“I would say so.” Mayfield gave her an approving nod. “Good eyes, Victoria. We’ll make a tracker of you yet.”

“Spare me that, Mayfield. Does it mean they went this way?”

“More than likely. Although the trail does go off in that direction.” Mayfield pointed the way they had been going. “Hopefully, Rafe got away.”

“And Gregory shot him.”

“There’s no blood, so he probably missed.”

Victoria didn’t like the sound of that. Gregory was the best shot when it came to a rifle or a pistol. He never missed. Swallowing, Victoria gestured at Mayfield.

“I’ll follow your lead.”

Mayfield started to say something when there was the sound of cracking twigs and what could have been a scuffle. A moment later, there was a cry of pain and a loud thud. Victoria bit back a whimper.

“That was Gregory.”

“At least Rafe got a swing in.” Mayfield put a finger to his lips. “We’re going to need to be quiet now.”

“What? Shouldn’t we let them….”

“If we make your cousin aware, he’s going to kill Rafe, and we won’t get him. We’re going to have to be as quiet as we can.” Mayfield touched her arm before moving away. “Trust me, this is the best way to do it.”

Victoria didn’t believe that, but she wasn’t in a position to argue. She fell into step behind Mayfield, careful where she put her feet. Gregory was going too far here. This was really brazen. How did he think this was going to work?

She doubted Gregory was going to give them any answers.