Then Paco neighed loudly and reared up on his hind legs. Rafe held on tightly, gripping the horse’s sides with his knees. But that didn’t work. Paco reared up again, and this time it was more forceful. Rafe felt himself slipping, and he couldn’t stop it.

The ground came up to meet him, and he hit the ground hard enough for the wind to be knocked out of him. His head hit the cobbles, and Rafe felt pain exploding inside his skull. As soon as he was off, Paco was prancing around him, his hooves very close to him. The sound of the hooves clattering against the cobbles was deafening.


Someone grabbed Rafe, and he could feel himself getting yanked away, dragged across the ground away from the horse. He was then hauled up and leaned against the wall. Through his daze, he could see Jessop trying to grab at the reins and calm Paco down. And someone was kneeling in front of him.

It took a moment for Rafe to see who it was.


“What on earth’s going on? I’ve never seen you get thrown from a horse.”

“I…I don’t know….” Rafe swallowed. “I don’t….”

That was when the blackness that had been at the edge of his vision took over, and then he was being sucked under. He was aware of falling sideways and then nothing else.