Percy chuckled, and it sent Lydia’s heart into a flutter. “That sounds like just the right honeymoon for our books,” he said quietly. He started moving in towards her, and with each step he took, Lydia became more excited. “Do you think that they just read each other the whole time that they were in the little cottage together? Or ... was there anything else they did?”

At the mention of this, Lydia’s heart began pounding. Of course, she knew what he was alluding to, but there was some small part of her that was terrified that if she continued in the direction she thought the conversation was heading that Percy might tease her. Perhaps he was not speaking about making love at all; perhaps he was just harmlessly flirting and talking about ... kissing, or something innocent like that.

And so, Lydia decided to start off slowly. “Oh no,” she said with a small smile on her face. “There were many other things they did together. They baked delicious bread, drank so much tea that their bellies couldn’t handle it, and ...” but then she trailed off. She had wanted to say something seductive but had lost her nerve.

Percy, however, had not. “And perhaps they spent a good deal of time together ... in bed,” he continued for her in a deep, seductive voice. “Perhaps they’d heard about something very ... pleasing that they could do together there and wanted to see if all of the rumours were true about how incredible it was.”

By now, Percy was standing in front of Lydia. He took one of her hands and lifted it to his mouth, giving it a gentle kiss. Lydia could feel herself being swept away by her desire for Percy, and she was worried that if she gave into it much more, she wouldn’t be able to stop. “I’ve heard a few of those rumours as well,” Lydia said bravely, and she noticed that Percy’s eyes widened for a moment with excitement. “But of course, they’re only from my married friends,” she said, remembering herself.”

Percy nodded emphatically. “Oh, of course, of course,” he assured her. But then, he took another step in towards her, and she felt his whole self pressed right up against her. She gasped quietly, as she had never felt a man like this before, and she wanted him so very, very badly. “But while it is only when you are married that you’re able to partake in the ultimate pleasure, that doesn’t mean that we can’t ... tease ourselves beforehand, right?”

Lydia was finding it increasingly difficult to keep a clear head. “Right, right,” she said quietly. “There are always little things we can do to ... make the wait a little easier.”

And then, in the boldest move that Lydia had ever made in her life, she ran her hand up Percy’s leg, gently grazed his manhood with her fingers, and then brought them to rest on his chest. She watched his eyes carefully as she did this, and to her delight, saw his pupils dilate when she grazed his cock. That was the reaction she was hoping for.

Percy looked as though he needed a minute to recover from that. Lydia giggled a little, unable to control herself, but she stopped laughing immediately when Percy gently placed his hand on one side of her neck. He gazed deep into her eyes and ran his thumb along the side of her jaw. “And what would you say,” he whispered, leaning in so that his lips were just above her ear, “to receiving a little teasing yourself?”

Lydia had to concentrate very hard to keep her breathing level and not hyperventilate from the arousal that she was feeling. “Y ... yes ...” she whispered back to him, and then she noticed that his earlobe was very close to her mouth. She placed her hand on the back of Percy’s neck to draw him into her a little closer, and then took his earlobe in her mouth. She wasn’t sure if Percy would find it arousing, but when she heard him emit a very quiet moan, she smiled to herself and began gently sucking on his ear.

As she did that, Percy danced his hand down the front of Lydia’s neck to her chest. He rested his hand there for a moment because he was too aroused to do anything more at that moment, and then he slipped his fingers just inside of Lydia’s dress. He had not yet touched her nipple, and he seemed to be waiting for something before he did it.

“Please,” Lydia whispered into Percy’s ear, “touch me.”

That was all Percy needed to hear. He drew Lydia backwards so that her back was pressed up against the bookshelf behind them and he could press himself up against her more. They began madly kissing each other, desperate to feel the other’s lips upon theirs.

Lydia could feel her skin becoming warmer as the intimacy between the two got hotter, and then when Percy tugged down her dress, moved his face down to her breast, and began sucking on her nipples and kissing her breasts, she couldn’t help quietly crying out.

