Chapter 17

Victoria stood at the door and watched Millinchip sleep. His torso was heavily bandaged, and he was still white as a sheet. But he was alive. The doctor was confident about that. Beside the bed was his sister, who was holding his hand and crying quietly. She had arrived as soon as she heard, putting aside her wedding preparations for her brother.

Victoria felt awful for her, and for the rest of the family. From what the sister had said, Millinchip had been able to get through the wars with France with minimal injuries, only to be shot and almost killed in his own country. They were going to want answers soon, she just knew it.

They weren’t the only ones who needed answers. Victoria wanted to know what had just happened. One moment, they were talking, and the next, someone had shot Millinchip through the window. Victoria was still shaking at the memory. She had never been shot at before.

What was going on? Was someone after Millinchip? If that was the case, why?

She felt like she was in a complete mess.

Moving away from the guest room Millinchip was in, Victoria headed downstairs in a daze. As soon as the doctor had arrived, Rafe had retreated from everyone and gone to his study. He had looked like he was in shock once he got back to the house. Victoria didn’t know what to say to him. She wasn’t even sure if she could say anything to herself.

She had believed Millinchip when he told them what had happened. There was such honesty in him when he spoke. And it made so much sense, more so than the theories she had put together in her head.

Rafe was innocent. Victoria could feel it in her gut. And she felt awful for having thought otherwise. She wanted to cry at the unfairness of it all. Her brother had died, and she had just spent six years believing someone else had killed him.

Rafe had lost six years of his life because of this. And Victoria felt responsible.

Wandering through the house, Victoria came to the closed door of Rafe’s study. There were voices on the other side. Who was he talking to? Forgetting to knock, Victoria opened the door and went in. Mayfield was there, standing by the window as Rafe stayed near the desk. They both turned as she entered.

“Victoria?” Rafe started towards her, only to stop abruptly. “How’s Lieutenant Millinchip?”

“The doctor says he’s going to live, but he’s going to need to recuperate for some time.” Victoria wished that she could stop fidgeting. “I’ve told Miss Millinchip that her brother can stay here until he recovers. It would be better that he doesn’t move for now.”

“I agree. I’ll let the servants know.” Rafe glanced at Mayfield. “Can you give us a moment, Charlie?”

“Sure. I’ll go back out and see what I can find.” Charlie was scowling as he headed past Victoria. “Whoever did this isn’t going to get away with it. I won’t let it happen.”

He left, shutting the door hard behind him. Victoria flinched.

“Did he not find anything?”

“He followed a trail, but it went nowhere. He’s thinking that there were two people, and they’ve split up.”

“Will he be able to find whoever did this?”

“I think he will. He’s very good at what he does.” Rafe paused. “Are you all right? You’ve not been through anything like that before.”

“I…I’m fine.” Victoria wasn’t, but she couldn’t bring herself to say it. She rubbed her hands on her thighs. “This isn’t exactly something I do every day, though.”

“You’re probably in shock. After something like that, I’m not surprised.”

“What about you?”

Rafe gave a half-hearted shrug.

“I’ll be fine. This has happened before.”

“But this shouldn’t be something anyone should be used to. What if you had been shot?”

“That’s happened as well.”

They stared at each other. Victoria didn’t know what to do. Things were getting in a jumble in her head, and it was making her feel like she couldn’t breathe. Her heart was racing so fast that she felt lightheaded.

All she needed to do was apologise, but her mouth had gone dry.

Rafe was the one who moved first. He came towards her, and Victoria reacted as he put his arms around her. She hugged him back tightly, burying her face in his neck. Someone started to sob, and then Victoria realised it was her. Rafe rubbed her back, cradling her against him.