Page 3 of For a Lady's Lust

Chapter 2

The enchanting dark-haired woman had come to see Isaac once more. This time, he was sitting in a room that he did not recognize and was wearing far less clothing than the occasion called for. But when she appeared in front of him wearing only a chemise and her bloomers, it did not matter that Isaac was only wearing his drawers.

As she walked towards him and whispered his name, her clothing fell away, and soon she was standing in front of him, beckoning for him to reach out and touch ...

There was a pounding on Isaac’s door that jolted him awake. He bolted upright and called, “Yes?” as his heart raced in his chest.

“The sun has been up for hours, brother,” he heard his elder brother, Gregory, call through the door. “You said you would be up at dawn, and I am rather disappointed in you.”

“I’ve been awake for hours,” Isaac lied, rubbing his eyes sleepily. “I shall come down to breakfast, momentarily, after I have finished writing my ... my journal for the day.”

“Of course, your journal,” Gregory shouted, not believing a word his brother had said. “Just come down soon, all right?”

“Quick as I can,” Isaac called back, leaning back and rolling onto his side to face the wall. He cursed his brother for having interrupted such a wonderful dream, and once he heard Gregory’s footsteps retreating, he closed his eyes and tried to bring the young woman back to him.

He couldn’t quite make out her face, but when he was able to conjure up the image of her tantalizing, entrancing body once more, he stroked himself beneath the covers. His erection was so stiff it was almost painful this morning, and so he edged himself close to release rather quickly.

He focused on what her breasts might look like when he tore off her corset, or how her lips might feel as he slipped inside of them to ease her begging for his throbbing cock. Then, at last, he imagined bringing her so much pleasure that she wrapped her legs around him to draw him the deepest she could inside of her. He envisioned feeling her intermittently clamp down on him and release when she reached an orgasm, and that made him groan noiselessly and release.

When he had finished, he felt clammy and cold as he usually did, but there was a lingering thought in his head. While he could not place who the young woman was when he was pleasuring himself, he could now see her face very clearly but could not recall her name.

She was the daughter of the family who’d been disgraced by their connection to Nathan Fennett. She had such an enchanting face that as Isaac cleaned himself up and got dressed, he could not get her off of his mind.

By the time he went down for breakfast, Isaac had his mind sharpened and ready for the day. He was not the type to fixate upon a young woman, for he always had far more serious, scholarly pursuits to think about. He had finished his tenure at university not long ago and was now working to become a well-respected lawyer.

He specialized in business affairs, as he had learned a great deal about their dealings from his father when he was growing up. Now that his father was gone, he and his brother were determined to do well by their family’s name and to assist their mother, Agnes.

When Isaac reached the dining room, Gregory was reading the paper at the end of the table and Agnes had pulled her chair over to the window. She was gazing out it into the sunlight as she sipped her morning tea. When he entered the room, Gregory looked up from his paper and said rather obnoxiously, “Well, well, GOOD AFTERNOON!”

“Oh, Gregory,” Agnes had scolded him, “do not tease your brother like that. He was up very late last night studying your father’s books again, and so I am glad to see that he is well-rested.” She placed her teacup on the windowsill and looked at Isaac lovingly. “Good morning, Isaac, how did you sleep?”

“Quite well, thank you, Mama,” he responded politely. “Might I look in the paper when you’re done, Gregory?” His older brother had been taunting him since the day he was born, and so Isaac had learned to deal with it by utterly ignoring it and trying to take the high road. It only rarely worked, but when it did, it made Isaac feel very high and mighty.

“Mmmm ...” Gregory said thoughtfully, “you could, but there’s nothing interesting in it. Oh, except this home for sale on the rough side of town. You said you were looking for investment properties, right? This one would be PERFECT!”

Gregory said everything so sarcastically that even though Isaac sometimes had difficulty reading social cues, he knew he was continuing to taunt him. Gregory handed Isaac a part of the paper, and Isaac looked over it seriously.

The excerpt described the property asAn elegant, modestly sized home with excellent amenities. Well-kept with a great deal of potential.There were a few other descriptions of it, but what interested Isaac the most was the address.

“Mama,” he tried to say casually. “Where did that woman who you acquired some pieces of art from reside?”

Agnes looked to her son with her brows knitted. “I can’t recall exactly ... was it not somewhere near the Lamberton farm?” she asked him.

Isaac had to resist smiling. That was precisely what he had wanted to hear, as the woman in question was the mother of the young woman he had dreamed about, and this advertisement was for the sale of her house. “Yes, I believe it is, thank you,” he replied.

“Why do you ask?” his mother enquired.

“No reason … it was just a memory I was having difficulty placing,” Isaac lied. Thanks to this interaction, Isaac could now remember the beautiful young woman’s name: Louisa Pelham. Isaac decided that he would go and enquire about this property this very morning so that he did not have to wait another minute to see her.

He wolfed down the big breakfast that Mrs Iver had made for him and then excused himself from the table. “I must go into town to enquire about a ... position,” Isaac lied again to his mother and brother.

“Oh how exciting!” Agnes cried, clapping her hands. “I am certain that they will accept you, Izzy. Who wouldn’t want to have a well-bred young man like yourself in their firm?”

“Yes,Izzy,” Gregory teased him, “it makes no difference that you’re a bona fide genius; all that counts is your excellent breeding for a position such as this!”

Agnes glared at her elder son and said, “You know that isn’t what I meant, Gregory, and I should ask you to speak to your mother and brother more kindly. I did not think I would need to give you this talk at your advanced age.”

Gregory suddenly turned bashful and mumbled, “Sorry, Mama.” While the boys did enjoy tormenting each other, they also knew the importance of trying to rein it in around their mother.