Page 32 of Jenna's Submission

Chapter 30

As Mia was escorted through the front doors into The ShadowDance Club, there was no doubt in her mind her message had been received. Holy Mother of God, there were security people everywhere, and each one looked at her and then straight to her tat. Holy hell it was hard to keep her eyes downcast and not scan the room for Dylan.

Petrov’s grip on her elbow was almost painful as he pulled her forward and spoke quietly so only she could hear. “Come, slut, you must find the woman Katarina. If we can get the diamonds before needing to stay tonight, we will, and then you will be free to go.”Yeah, right, I’m real sure you’re just going to let me waltz away knowing you killed a man two nights ago in the motel in Salt Lake City, are smuggling a fucking fortune in diamonds out of the country to buy weapons for your little band of merry murderers, and that your sex-trade business is the largest in the world. Sure, you’re just gonna let me out at the nearest gas station, sure you are! Damn, I sure hope I don’t look that stupid.

“Yes, Sir,” Mia whispered. She had no intention of playing her hand too soon. “Sir, permission to speak?” Even though Petrov wasn’t a trained Dom, he’d learned enough over the past couple of weeks to at least be able to look the role for a short time, Mia was counting on using his lack of knowledge about protocol to her advantage.

“Speak, slut, Christ, this shit is a pain in my ass.” Petrov had a total disregard for others and being a sex trader was a reflection of his complete devaluing view of women in particular. He had led Mia into the main bar area, and his eyes had widened when he’d seen a woman tied naked to a St. Andrew’s cross while her Dom used a single-tail whip to lay perfect red stripes in a crisscross over her back and ass. The woman was begging her master for more, and Petrov had stopped near the small stage, enthralled with what he was seeing. Grateful for his distraction, Mia used the opportunity to look quickly around the room, and it only took her a few seconds to lock eyes with Dylan Marshall.

Dear God, he was just as gorgeous as she remembered. She could practically feel his eyes caressing her nearly naked body. He flicked his eyes to the center of her torso, his lips quirked up fractionally in acknowledgment of the tattoo he’d designed and had inked for her on their first wedding anniversary. Mia’s knees nearly buckled in relief, it took every ounce of self-discipline she had to stay rooted in place. She didn’t know who else in the room was in Petrov’s pocket, but she’d bet her last nickel there were several. Just as she’d brought her eyes back to the floor, Petrov had realized she hadn’t asked her question. “What did you want? You asked to speak and then stare at the floor, you are a typical stupid American whore, you want always to talk when you should be silent and then you’re silent when told to speak. Why men all over this damned planet want American women as their slaves is a baffle to me.” He turned to face her and grabbed her shoulders and gave her a violent shake. “Speak now, or I will give you to one of these perverts and watch as they whip you.” His angry tirade caused spittle to spray her face as he shouted, and she fought the feeling that she was going to throw up. The man must not even own a damned toothbrush and the seafood he’d eaten at lunch didn’t smell any better now than it had when he’d eaten three platefuls earlier.Yep, real classy fella this one. Just have to pretend for a little bit longer, then I’m going to love watching as you’re cuffed and stuffed, you piece of shit.

“Sir, I need to use the restroom. Doms are always served free drinks at these clubs, I’d be happy to bring you something as soon as I return, Sir.” Trying to act subservient to Robertson and now Petrov was taxing every bit of reserve Mia had, after this mess, she was going on a long, much-deserved vacation. She planned to spend about a month lounging in a hammock on some beach letting cute cabana boys fetch her fruity drinks with little umbrellas, yes, sirree, she had it all planned out.Just need to get those diamonds and drop a net over this thug. Come into my country and act a fool, we’ll just see how you like American women when Special Prosecutor Brianna Davis gets done with you. Oh baby, she is locked and loaded waiting for a chance at you. That sweet little brunette your guys picked up on the University of Texas campus last summer, that was Tiffani Davis, Brianna’s younger sister. Oh yes indeed, she is most anxious to have a conversation with your happy Russian ass.

“You think I am so stupid as to let you out of my sight? No, you must wait.” Petrov didn’t care if she pissed herself, he wasn’t losing track of her, hell, who knew what shit she’d stir up.

