet made you finish as hard as I did the last time. So be a good girl and let me feel you spray upon me.”

Isaac began encircling Louisa’s clitoris immediately, and her eyes automatically shut. He continued teasing her with one hand, and with the other, he undid her corset. It was a good deal harder than he thought it would be, but he persisted, and when it slipped off of her, and her heaving breasts swung in front of his face, he began caressing them with his tongue and lips.

Louisa climbed on top of him so that he could continue doing what he had been, but also so that she could stroke his member and rub it between her lips. When Isaac removed the hand that had been stroking her and began rubbing his tip against her with more fervor, the moaning that she had been doing a moment before turned into desperate whimpers. Isaac kept stroking her and kissing her nipples that were now quite firm from arousal until Louisa became quite quiet, and he could hear her breath catching in her throat. He knew that it was time.

And so, in one swift movement, he guided himself between her lips and glided inside of her. As soon as she felt him within her, throbbing and silken, she clamped down as hard as she could and desperately clutched Isaac’s head. In a moment of what he could only describe as pure genius, he began playing with her clitoris once more, and that sent her careening into a blissful orgasm. She cried out in pleasure, desperately bucking against Isaac’s pelvis, and he could feel her releasing her warm wetness all around him.

While Isaac would have ordinarily taken a moment and allowed Louisa to recover from her climax, he had read in a volume that Gregory had kept hidden in his room that often, if the man worked quickly enough, he might be able to assist the woman to achieve orgasm once more. And so instead of slowing down, Isaac thrust inside of her quicker and deeper.

The only problem with that was that he had not taken his own pleasure into account, and found that as he pounded Louisa’s warm, wet slit harder and harder, he became certain he would finish before she did once again.

But then, Louisa began whimpering and moving her hips forward and back in time with Isaac’s thrusts in and out, and he knew that she was not very far from the edge. Isaac could feel the release building in the base of his member, and he tried his very best to withhold it for as long as he could, and thankfully, it paid off.

He made a last few urgent thrusts inside her, and then she tumbled off him, trying to clamp her legs together to contain her spray. Isaac, however, was having none of that, and so he encouraged her legs open, stroked her a few more times and then Louisa’s back arched, and she moaned, “Oh God!” and then her pleasure spilled forth from between her legs and onto Isaac’s waiting member.

Finally, Isaac allowed himself to be pushed over the edge, and as he watched Louisa convulsing in delight, he too sprayed all over her as he felt his orgasm hit him like a train. “Ohh yes,” he growled as he kept stroking himself long after he had finished, just trying to ride the wave for as long as he could. He could feel that the lower half of his body was drenched in sweat, and a cool breeze swept by and made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. When he finally opened his eyes again, he was overjoyed to see Louisa gazing back at him lovingly.

“You aren’t going to run away like you did the last time, are you?” Isaac asked her in jest.

Louisa smiled naughtily. “If I did, what would you do to me?” she dared him.

Isaac chuckled. “For that type of punishment, Miss Louisa, I’m afraid that you’ll have to wait until our wedding night.”

Isaac crawled on top of his soon-to-be wife and kissed her passionately, and then the couple laid in each other’s arms for the rest of the afternoon, drinking in their lover’s passion.