“Maybe he paid up for a bit longer than he anticipated, just in case.”

Abigail shook her head.

“I’m sure there’s more to it than that. He said that he was going to be in Chesterfield, and I heard him mention the place several times. But Charlotte said that he was in the public house every night, sitting in a corner alone, drinking and looking angry. He barely spoke to anyone, and he kept to himself, but Charlotte said she wouldn’t forget him.”

“Perhaps he went to and from Chesterfield from the public house.”

“Arthur, it’s over a hundred miles to Chesterfield. It would take at least two days to get there and the same amount to get back.”

Arthur leaned against the door.

“It does sound odd that he would say that he was doing one thing and end up doing something else. But why would he do it?”

“I don’t know. I’m still trying to understand it. What do you think?”

“Perhaps he wanted to be inconspicuous and make sure that his cousin was safe with Lord Blackmore. Given his thoughts on our master, he must want to be certain Lady Blackmore was not being mistreated.”

Abigail bit her lip.

“I think it’s a bit more than that. I’m not really sure why.”

Arthur peered at her.

“Do you know something, Abby?”

“I’m not sure if it’s relevant, and I don’t know how it would relate to why he would lie about being somewhere else.”

“Just tell me.”

Abigail knew if she couldn’t trust Arthur, she couldn’t trust anyone. She twisted her fingers together.

“Mr Hayward…he’s asked Lady Blackmore to marry him before.”

“What?” Arthur stared. “He asked his own cousin to marry him? When?”

“When she was younger. Lady Blackmore had just turned eighteen, and Mr Hayward proposed. At the time, she laughed it off and said no, but I saw the way he looked at her afterwards. He was angry.”

“Angry that he had been turned down?” Arthur paused. “Do Lord and Lady Selkirk know about this?”

“I don’t think so. I’m sure they would have mentioned it if they did know. Lady Blackmore might have been married years ago, if that was the case.” Abigail glanced up at her lover. “When he was here yesterday, he tried to suggest that the two of them…well, he suggested that they have an affair.”

Arthur’s mouth fell open.

“He actually came out and said it?”

“He did. Lady Blackmore turned him down, of course, but he looked even angrier after that. I saw him as he left, and the way he was behaving scared me.” Abigail shivered. “I don’t think he wants to be around Lady Blackmore just to look out for his cousin. I think there’s something else going on.”

Arthur pressed his lips together, the way he normally did when he was lost in thought. Abigail waited. Arthur tended to think things over a bit more methodically than she did. And she needed that right now.

“What do you think we should do, Arthur? Shall we tell Lady Blackmore about Mr Hayward?”

“I don’t know what good it will do. She will probably say that we’re mistaken, and Mr Hayward wouldn’t lie.”

“Then what? I don’t think I can hold this to myself if it means something.”

“I’ll speak to Lord Blackmore. He’s more than likely to listen.” Arthur pushed off the door. “You let me deal with that. Just focus on your mistress.”

“I’ll try.” Abigail bit her lip. “I don’t like the thought of Mr Hayward doing something that could cause harm to Lady Blackmore. He’s been rather…odd around her before, but this is something else. I don’t like not knowing what’s going on.”