Lydia put one hand on Percy’s head, knitted her fingers through his hair, and placed the other hand on the bookshelf above her head to brace herself. Percy passionately kissed her breasts with all haste, as though he was scared that they’d be intruded on at any moment. Lydia worried that for a moment as well, but then when Percy put a hand upon her waist and squeezed it to tell her how badly he wanted her, all her worries disappeared.

Lydia held on for as long as she could, and then when she could feel herself getting wetter than she could handle between her legs, she pulled Percy back up to eye level and said, “I don’t know how much longer I can handle this teasing before ... before ...”

Percy met her eye and gave her a wicked smile. “Oh Lydia,” he growled in her ear, “whatever are you afraid you might do if I keep going?”

But Lydia decided to seize the moment where Percy could be caught off-guard, and so she reached down and put her hand around his cock. It was beautifully timed, wiping the smug grin from Percy’s face and replacing it with knitted eyebrows and a dropped jaw. “Oh God,” Percy muttered as he became more and more distracted. Lydia reached in beneath Percy’s pants and felt him in her hands for real for the first time.

Her eyes widened. “Wow,” she mumbled, unable to stop herself. “You’re ... very, very big,” she commented with a mischievous grin on her face as she bit her lip.

Percy cocked an eyebrow and put his hands on the bookshelf on either side of her head. Lydia felt trapped by him, and she absolutely loved it. “Do you think you could still handle me?” Percy growled.

Lydia chuckled seductively. “Oh, Percy,” she whispered back, “I think the real question is whether or not you can handle me.”

And then, Lydia sunk down onto her knees, pulled off Percy’s pants and slipped him in her mouth all in one swift movement. Percy made an audible groan that was so loud he had to cover his mouth. “Oh, oh my God,” Lydia heard him saying through his clamped mouth.

She decided to keep going. She moved him in and out of her, very slowly at first, letting him savour the feeling of her tongue pressed up against the base of his rock hard member. When she looked up at him and saw him making fists with his hands and silently moaning with his mouth open, she began sucking on him and putting him right to the back of her throat. She took it too far once and made herself gag a little, and so she had to pull out for a moment. She stood back up and caught her breath, and then said to Percy, “I’m so sorry about that.”

Percy looked utterly baffled. “About what?” he asked. “The gag? You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for, that was the hottest thing that you could have done.” He looked her in the eyes to make sure that she was hearing him, and then he said, “Now ... shall we test and see how you’ll do with my tongue on you?”

Lydia could hardly believe her ears, but she nodded emphatically. Percy pulled her over to a chair by the window, had her sit down, and then when he saw that she was comfortable, he dove beneath her skirts. Lydia was feeling a little self-conscious because no man had ever done any of this to her before, but as soon as she felt Percy’s lips upon her, she regretted nothing.

“Oh Percy,” Lydia moaned as he began licking her wetness with his tongue. She couldn’t believe that not only did Percy want to kiss her, but now he was performing the most intimate act of them all on her. She saw his head bobbing up and down beneath her skirts and felt his tongue and his lips making her clitoris feel so aroused that she could hardly bear it. She put her hands down on the arms of the chair and gripped them tightly to stop herself from crying out too loudly. “Oh ... Oh yes ...” she groaned so quietly that she didn’t think Percy could hear her.

But then, Lydia felt Percy slip a finger inside her and continue licking, and that was more than she could take. She leaned back so that her clitoris was pressed right up against his mouth, and he licked it so furiously while moving his finger inside of her in such a pleasurable way that Lydia instantly felt something building up inside her. She had never felt this before, and so at first she was rather baffled by it, but when she could feel her pleasure increasing as it developed, she realized what was going to happen.

“Percy,” she whispered frantically, “if you keep going, I’m afraid of what I might do.”

Percy stopped and pulled his head out from underneath her skirt. “Afraid as in you’d like me to stop, or afraid as in you’ve never felt like this before?” he asked kindly.

Lydia’s heart was pounding faster than ever before, and she was beginning to lose the feeling in her fingers. “Never ... felt like this before,” she managed to get out, and when she did, an amused smile wrapped itself around Percy’s lips.