“Someone might have tried to harm me?”

“Your Rafe’s wife now. If anyone wanted to hurt him, they could go after you as well.”

Victoria didn’t know what to say to that. But she could feel Rafe’s arms tightening around her. She leaned her cheek against his chest, feeling his heart beating fast. Rafe stroked her hair.

“Did you find out anything regarding our shooter?” Rafe asked Mayfield. “I would like to have some answers for Lieutenant Millinchip’s family when they arrive, and I don’t know what to say.”

“I’ve found the shooter.”

Victoria sat up, staring at Mayfield.


“I followed his trail up to Sandsend. He’s in a cottage right opposite the beach.” Mayfield’s jaw tightened. “I wasn’t about to charge in and grab him, so I asked around with the neighbours. His name is Isaac Asante, a former soldier. He was dishonourably discharged from the army three years ago after starting fights with several others in his company. Apparently, he’s been living with his sister and her family ever since and doing odd jobs.”

“Let me guess,” Rafe grimaced as he sat up straighter. “Asante was a marksman.”

“Apparently, one of the best. He could shoot something from distances that didn’t seem possible. Of course, that could be Asante himself exaggerating it all, but he was a marksman.”

“Did he and Millinchip cross paths?” Victoria queried. “It could be an old grudge and nothing to do with us?”

Mayfield arched an eyebrow.

“After what happened with Rafe this morning, do you seriously think that the two incidents aren’t linked?”

Victoria faltered. She bit her lip.

“I just…I guess I just didn’t want….”

“I understand that. But someone has tried to go after you and your husband twice now. Millinchip might have been an accident, or he was the target, so he couldn’t tell you anything about that day in the woods.”

“But how would anyone know?”

“That’s what I want to find out.” Mayfield looked at Rafe. “Do you fancy confronting him and finding out what’s going on, Rafe? It is your life that’s being threatened, so I think it would be suitable for you to do it.”

“Absolutely,” Rafe spoke without hesitation. “You won’t be able to keep me away.”

Victoria shook her head.

“You’ve just been knocked unconscious again. You’re not in a fit state to do anything except rest.”

“I’ll rest now, then.” Rafe started to sit up, nudging Victoria away. “How about you escort me to bed? I’ll get settled and rest. At least I have an excuse to do that now.”

Victoria wanted to protest, but Mayfield was present. There were plenty of things she wanted to say without him being in the same room. Getting to her feet, she grabbed onto Rafe as he swayed a little.

“Take it easy. I’ll be fine.” Rafe gave her a smile as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “I’m not going to fall over.”

“You look like you’re about to,” Victoria shot back. “I doubt you’ll be able to get up the stairs on your own.”

“I can try.”

Mayfield sighed and headed towards the door.

“I’ll leave you two to argue it out. But if you want to come with me and confront this man, Rafe, you need to rest. Nothing too…strenuous.”

Victoria gasped, but Rafe simply laughed.

“Trust me, I know what I’m doing.”