Chapter 21

Rafe was feeling a little better than he had the day before. He felt like he had slept enough, given that he had been up for most of the night when he and Charlie were questioning Asante, and he had made an effort to see his wife the day before. His head didn’t feel like it was in agony anymore, which was a good sign.

Rafe lay in bed and stared at the ceiling, mulling over what had happened over the last couple of days. Knowing that there was someone who was certain he hadn’t killed Richard, and he was willing to testify about it, was a relief.

Rafe didn’t feel as conflicted about it. He was sure he was innocent, but there was always that doubt. Mostly because he couldn’t remember. Was that because he had taken a hard knock to the head? That might explain why there were patchy parts of his memory from that day.

Knowing something in your gut was one thing. Hearing someone else say it just made things more certain. Rafe knew Millinchip would survive, providing he rested. What would have happened if he had been killed? Asante was still under the impression that Millinchip was dead, which was, apparently, not part of the plan.

Rafe didn’t see how anyone could shoot someone as a warning. Not where Millinchip was shot. It was a wonder that he was alive.

Asante had given them everything he knew, which hadn’t been much. All they knew was that a member of thetonhad hired him to wound Millinchip as a warning. There was mention of a death from years ago that needed to be kept quiet. That had to be about Richard. It was the only thing connecting Rafe to Millinchip. He couldn’t see an enemy of Millinchip’s targeting him; they would have just wanted the man dead.

The magistrate could deal with him. Even though he hadn’t killed anyone, Asante had taken money to harm someone. That was a crime, and Rafe wasn’t about to let him walk away from it. Asante had been practically a blubbering mess on the ground. For someone who had been cocky in the beginning and had served their country, he was a snivelling coward. Rafe had no time for someone like that.

But they were no closer to figuring out who it could be. It could be anyone, really. Someone in thetondidn’t want the past dug up again. But what would they get from shooting someone with eyewitness testimony?

Rafe was ashamed to admit that he had thought that maybe it was Lord Selkirk who had hired Asante. Just for a brief moment. After all, until his father had spoken to the Viscount, he had been certain that Rafe was his son’s killer.

Maybe he had pretended to believe the old Earl and played a long game, waiting until his daughter was married so he could kill Rafe and Victoria would be set up for life as a countess. Then he would have avenged his son’s death.

But he had dismissed it. Selkirk was a good man. There was no malice in him at all. Just a lot of pain. Rafe couldn’t see him doing something as cold-blooded as this.

That just left him even more confused.

Rafe rolled out of bed and sat on the edge of the mattress. If he kept thinking about this too much, he was going to end up going around in circles, and it would just make his head hurt even more. He thought back to his conversation with Gregory Hayward yesterday.

While it had been stilted, it had been interesting. Hayward had listened to how Rafe didn’t really have a strong memory of what happened, and how frustrating it was. He had suggested that maybe Rafe went back to the place it occurred and walked through it all to see if that brought anything back.

It sounded like an interesting idea. Rafe hadn’t been back to those woods since Richard’s death. Perhaps it would wake something up.

Hayward had arranged to meet him later today to help him. While he was still of the opinion that Rafe was the killer, he was willing to help him out. Rafe didn’t know what to make of that, but Hayward was Victoria’s cousin, and he wanted to be on good terms with all of her family. It would be ungentlemanly of him if he didn’t even make an attempt to be somewhat friendly.

There was a knock at the door, and Manning came in.

“Good morning, my lord.”

“Manning. I’m going to be heading out for a walk this morning, so I will want my walking clothes.”

“Yes, my lord.” Manning went over to the wardrobe. “Are you taking a walk before or after the visit?”

“What visit?”

“Lord and Lady Selkirk are coming to visit this morning. I thought you were aware of it.”

“Oh. Right.” Rafe had completely forgotten about it. “What time are they coming?”

“After ten, I believe Lady Blackmore said.”

“I’ll be back by then. I’m heading over to the woods.”

Manning looked at him in surprise.

“You mean…where….”

“Where was the murder committed? Yes. Maybe something will give me a clue as to what happened.” Rafe stood up and began to take off his nightshirt. “Mr Hayward and I are going to walk through the place and see if it helps my memories. I think it sounds like a good idea.”

Manning didn’t respond. Tugging his nightshirt away from his face, Rafe saw his valet looking uncomfortable. He frowned.