“Do you want me to let Mr Mayfield know about this? He can go with you.”

“No. I can manage this on my own.”

Manning frowned.

“I know I’ll be speaking out of turn regarding this, but….”

“I know what I’m doing, Manning. I don’t need someone with me as protection all the time. I can take care of myself.”

“Even so….”

“Arthur, just stop it. I won’t be long. If anyone wants me, you know where to find me.”

Manning still didn’t look happy about it. Rafe ignored him as he got himself dressed. What he was doing would be considered daft, and he should have a witness, but Rafe was fed up with having a chaperone for himself. He didn’t need one; he could take care of himself.

Really, he could.


Victoria looked out of the window when she saw a movement out of the corner of her eye. She saw Rafe walking across the lawn, heading towards the trees. Victoria frowned. Where was he going? Rafe hadn’t said anything about going to meet anyone, especially not at this time of the morning.

Maybe he was going for a walk. After what had happened recently, it wouldn’t be a surprise if he needed to clear his head. Hopefully, he would be back before her parents arrived. It wouldn’t look good if her husband was not present to greet the Viscount and Viscountess.

Victoria wondered what her parents were going to say with her change in attitude towards Rafe. They would be able to see that she had softened significantly towards her husband, and then Victoria would be embarrassed. She liked to think she was the type of person who stuck with her beliefs, and she wouldn’t be swayed.

Then again, there had to be times when she needed to swallow her pride and admit that she was wrong. Which she had been this time.

She was going to need to make it up to Rafe somehow. Victoria didn’t know how, exactly, but she would do it. She would certainly be confessing that she had fallen for him. If Rafe accepted that, she would be delighted, and maybe this marriage could actually work.

If he didn’t….

What part of how he’s behaved suggests that he’s going to reject you?

He’s a man. It doesn’t have to mean anything.

Stop lying to yourself.

“My lady?”

Victoria turned. Abigail was watching her. It was then Victoria realised that she had been staring out of the window in a daze and had forgotten that her maid was there.

“Yes, Abigail?”

“I asked what time Lord and Lady Selkirk will be arriving?”

“Oh. I think Lady Selkirk mentioned eleven but ask the kitchen to be prepared if it ends up being any earlier.”

“Yes, my lady.” Abigail finished laying out the brushes and pins on the dresser. “Do you need me for anything else?”

“No, thank you. I’ll head downstairs.”

“Very good, my lady.”

Victoria regarded her maid curiously. Something was wrong with her, she could tell. There was a demeanour about her that didn’t feel right.

“Is something wrong, Abigail?”

“My lady?”