Victoria took a deep breath.

“Someone sabotaged his saddle. His horse is injured, and Rafe is hurt. You think that’s something to wish on anyone?”


“You may have your own opinions about my husband, but you can keep them to yourself from now on. Be more respectful towards the family I’ve married into.”

Gregory looked bewildered. He stared at her.

“What’s wrong with you? You weren’t like this before. If anything, you were adamant that Rafe Mowbray murdered your brother.”

“It doesn’t matter what I think anymore, Gregory. I am married to him, and I have to respect my husband.”

“Even if he doesn’t deserve it?” Gregory shook his head. “I don’t like this. It’s almost like you believe whatever rubbish he’s been saying.”

Victoria glared at him.

“Things are complicated. I would rather not go into it.”

I’m not about to admit that I’m in love with my husband.

“I can’t believe this.” Gregory ran his hands through his hair. “This would never have happened if you had married me. I would make you the happiest woman alive.”

“Gregory, don’t.”

“What? I’m just saying that you should have accepted my proposal years ago. Then this would not be happening.”

Victoria blinked.

“You were serious about wanting to marry me?”

“Of course I was! Why would I jest about something like that?” Gregory started towards her, taking her hands. “I’ve always loved you, Victoria. And I wanted you as my wife. Now that moment’s gone because you’ve been used as a pawn. We wasted an opportunity to have something special. But maybe….”

“Maybe what?”

Gregory hesitated, but Victoria understood the implication. Her eyes widened.

“Are you suggesting that we should have an affair?”

“Why not? You and Mowbray aren’t going to be intimate. I can’t see you wanting him to touch you.” He stroked her cheek. “I love you, and I desire you. Why should we let that stop us?”

Victoria couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She pulled away, stepping back out of reach.

“You’re suggesting that I commit the sin of adultery with you? Is that why you came here?”

“When I left, I thought you were marrying Sebastien. That might not have been so bad, and I could’ve handled it. But when I returned and realised you and that….” Gregory shook his head. “As far as I’m concerned, he doesn’t deserve respect. Especially not from his own wife.”

This had to be a dream. Victoria wasn’t really here listening to Gregory openly suggesting that they commit adultery, leaving Rafe as a cuckolded man. How could Gregory think this was acceptable?

“I think you should leave, Gregory.”


“If you came here to suggest that we embark on an affair and disrespect my husband, you need to check into the madhouse. It’s not happening.”

Gregory scoffed.

“You can’t seriously be thinking you’re going to be loyal to that man! He killed Richard!”