Page 37 of Jenna's Submission

Chapter 33

One week later

“I could lie on this beach forever and never be ready to leave.” Mia had been released two days after she’d finally awakened, and it hadn’t taken Dylan and the Lamonts long to whisk her to the nearest airstrip and deposit her safely out of harm’s way. Oh, she knew she’d have to return sometime soon, that she’d never be truly safe until Petrov was dead or buried so deep in some godforsaken federal prison he didn’t have a prayer of ever seeing the light of day. But for now, she was going to enjoy her time with Dylan. They’d found a small chapel and remarried quietly the second night after they’d arrived. She’d heard Dylan talking to Alex and Zach’s wife, Kat, assuring her that yes, she could plan and host a reception after their return. Smiling to herself, she thought that those few words were about all he’d be able to get in edgewise. She could hardly wait to see Kat again. She felt like she was starting her new life and would have an old friend already waiting in the wings.

“What are you smiling about? You have a cat-that-swallowed-the-canary grin that always worries me.” Dylan chuckled and reached over from his lounger next to hers and squeezed her hand.

“I was just thinking about Kat and how glad I am that I’m going to already have a girlfriend when we return to Climax. Kat was always so timid when I’d see her with Cal Robertson, but from what I overheard of your conversation with her, it sounds as if she’s come out of her shell.” Mia had laughed at Kat’s high-pitched scream when Dylan had told her they’d already remarried and during his multiple attempts to assure her that she would still get to play hostess.

Dylan returned Mia’s smile. “Oh, indeed, Mrs. Katarina Lamont might be small, but she packs a powerful punch. Hell, both Alex and Zach have always been two of the strictest Doms at their Club, but rest assured that little bit of a woman leads them on a merry chase. And if Grayson is right and she’s carrying multiples, oh hell, this is going to be priceless to watch.” They lay back in companionable silence for a long time, just enjoying each other’s company and the sound of the waves beating against the white sandy beach. The soft breeze carried the sweet scent of orchids and the gentle strains of an acoustic guitar playing in the lounge a few yards up the beach.

They’d spent the past couple of days making sweet love so often they’d barely made it out of their cottage. There wouldn’t be any BDSM play for a while yet, Mia’s shoulder was healing nicely, but any strain might well have caused a setback Dylan wasn’t willing to risk. So for now, he was perfectly happy to slide his aching sex into her wet velvet pussy and take them both over the edge of ecstasy again and again. They’d have the rest of their lives for scenes, well, at least until he managed to plant his seed deep within her. God, but he couldn’t wait to see her round with his child. She was going to be an amazing mother.

Finally Mia broke the silence. “I’ve loved being here with you, you’ve made this time together so perfect. I’m going to spend the rest of my life showing you how much I love you, Dylan Marshall. And as much as I love this lost paradise, I’m ready to go home. I’m ready to go back to Climax and begin our life together.”

Dylan squeezed her hand gently before answering. “I can’t think of a single thing I’d like more.”