With that, the young man continued on his way. Had Percy been facing Lydia, he would have seen her eyes positively light up.

“I know exactly what book he is speaking of!” she cried.

Percy whirled around and stared at her. “You do?”

Lydia nodded emphatically. “Yes, it’s by that Jenner, fellow! I cannot remember the title, but my father had a copy in his possession for a time as well. I only read a few sections of it, but I was enthralled by the idea.”

With that as their jumping-off point, Lydia and Percy continued speaking together for the rest of the dance. They were so engaged in conversation that neither of them noticed their usual anxieties, instead putting their energy into trying to remember the names of influential doctors.

“And that is why I believe Dr Jenner’s hypothesis to be a brilliant one,” Percy finished after a moment.

“I agree entirely,” Lydia said. “His thoughts on the matter are unparalleled, and I ...”

As Lydia was watching Percy, however, a strange look came across his face. He looked just past her and went rather pale. Lydia instantly knew that she had said something wrong, for Percy seemed to suddenly have zero interest in what she was saying.

“I must be going,” Percy said in a standoffish manner. He physically, but gently, pushed Lydia aside, walked right by her, and disappeared into the crowd without a single backwards glance. She could hardly believe what had just transpired, felt tears collecting in her eyes, but did not allow them to spring forth. Instead, she turned on her heel and went to find Marianne.