“Don’t you think you should try a more subtle approach? British ladies are not as forthright as American ladies. Taking it a bit slower and one step at a time would work better.”

“Maybe. Although your situation is more akin to being hit by a herd of buffalo.”

Rafe didn’t respond. It was probably the most appropriate way of describing his position with Victoria. Neither of them wanted this, but he understood his position more than she did. And she was fighting him every step of the way. Understandably so, given what she believed about him.

If the situation was different, and Rafe had been made to marry someone he believed killed a person he loved, he would be just as resentful.

They turned into the street where the cafe was. It was at this point Rafe’s stomach started growling. He then remembered that he hadn’t actually eaten since they stopped in Lincoln for dinner. The thought of food had disappeared once he saw Victoria walking along the road.

Once the wedding was over, he would give back her bag with her money. Rafe felt a little bad about keeping it away from her, but she would simply disappear again and get herself into trouble. If she came to him with a plan and had everything laid out, he would happily give it back and let her go on her way.

But he wasn’t cruel enough to leave her to her own devices when she didn’t know how the world really worked. A man walking around looking for work was going to be treated more seriously than a woman. Lots of thoughts could run through a man’s mind if they saw a woman on their own.

That was not going to happen here.

As if you care. She hates you. She wouldn’t want you to be concerned.

I’m not that cold-hearted.

“Wait a minute.” Charlie slowed, peering up ahead. “Isn’t that her up ahead?”


“Your future wife.”

Rafe looked around and saw Victoria walking along the street with her maid. Both of them looked solemn, and Victoria’s expression made it seem as if she was going to the gallows. She walked tall with her head held high, her face pale.

And they were walking straight towards them.

Rafe frowned. What was going on? He hadn’t been expecting this.

“I’m not sure I like the look of this,” Charlie commented. “She looks resigned to something.”

“Maybe her parents discovered that she ended up running away last night.”


“I’ll explain later.” Rafe approached Victoria, who regarded him with a tight-lipped expression. He bowed. “Miss Hayward. I trust you slept well.”

“I need to talk to you, Lord Blackmore.” Victoria’s voice was tight. “Now.”

Her maid looked just as nervous, constantly glancing at her mistress. Had they had a falling out? Rafe gestured at the cafe Victoria had just walked past.

“Mr Mayfield and I were going in there. Why don’t you join us?”

“I don’t want anything to eat or drink.”

“But I do. And you look like you need to sit down.” Rafe held up his hands. “I won’t touch you, Miss Hayward, so if you will follow me?”

Victoria looked as if she was going to argue, so Rafe was surprised when she fell into step beside him. They entered the cafe, and Rafe led Victoria to a table by the window, nodding at Charlie. His friend got the message and steered the maid to the other side of the room. His attempt to charm the owner of the coffee house was going to have to wait.

Rafe sat, and Victoria took a seat across from him, placing her reticule on the table. Her hand was trembling before she withdrew it, placing it in her lap.

“I will marry you at the end of the week.”

It took a moment for Rafe to realise what she had just said. He frowned.

“I beg your pardon? And I thought the wedding was next week.”