“I’m not about to bring my name into disrepute. And I will not do that to my husband. Now, you need to leave.” Victoria stepped aside. “And if you even consider that again, I will be cutting you off. I won’t stand for even the thought of an affair, Gregory. Certainly not with family.”

Gregory was her cousin. Even if she cared about him, she couldn’t see being intimate with him in that way. Also, the thought of doing anything with anyone who wasn’t Rafe didn’t sit well with her. Victoria knew she couldn’t do it.

Gregory looked like he was going to protest. But he didn’t. Instead, he moved towards the door, pausing near Victoria as he passed.

“Are you sure…?” he started, but Victoria cut him off.

“I’m sure. Don’t come back unless it’s with an apology.”

Gregory’s jaw tightened. He started to reach for her, but he stopped when Victoria flinched. Then he left, Victoria hearing him storming through the foyer. A moment later, there was a loud bang as the front door slammed shut.

Victoria’s legs were weak. She staggered to the settee and sagged onto it, her head spinning. What on earth had just happened there?