“I completely understand why you feel that way,” Percy commiserated with her, “and I am sorry that I did not do that sooner. The difference in our classes does not bother me at all. In fact, I believe that the fact that we have come from different classes has made me feel more relaxed around you.”

Lydia gave him a small smile, and then he continued, “However, I am concerned that my mother will feel differently. I know that she wants me to be with whoever will make me the happiest, but of course, there are societal expectations that she is constantly reminding me of.”

Now, Lydia was looking rather sad, so Percy knew that he needed to get to his point quickly. “But having said that,” he wrapped up, “my mother does not speak for me, and I know that whoever I choose to love is ultimately my decision. She has given me a great deal of freedom when it comes to my future and who I associate with, so I believe that if I were to court you more formally, there might be a chance that she’d understand.”

Lydia cocked an eyebrow. “There might be chance, you say?” she said mischievously. Percy was relieved to see that she was happy with what he had said.

“Oh yes,” Percy said, feeling himself getting excited as well. He took a step towards her, brushing a stray curl behind her ear. “I believe that there is a very good chance.”

Lydia positively beamed. “Well then,” she said as she stepped closer into him, “I suppose if that is the direction this is going in, then we shouldn’t let this perfectly good bed go to waste, now should we?”

Percy shook his head. “Certainly not. Would you, by any chance, like to ... lie upon it with me?”

Lydia nodded emphatically, and when the two of them lay down in bed together, they immediately kissed and began teasing one another again. This time, Lydia was very generous to Percy, and after they had passionately kissed for a long time, she teased his cock with her mouth. When he tried to pull her up to him so that he could have some fun between her legs as well, Lydia denied him.

Percy knew that he wouldn’t last much longer in Lydia’s mouth, though, but when he tried to communicate that by saying desperately, “I ... I can’t ... I’m going to,” Lydia just kept pumping him in and out of her mouth. Finally, he gave into the pleasure and allowed himself to explode down the back of her throat. It was the most arousing moment of his life so far, to look down as he was climaxing and see Lydia’s mouth around him with her eyes gazing up at him.

When he finally stopped pulsating and erupting, Lydia slid him out of her mouth, and he positively pounced on her. “I’m afraid that I must punish you for the torture that you employed upon me there, Miss Seymour,” he growled at her.

Lydia smiled wickedly at him. “Oh yes?” she responded with a mischievous grin on her face. “And how would you go about doing that?”

Percy moved so quickly that Lydia didn’t even have time to fully understand what was about to happen. He flipped her over onto her back, lifted her from her stomach so that she was standing on all fours, and then began stroking her clitoris.

Lydia cried out quietly with pleasure, and when Percy had played with her enough that she became quite wet, he continued rubbing her exactly as she wanted and then inserted his fingers inside her. When he did, Lydia whispered under her breath, “Yes, please, yes,” and Percy knew that he was hitting the right spots.

He kept stroking that special spot inside her that made her legs quake and circling his thumb around her clitoris until he could hear her breath quickening. He then decided to be especially cruel and take it slower, and Lydia noticed right away. “Wh ... what are you doing?” she panted.

“Oh, just taking my time,” Percy teased in a sultry voice. “I’m savouring every move you’re making, and every sound I’m hearing escape your lips.”

“Mhmm,” Lydia purred, “but you know that you’re ... you’re making me wait longer to release,” she explained as though he didn’t already know what he was doing. “And ... and if you keep doing that, there are going to be serious consequences for you the next ... next time we ...”

Lydia then let out a louder moan, and Percy had to remind her to keep her voice down. “You’re telling me that there’s definitely going to be a next time, Lydia?” he asked her. He watched Lydia nodding desperately and let out a low chuckle. “Well, if you’re promising me that we can do this again ... then I suppose I might ... just might ... give you the ultimate pleasure.”

With that, Percy hiked up Lydia’s skirts a little more so that he could look at her plump, enticing bottom. Lydia took a breath in when she realized what he was doing, but Percy didn’t give her a chance to say anything else. Instead, he put his lips right against the part of her that he had just exposed and flicked his tongue against it.

The moment he did that, Lydia collapsed onto the bed, her juices exploding out of her like a ripe peach. Percy watched her tense and release repeatedly, and was so turned on by watching how her body moved below her skirts that he felt himself getting hard once again.

But he knew that they couldn’t start anything else because people were likely already starting to wonder where they were. And so instead, he lay down beside Lydia and held her as she finished coming down from her climax.

When she finally stopped shaking and moaning, she pulled herself more tightly inside of his embrace. “Th ... thank you,” she mumbled, kissing his hand, and she pressed herself against him.

Percy kissed the back of her neck and smiled. “I should be the one thanking you,” he whispered. “Watching you take me in while I finished was almost too much for me.”

Lydia giggled and then said the words that made him want to take off his pants and plunge himself deep in between her legs: “I couldn’t help it ... you just tasted so good!”

They both laughed mischievously, with Percy kissing Lydia as they did. Eventually, they were able to pick themselves up off of the bed, and when they had ensured they looked the same way they had when they’d entered the room, they sneaked back out into the still-empty hallway and dashed back to join the party.

When Percy and Lydia re-entered the main room where the party was taking place, Percy was baffled to see that Lewis and Georgiana were no longer with Marianne.

“Hello, loves!” Marianne cried happily, flinging her arms around Lydia when she saw them. “I’m so happy you’re back! We’ve been having such a grand time while you were gone, but it just hasn’t been the same without you!”

Percy could tell that Marianne had got some drink into her somehow, and when he looked to Lydia, he could tell that she knew, too. “Then I am glad that we found you!” Lydia said happily, trying to control her friend’s wildly waving arms. “Do you know where Lewis and Georgiana went?”

Marianne shook her head vigorously. “No idea,” she mumbled drunkenly. “Lewis said something about looking at the stars and Georgiana ... she whispered something about ... something about a handsome man?”

Percy’s stopped breathing for a moment. “A handsome man?” he double-checked with Marianne.

“Mhmm!” Marianne said proudly, as though she had remembered exactly where Georgiana had gone. “She ... she wanted to dance with a handsome man!”