He retreated to the house, feeling far less foggy-headed than he had when he set out. He decided against retreating to his room immediately, instead going to his study for a bit of a change of scenery. It felt good not to just be cooped up in his darkened room, and he found that being surrounded by his work actually aided him a great deal.

About fifteen minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

“Come in,” Percy called to the person, now feeling far more ready to see people.

The door opened, and to his surprise, Lewis entered slowly. “Good afternoon, chap. Can I enter without fearing for the state of my shirt collar?”

Percy chuckled. “Yes, yes, that was yesterday’s nonsense, come sit.”

Lewis still walked rather hesitantly towards his best friend but did take the seat in front of Percy’s desk. When he sat, he fidgeted for a few seconds, and Percy figured he was unsure of how to start the conversation that needed to happen between the two of them. He decided to be kind to his friend and try to start the conversation himself, but then they both started speaking simultaneously.

“Percy, I’m very sorry …”

“Lewis, I need to explain my behaviour …”

When they both stopped talking, they chuckled, and Percy said, “You first.”

“I’m very sorry for sneaking around behind your back as we did. We should have told you from the start, but because we didn’t, I very much understand why you felt betrayed. I hope that in time you’ll come to realize the depth of my affection for Georgiana, and know that all of my intentions with her are honourable,” Lewis expressed in a heartfelt manner.

Percy was quiet for a moment, taking in what Lewis had said. “Now that I have had time to process your relationship, I must tell you that I take back all of the horrid things I said about you and Georgiana, and I am very sorry. I still need some time to come to terms with it …”

“And you have every right to take whatever time you need, my friend,” Lewis interrupted. “I also want you to know that I am not planning on rushing things with Georgiana. Although I already know that I love her more than I ever will any other woman, I know that she still needs time and space. I intend giving her whatever she needs, and if it turns out that we are not meant to be together later, then I shall just have to accept that.”

Percy was taken aback. He had already been impressed by the mature way in which Lewis spoke with Georgiana, but now that he was telling him exactly what he wanted to hear in regards to his sister, he could hardly believe it.

“My God, man,” he said, taking his best friend’s hand and shaking it. “I don’t believe you could have impressed me any more if you’d tried.”

Lewis let out a great sigh of relief. “Thank goodness. I was absolutely terrified that this conversation would end with you throwing me out of this house and telling me never to show my face here again!”

The two men laughed, and Percy felt so much more comfortable with the idea of Lewis and Georgiana courting.

“To tell you the truth,” Percy told him, “I’m quite relieved that Georgiana will have you to keep her out of trouble from now on. Best of luck with that!”

Lewis started laughing again, but then stopped abruptly. “She isn’t … that hard to keep out of trouble, is she?”

Percy shrugged and was just about to answer when the door to the study opened again. Georgiana poked her head in and said, “Has the storm passed? Is it safe for me to come in?”

“Don’t be silly; yes it has,” Percy replied, and Georgiana skipped happily into the room and came to stand beside Lewis’ chair.

“Good!” Georgiana exclaimed. “If you hadn’t accepted our love, then I was going to threaten to go back to taunting you with Arthur!”

All three of them laughed, and then Lewis said, “One other thing I felt I needed to bring up with you was that Lydia Seymour is set to be engaged to Edmund Russell any day now … were you aware of this?”

Percy nodded sadly. “Unfortunately, yes. But I don’t know if there is much I can do about that.”

He leaned back in his chair, feeling very sorry for himself and looking rather pathetic. But that didn’t last long, as Georgiana and Lewis quickly began encouraging him.

“Brother,” Georgiana began, “I know that you may not have fully recovered from the shock of our relationship, but I must tell you that you are being utterly ridiculous.”

Percy looked at his sister, indignantly. “I most certainly am not. I am being realistic about the situation, and know that there is almost nothing I could do to …”

“There is so much you could do!” Georgiana shouted at him. “As I said before, Lydia is the best thing that is ever going to happen to you. If you let her go and marry Edmund Russell, then I shall never forgive you.”

“I’m afraid I must agree with Georgiana, Percy,” Lewis replied. “Miss Seymour is a truly remarkable young woman, and all that you have to do to be with her is ask your mother for permission to court her, and then ask her parents the same thing. I cannot promise that your mother will agree to it, but I know that asking her will be worth it, and you will regret it if you don’t!”

“Are … are you sure?” Percy asked them hesitantly. “Do you think I really have a hope with Lydia if I act now?”

They both nodded emphatically.

“You must act before he proposes to her!” Georgiana cried. “Go and speak with Mama right this minute, and then take the carriage to Lydia’s house and profess your love for her!”

Georgiana and Lewis were nodding at him as though this was a great idea, but Percy was feeling a little overwhelmed. “Slow down, shouldn’t I wait until …”

“NO!” they both cried in unison.

“Waiting too long was what got you into this mess in the first place!” Georgiana cried. “Lydia should not have to wait a moment longer for you, go now, go now!”

They both practically shoved Percy out of the door of his study, and so he set off down the hall to the sitting room where his mother was. He was more nervous than he had been in his whole life, but it felt good because he knew he was doing the right thing. He was going to win back the love of his life.