John stood, expectation filling his breast. There was a delighted smile upon Margaret’s lips upon viewing him, which filled John with happiness.

“We pulled it off!” Jane exclaimed. “No one suspects.”

John said, “I must say, that was a rather cozy bed. I enjoyed the best sleep that I’ve had in some time.”

“That pleases me to hear,” Margaret replied.

John gazed at her in awe. She was all that he had thought of the evening before, and now she was standing before him, looking beautiful in her gown. Margaret placed the picnic basket upon the ground, and Jane handed John a blanket to unfold. Once they were situated, Margaret took it upon herself to hand out the sandwiches.

“These are my favorite salmon sandwiches,” Jane said, bringing one to her mouth.

It was not lost on John that his sister had grown plump, but he found it rather becoming on her and noted that it was a sign of good health. On the other hand, Margaret was rather slim, so it pleased him to see her tuck into her salmon sandwich with enthusiasm.

All in all, it was another fine day, and John found himself famished. The sandwiches perfectly quelled this hunger, and once bellies were full, Margaret said, “Have we convinced you yet to stay?”

“If I have lavish accommodations as I did last night, then yes, I will stay.” John was being humorous, but he could see himself staying in such a beautiful place and around such a beautiful woman—for he was beginning to think that Margaret was the most beautiful woman in the world.

“I have come up with a plan to get you out of your marriage,” John said casually, wiping his hands of crumbs.

“Oh?” Margaret replied. “How is that?”

John wished to say that she could merely marry him.

“All three of us can flee here tonight, move to France, and become farmers.”

This little joke caused the girls to laugh, and this made John most pleased.

“Stop it with your jesting, Brother.”

“But truly, you don’t think it a good idea? I wracked my brain all night to come up with that.”

John noted that Margaret was blushing, so perhaps she liked the idea, as well.

“I have always wanted to visit France,” Margaret went on. “I’d love to tour the museums, see the countryside, and enjoy the food.”

“French cuisine is marvelous,” John remarked. “There was a French fellow that worked on the dock with me, and he often introduced me to the cuisine. I must say, it’s rather rich. But the flavors are grander than British cuisine.”

Margaret laughed. “I hear that they eat a great deal of cheese.”

“That they do.” John nodded his head. “Which explains why they’re so stuffy.”

“How is that?” Margaret asked.

John lifted his brow. “Their cheese is rather pungent and hard on the stomach.”

Now, all three of them laughed, and John concluded that it was perhaps a perfect afternoon.

“Brother, you would not do well in France.”

“And why is that?”

“You’re British through and through! You would never fit in with the fine French sensibilities.”

John knew that his sister was teasing him, but he still had to reply, “I think that my sensibilities are very refined. I’ve been told so on several occasions.”

To this, Jane replied with a laugh. “And who told you such a thing?”

“The men at the dock. They referred to me as the Hamlet of Cornwall.”