Page 20 of For a Lady's Lust

Chapter 11

When Louisa awoke the next morning, she was vaguely aware of a knocking on the door. She did not, however, rise to answer it. She thought that because she had been up so late with her father going over the corrections that he had wanted to make to the bill of sale for the house that her mother could take care of the early morning visitor. However, when she heard another, more urgent knock on the door, she bounded out into the front entranceway. She silently cursed her mother as she did this, for she knew that it shouldn’t have had to be her responsibility.

When she opened the door, a slender, tall, attractive older man with long, straight blond hair was standing in the doorway. He was wearing exceptionally fine clothes, far too expensive for anyone visiting their home, especially at this hour of the morning, and he wore a smile that unnerved Louisa.

He had a long, slim face with a small nose and big eyes that seemed to swallow Louisa whole when they landed upon her. Immediately, Louisa got the feeling that this man wanted to see her, but she was very certain that she did not wish to see him for some reason.

“Good Morning, Miss Louisa,” the man said. He had a strange way of over-accentuating his s’s that made him sound like a snake in Louisa’s mind. “And what a fine morning it is to have found you on. Might I come in? My name is Stephen Strandmere, and I am an old friend of an acquaintance of yours.”

Louisa was very wary of this visitor, especially considering he did not mention exactly how he knew her and that she was not yet properly dressed. “I do apologize,” Louisa said in an overly-polite way, “but I have not yet had time to prepare myself or our home for the day ahead. Might you come back at a later time when I have …”

“Oh, do not worry yourself withpresentationor any silly thing such as that,” Stephen hissed. “But if you are truly concerned about the state of your home, then I shall wait for you in the garden so that you might ... freshen up.”

In the pause before he said his last two words, Stephen had looked down at Louisa’s body in a way that made her want to conceal every part of it so that he could not look at her. But as she was still trying to remain polite, she simply said, “Thank you. I shall be with you momentarily.”

Louisa closed the door sharply in Stephen’s face; her one small act of resistance against his eerie demeanour. She could still feel his eyes upon her, even though she knew that was impossible, and so she shook every part of her body in an attempt to rid herself of it. She then scurried into her room, quickly dressed and washed her face in the basin, and then steeled herself for whatever it was that this mysterious visitor was going to say to her.

Ever since her sister had disappeared with that married man, Louisa had become accustomed to people she had never met knowing her entire life’s story. It seemed that when one was cut out of society, their personal life did not remain their own.

When she used to go into town to fetch supplies that her family needed, she would return home feeling like carrion that had been picked away at by vultures. She had heard so many whispers every time she caught anyone’s eye while she was out that eventually, she found she could no longer convince herself to go into town. Sophie had been incredibly understanding, which was why she now did all of the errands.

However, the way Stephen appeared to know her was somehow different from the way all of those people did. There was something about him that seemed to warn Louisa right from the start. Underneath that handsome, rich exterior, he seemed to have an air of cruelness.

When Louisa entered the garden, she saw to her dismay that Stephen had chosen to sit on the same bench that she and Isaac had yesterday. She should have expected it, as it was one of the only places to be properly seated in the small garden, but it still made her rather sad to think that her pleasant memories from sitting on it yesterday would be erased by whatever was about to unfold on that bench.

She came around the corner, and Stephen kept his eyes on her the whole time. She sat as far away as she possibly could from this creepy man, and yet it still did not seem far enough. He began speaking as soon as she had made herself comfortable.

“Thank you for agreeing to see me, Miss Louisa,” Stephen said, crossing his hands into his lap. “While I am sure that you must have many questions as to who I am and what I stand for, I promise that if you are patient in listening to what I have to propose to you, I shall reveal all.”

“I am glad to hear that,” Louisa quipped. “Did you want me to get my mother so that she might hear …”

“No one else,” Stephen barked sharply, and when Louisa jumped at the sound of his voice, he retreated. “I do apologize; I did not mean to frighten you. I only wish to speak to you right now, so I hope that you shall oblige me.”

Louisa nodded warily but did not smile. She was beginning to feel the need that she had previously experienced to be polite quickly ebbing away.

“I shall begin by telling you that I heard of your father’s most unfortunate attack when I was at the market yesterday,” Stephen told her, looking out into the field beyond the garden. Louisa closed her eyes for a moment and thoughtSophie. Why did you have to go and open your big mouth when you went into town? Now look what you’ve got us into!“I was most distressed to hear of such a development, especially that it happened to a family in a situation such as yours.”

A menacing smile crept across Stephen’s face, and his eyes narrowed slightly.Well,Louisa thought,I had a feeling that this day would come. Stephen seems to be exactly the type of person to try and take advantage of my family in this trying time, but thankfully he seems dull enough to be able to reject quite easily.

“And so,” he continued, taking one of his hands and placing it upon the old wooden bench so that it was slightly closer to Louisa’s, “I thought therehadto be something that I could do to assist you in your miserable state. I am nothing if not charitable, after all.”

You were right!Louisa congratulated herself.And now, here comes the ‘I shall assist you if you will assist me’ proposition. But I do wonder what he might ask of me and offer me. Perhaps he would like me to discover secrets of others in the village, and in return, he shall pay me. Or maybe he’s got a nice position lined up for me as the housemaid for some rich but absolutely miserable old man. Whatever it is, I must refuse it, as it is never a good idea to become connected with men such as this.

“How kind of you to think of us like that, Mr Strandmere,” Louisa said, this time layering on the fake gratitude. “I never dreamed that someone of your status would come to us in a time like this and be so generous.”

Stephen lapped up everything that Louisa gave him. “I am so glad that you see it that way, Miss Louisa, for I know that others in the past have been far less ... open to my assistance and things between us have turned out ... most unfortunately.”

The way he said those last two words made Louisa’s whole body clench. She knew now that she had to listen to Mr Strandmere’s proposition for the sake of her family’s reputation. And the worst part of all was that she was likely going to have to accept it, or everyone around her would suffer even more than they were right now.

“I cannot imagine how anyone could be so foolish as not to hear out your proposition, Mr Strandmere,” Louisa said. “Please, do go on.”

Stephen bowed his head in gratitude. “Miss Louisa, you are, if you don’t mind me saying, a beautiful young woman,” he started explaining, and immediately, Louisa wanted to be sick.Do not go there, please do not go there,Louisa begged inside her head. “And I frankly find it a shame that you have so few suitors who are looking to marry you. I, however, intend to change that.”

Perhaps he has a friend who he wishes you to meet, and perhaps that friend is actually quite nice,Louisa hoped. But she knew in her heart of hearts that there would be no friend that Stephen would be offering to her ... it would be him.

“For you see,” he continued, “I have remained a bachelor for my entire life, and I do not wish to be one anymore. And so, I have decided to ask for your hand in marriage. That will gain you and your family entrance back into society, and your parents will be well cared for for the rest of their days.”

Louisa had to turn away from the visitor, as tears were forming in her eyes. She had known this was coming, and yet it still appalled her to her very soul. To think that a person could even suggest that another might marry them as a sacrifice to save the rest of their family was beyond Louisa’s comprehension.