It felt like a trap.

“So, what are you going to do?” Charlie asked.

“I…I don’t know.” Rafe buried his head in his hands. “I’m still trying to get over the fact that my mother is dead. It’s been six years since I last saw her, and I….”

“I know. I know.” Charlie squeezed his knee. “It’s not easy. And being this far away….”

Rafe felt his throat tightening. He gulped in air, but it didn’t seem to help. Right now, he wanted to have a breakdown and just scream, but that would bring everyone running. Then he would be ridiculed for breaking down in such a manner. No man showed feelings like that. It just showed they were weak.

At this moment in time, Rafe was almost past the point of caring. His mother had died, and he would never be able to see her again.

Now his father was sick, and he wanted him to come home. Rafe didn’t know what to think. The thought of going home left him with mixed feelings. It just left him with memories so painful that he was left in tears.

He had no idea what he wanted to do.

“Do you mind if…if I can have a few…a few minutes?” he asked. “I…I need….”

“Of course. Take all the time that you need.” Charlie patted his thigh and stood up, leaving the letter on the bench. “And whatever you decide to do, I’m right there with you. Whatever you need.”

Rafe couldn't respond. He simply nodded, staring at the floor. After a moment’s hesitation, Charlie walked away, his footsteps fading as he left. That was when Rafe slid off the bench, curling into a ball as he hugged his legs. He rested his head on his knees, and he just broke. He couldn’t hold it back anymore.

After all this, and the result was his mother dying when he was across the ocean? Rafe would give anything to go back to that day and make it right.

And now he couldn’t. He could never get it back.