“You’re not your usual self. Did something happen between you and Manning?”

“What? Oh, no.” Abigail shook her head. “Nothing like that.”

“Then what is it?”

“I…I can’t say, my lady.” Abigail was looking anywhere but at her. “It’s best that Manning tells you.”


Abigail faltered. Clearly, whatever was bothering her was troubling her greatly. Victoria sighed.

“I’m going to the morning room. If you want to talk to me with Manning present, you can find me there.”

“Yes, my lady.”

Victoria left the room, still confused. What was going on there? Abigail was normally forthright with her. A little too forthright, at times, which was a little grating when Victoria was too distressed for it. Now she was withholding something.

Did she know something about the murder? Victoria doubted it. Abigail hadn’t been anywhere near the hunt that day. Had she overheard something? It was possible.

Hopefully, she would be able to tell her soon. Otherwise, Victoria was going to be on edge all day, wondering what was going on.

Mayfield was in the morning room when Victoria entered. He was slumped in a chair by the window, looking like he was asleep. He jumped up when Victoria came into the room.

“Lady Blackmore.”

“Mayfield.” Victoria gave him a bemused smile. “I take it your bed wasn’t as comfortable as expected?”

“What? Oh.” Mayfield’s cheeks went a little pink. “I guess it’s been tough for me to sleep lately. I’ve always had to rest with one eye open, if you catch my meaning.”

“You mean…like my husband’s nightmares?”

“Much like that.”

Victoria frowned.

“But he hasn’t had a nightmare since that one the night before Millinchip was shot, has he?”

“No, thank God. But you can never be sure.” Mayfield peered at her. “How are you doing? You’re looking as worn out as I feel.”

“I…I think I’m all right.” Victoria sighed. “It’s difficult to change my opinions when I’m given evidence to the contrary. It’s just hard to stop things from twisting in my head.”

“I understand.”

Victoria moved over to the window, briefly touching the cool glass before turning back.

“I believe him now, but it’s still making my head hurt. I just want to know what really happened to my brother. Because Rafe was accused of a crime he didn’t commit, and now he’s struggling to get people to believe his side. He’s going to be ostracised for someone else’s crime.”

“And you, by extension.”

“I don’t really care about that. I’ve been ostracised for years due to the dark cloud hanging over my family. But I’m used to it. Rafe isn’t.”

Mayfield grunted.

“I think Rafe is more than used to it, given that he was forced out of England.”

“Thetonis vicious if you step out of line. He’s on the back foot before he’s even started. Unless we can figure out who actually murdered Richard.”

“All right.” Mayfield folded his arms. “Who do you think could have killed your brother? Someone on the hunt? Or did someone sneak into the woods and take an opportunity?”