“I don’t want to see him.” Victoria half-walked, half-staggered towards the stairs. “I’m going to retire to my bedchamber.”

She hurried away before the servant could respond and almost tripped up the stairs. Why did her mother say she needed such a long train on her dress? Managing to get up to the next floor, Victoria looked around. In her distress to get away, she had completely forgotten to ask where her bedchamber was.

“Your room is down the hall on the right at the end.”

Victoria squealed and spun around. Blackmore was there, watching her with a sardonic look. Victoria pressed her hand to her chest. Her heart was racing.

“You…but I thought you were in your study!”

“I went to change into something a bit more comfortable.” Blackmore gestured at the coat he was wearing. “The other one was digging into my shoulders. The slightest movement and it would have split.”

“Oh.” Victoria didn’t know what to say. All she wanted to do was get away from him, but she couldn’t get her feet to move. She licked her lips. “Well, I’d better be going. I want to retire for now.”

“You’re that eager to consummate the marriage, are you?” Blackmore raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t think you were going to have anything to do with me like that. Changed your tune already?”

Victoria slapped him, the sound ringing in her ears as her hand stung from the hit.

“Don’t be disgusting. You’ll never catch me ready and willing to consummate this sham of a marriage.”

“I thought so.” Blackmore rubbed his cheek with a grunt. “Trust me, I’m not interested in having a cold, limp fish in the bed with me.”

“Cold, limp fish?” Victoria’s mouth fell open. “How dare you!”

“Well, you will be. Unless you’ve been…practising….”

“You’re revolting!”

Victoria went to slap him again, but Blackmore caught her hand. Then he tugged her over, almost pulling her off her feet. Victoria gasped as she fell against his chest. Now their faces were mere inches apart, Blackmore’s breath tickling her mouth. Victoria was beginning to wonder if she had forgotten how to breathe. Her heart was racing so fast that she felt lightheaded.

“You’re not the only one who didn’t want this marriage, yet you keep forgetting it,” Blackmore whispered. “But at least I know my position with the current situation. I don’t like it, but I’m going to get through it. Whether you’re willing or not.”

“I will never be willing,” Victoria hissed. “You will never have me as a wife in anything but name.”

“I’m well aware of that.”

“Then why don’t you let me go? I don’t have any desire to be near a murderer.”

Blackmore’s eyes darkened, and a shiver went through Victoria. Had she gone too far? She was prepared for Blackmore to push her away and tell her to go to her bedchamber. Instead, he closed the gap between them.

His kiss was fierce, consuming her mouth before Victoria knew what was happening. She froze, both unsure at what to do and shocked that he had even done it. He still had a hold of her wrist, his other hand on the back of her head. She could have gotten out of his hold if she wanted to.

But she didn’t want to. Victoria felt a fire building in her stomach. She wanted more of this from a man she hated. What was wrong with her?

Whatever was wrong with her, it didn’t seem to care that she was having her first kiss with a killer.

Just as Victoria was starting to reach for him—she couldn’t believe she was wanting more of a kiss from this man—Blackmore pulled back, breathing heavily. His eyes were blazing, and Victoria’s breath caught at the sight. Lord, he was devastating when he looked like this. Swallowing hard, Blackmore set her back.

“I have no intention of making my first time with my wife a bad experience,” he said roughly, dusting himself down. “You won’t have to worry about me forcing myself onto you in such a way.”


“The thought of forcing myself into your room when you’re like this towards me isn’t arousing, Victoria. You’re a beautiful woman and can stir up any man’s desires. But you won’t be doing that with me.” Blackmore turned away. “You do whatever you want. Just don’t run away again. Although I don’t think you’ll be able to get very far.”

He walked away, heading down the stairs. Victoria watched him go, wondering what on earth had just happened. She hadn’t planned to kiss him. Then again, he had kissed her. But she hadn’t pushed him away.

This was madness. She couldn’t believe this was happening. But, at least, she knew that he was going to leave her alone in…thatregard.

Her heart still racing, Victoria hurried down the hall towards her new bedchamber. She needed to get away and have a moment to scream at the unfairness of it all. Of all the people she could have been made to marry, it had to be this man.