“Then maybe we’ll leave him be. If he still believes I’m guilty, then getting as much evidence as we can before that happens will work better for us.”

“Unless we find the shooter and get answers from them.”

“I hope so. Charlie’s not failed on that yet.” Rafe kissed her forehead. “You need to have something to drink and get warm. You’re still pale, and you’re shivering.”

“I’ll be fine.”


“Just hold me?” Victoria whispered. “I feel better when you’re holding me.”

Rafe was silent, his eyes searching her face. Then he drew her close and hugged her gently, kissing her head.

“Take your time, my love. Whatever you need.”


Rafe lay in bed and stared at the ceiling. Things were still in disarray in his head, and he had really struggled to get any sort of sleep. The day had been a complete mess from the get-go, and it was seeping over into the next day.

He was under no illusion that whoever shot Millinchip had intended to kill him. But was Millinchip the real target? Or was it Rafe the shooter had been after? He was, after all, trying to find out what happened on that fateful day. Getting rid of Rafe would make sense.

But then how did the shooter find out so fast? Manning had only asked Millinchip to come over that day. Had he been in the area by chance and overheard something? Rafe didn’t know what to think anymore.

Hopefully, Charlie would be able to find something. He hadn’t so far with the trail splitting up and going cold in one direction, but he was adamant about finding the source. If he could, then they could have a general idea of who did this. According to Charlie, whoever had shot at them had been hidden in the trees, right up against the trunk. That was a long way for anyone to shoot from, even Rafe.

There couldn’t be that many people in Whitby who could shoot that far with such accuracy. It was a special talent that needed to be developed. Like by a soldier.

Maybe it was about Millinchip all the time, and they were just getting worked up because of what was happening regarding Rafe. Or maybe…

Rafe wished he could get to sleep. He was getting fed up thinking about this.

He was tempted to go to Victoria’s room and ask to stay with her. Having her cuddled up to him while he slept would certainly make Rafe feel better. She was a calming force for him, much to Rafe’s surprise. Victoria was far softer and more compassionate than he had realised.

The problem with that was she was too enticing, and if she was wearing that nightgown again, it was going to get him thinking all sorts of things. Rafe didn’t want to get into bed with her and start groping her. Intimacy was something Victoria needed to start herself. Rafe wasn’t about to push her on it.

Even if it drove him insane that he couldn’t touch his wife as he wanted.

Before Rafe knew it, it was morning, and the sunlight was coming through the curtains. Rafe made a mental note to have curtains made with thicker material. He wasn’t going to get any sleep for a while now.

Maybe a ride out on his horse would help. The fresh air would make him want to sleep. If he could wear himself out enough, that would work.

He was yawning profusely as he got out of bed just as the door opened and Manning came in.

“Good morning, my lord.”

“Is it morning?” Rafe grumbled. He sat heavily on the edge of the bed. “How’s Millinchip?”

“He’s still asleep. But the colour’s coming back to his face.”

“That’s something.” Rafe stretched his arms above his head. His whole body felt stiff. “Can you get my riding clothes out? I want to go out for a while.”

“Yes, my lord. Do you want me to tell the kitchen to get breakfast ready now?”

“No, I’m not hungry. But find out if Lady Blackmore wants breakfast.”

“I’ll let Abigail know to find out.”

Rafe watched his valet as the man moved around the room, gathering his riding clothes. There seemed to be something different about Manning, even after the shock of the shooting the day before. It was like a bit of weight was off his shoulders. Maybe it was because now he didn’t feel the need to hide his relationship. Rafe wouldn’t be surprised.