Victoria ignored him. She was more focused on Rafe, who was picking himself up from the ground and dusting himself off. He was alive. She couldn’t stop herself from bursting into tears as she ran at him. Rafe caught her as she flung herself at him, holding onto her tightly as she buried her face against his chest.

“It’s all right, Victoria.” Rafe stroked her hair. “I’m fine.”

“I don’t believe that.” Victoria looked up and touched his injured cheek. “You’re hurt.”

“For once in his life, Hayward wasn’t as accurate with a rifle.” He rested his forehead against hers. “You shouldn’t be here.”

“You think I’m going to sit at home and let this happen?”

“I can’t see you doing that at all.” He let out a shuddering sigh. “I’m glad you’re here.”

Victoria was glad as well. A shout of pain had her turning and she saw Gregory lying on his back, his body jerking as Mayfield knelt beside him, wrapping something tightly around the knee. Both rifles had been moved out of reach, although from the way Gregory was reacting to being treated, he was in no fit state to shoot anyone.

“He’s going to need a doctor,” Mayfield growled. “Although I would be happy to let him rot out here.”

“We can take him back to the house,” Rafe suggested, but Victoria shook her head.

“No. I don’t want him in our home. We’ll send for someone to take Gregory to the doctor.”

Rafe peered at her.

“Are you sure about that?”

She certainly was. Victoria wanted nothing to do with her cousin anymore, not after what he heard. Her legs a little shaky, she approached Gregory, who was now staring at her with what looked like desperation. He started to reach for her, but Victoria held up a hand.

“Don’t. Touch. Me.”


“You killed my brother. You tried to kill my husband. Why do you think I should let you touch me after that?”

Gregory faltered, his arm falling heavily onto the ground. Victoria swallowed back the hard lump in her throat. She never thought she would have to do this. Even though she had heard him herself, it was still hard to believe.

“Richard loved you, Gregory.” Her voice sounded choked. “You were a pain to him, but he considered you family. And you decided that he was in the way of what? A title that didn’t belong to you?”

“If Grandfather had been allowed to give the title to whom he chose, he would have chosen my father,” Gregory said through gritted teeth, his face still devoid of all colour. “Then your brother would still be alive. I wouldn’t have needed to kill a poor relation.”

Mayfield gave Victoria a sharp look, but Victoria ignored him. She needed to hear this, and there was something she needed to know.

“What of Father? Would you have killed him as well if he didn’t die soon? Or have you already made plans?”

“He’s a healthy man. For now.” Gregory made an expression that could have been a smirk. “But once Blackmore is gone, all that stands between me and my title is your father. I would have made that look very natural. Then I would have had everything, including you.”

Victoria felt sick. This man on the ground couldn’t be related to her, surely? She couldn’t believe she had been content to be around him. And to think he was intent on killing everyone in her family.

She reacted without thinking and kicked him in the face. Mayfield started, and Rafe grabbed her to pull her away.

“Victoria, that’s enough.” He held her close as she tried to get away. “I know you want to throw the rules away, but that’s not going to help anyone.”

“It might make me feel better.”

“Trust me, he’s not worth it.” He kissed the top of her head. “We’ll go back to the house, and we’ll send for a doctor. Mayfield will stay here and make sure he doesn’t go anywhere.”

“If he does, he can’t run far,” Mayfield grunted. He got to his feet, picking up the rifles. “Take Lady Blackmore home, Rafe. I think she needs to return more than you.”

Victoria didn’t answer that. She just wanted to do something to hurt Gregory again. Hearing that he had plans to kill her father after he dealt with Rafe was just bringing her anger forward. That and her nausea. But she didn’t argue when Rafe tucked her into his side and left the clearing. Victoria was aware of Gregory calling after her, but she ignored him. She didn’t want to hear that man’s voice ever again.

The two of them were silent as they made their way through the trees and came out into the field. It felt like the sun was warmer than before, and Victoria could feel the heat prickling her skin. She spied the horse Mayfield had used further off in the field, happily grazing. The idea of trying to capture the horse didn’t feel enticing. She was suddenly exhausted.