“From the sound of it.”
Although Rafe was still wondering how they had managed to pull it off. From the way Viscount Selkirk had been the last time they had seen each other, he had said he would make sure Rafe swung from the highest beam if he stepped foot back in England. He was out for blood. If Rafe didn’t get lynched when he returned, he would consider himself very lucky.
“Look,” Charlie said solemnly. “What is your opinion on this? Do you think you killed your friend?”
“I don’t know.”
“That’s not good enough. Do you truly believe you’re innocent?”
Rafe had thought he was before, but now he wasn’t so sure. Things were just too mixed up in his head. Although things did shift and change a little bit in his head, the scene where he apologised to Richard and they made up, was the same. That never deviated. Could that have actually happened? Or was his fantasy so ingrained in his head?
“I do.”
“Then focus on that and hold onto the belief that you’re innocent. It doesn’t matter what everyone else thinks, just what you think.”
“How did you get to be so level-headed on these things, Charlie?”
Charlie grinned.
“When you’ve been out and away from civilisation like I have, you get used to having lots of time to think.” Charlie tapped his fist on Rafe’s leg. “And I’ve seen what sort of person you are. You’re not a bad man. You might be a crack shot, but you would never hurt anyone, no matter how big the argument.”
Rafe was relieved that someone believed him. He had been going through the last six years believing everyone would turn away from him. He rubbed his hands over his face.
“I just hope that it doesn’t turn into something I have to run away from again. I’ll be there for Sebastien’s wedding, even if I don’t agree with it, and then I’ll go back to America.”
“Are you sure? You’ve been given permission to come home.”
Rafe didn’t answer. As far as he was concerned, America was his home now. And he wasn’t going to wait around for someone to change their mind and decide he needed to be gutted for killing someone he cared about.
He didn’t want to waste his time going hoarse protesting his innocence when nobody was going to listen.