Just then a tall man in jeans and boots stepped into Mia’s limited view, she’d kept her eyes down trying to convince Petrov she honestly believed she had a chance to win her freedom. The man’s deep voice was clearly that of an experienced Dom, but there was an underlying warmth that Mia didn’t miss. “Excuse me, sorry to interfere, but I couldn’t help but overhear your little sub there mention needing to use the bathroom. I know how you feel not wanting to let a pretty little filly like that get away from ya, but the restrooms here are monitored by Doms and dungeon monitors. May I?” He’d obviously asked Petrov’s permission to touch her, because at the ass-hat’s grunt, the man had placed his finger under her chin and lifted her face to his. “We don’t worry about our little subs’ privacy, hell, with this outfit showin’ off all her personals, privacy ain’t much of an issue, is it, pet?” Mia was sure he’d just given her a message, likely that the monitor in the restroom was one of the security team. He released her chin and quickly returned his gaze to Petrov. “She’ll be safe in there, you tell the Dom on duty to keep an eye on her, and he’ll make sure she don’t leave his sight for a minute.” With that, he turned and walked away, never looking back. Mia had to suppress a smile, damn, that cowboy sure missed his calling, oh yeah, last year’s Oscar winner didn’t hold a candle to her new hero.

Petrov had grabbed her hand and was dragging her through the crowd toward the direction the cowboy Dom had nodded his head. Mia’s heart was racing, she was sending up prayers way faster than she figured even the most benevolent God could fulfill them.Please, oh please, let there be a contact waiting in that bathroom for me!

* * * *

Dylan had heard Trace Bartell’s conversation about the restroom and had silently praised Alex and Zach Lamont’s deep pockets and their foresight in placing hidden mics on several of The Club’s regular members. They’d met with men they trusted and had known would be mingling through the room, giving them a brief rundown of the situation and asking that they engage the targets if they had the opportunity. The general consensus was, the more they talked, the better the team’s chance of knowing what was planned. Bartell had played it perfectly. He’d set it up so they would have a chance to speak with Mia, and he’d kept Petrov in the conversation long enough to give someone a chance to get in place. Dylan had to laugh, anybody who thought ranchers weren’t great business men who could step into any situation and make it fly had never met the man known locally as The Gentle Giant. Trace Bartell had lost his wife a while back when she’d been run off the road by a drunken teenager from a neighboring community. Even though the man had been devastated by the loss, he’d lobbied the prosecutor and judge to impose a sentence that would require the young man to work on his ranch for nothing but room and board for a year and a thousand hours of community service. That young man had been a problem in his hometown for years, everybody expected him to fail and damned it if the kid hadn’t tried his hardest to prove them all right. But this past year spent on Bartell’s ranch had turned the kid around. Trace had taught him values and was even helping fund the kid’s college education. When people had asked him why he’d done it, he’d assured everyone it had been healing for them both. Everybody hoped that Trace would find a woman who would appreciate the kind spirit that was still mourning the loss of a great love.

Dylan had seen Alex move into position, so he’d stayed back. It was best to let Alex talk to Melita, hell, if he got close to her, he was going to wrap her in his arms and never let her go, and that wasn’t going to help them tie up this cluster so they could clear both Katarina and Mia of the danger that would continue to haunt them if this didn’t end tonight.

Petrov stopped at the entrance of the women’s lounge and faced Alex Lamont, who stood with his feet planted shoulder-width apart and his arms crossed over his chest. His leather pants left nothing to the imagination and his black silk shirt was open to the waist, showcasing his massive chest and highlighting the deep bronze skin tone he owed to his Native American lineage. He was in full Dom persona, and Mia had to duck her head so that she didn’t smile. She’d spent many nights sitting out on the deck drinking beer and laughing at Alex and Zach Lamont’s crazy stories about growing up on ShadowDance Mountain and then later their harrowing tales of war and narrow escapes.

Petrov looked at Alex and snarled, “Are you the man watching the women urinate?” Good thing she was standing behind Petrov, she knew her shoulders were shaking with her silent laughter.

Alex raised his eyebrow and looked down at the Russian thug.Jesus Christ, did he really just ask me that?Alex was sure the men in the Crow’s Nest would be throwing that little ditty in his face for years. “I’m Alex Lamont, my brother and I own this Club, but we all take shifts monitoring the bathroom the submissives use. No Dom wants his sub coming in here and touching what belongs to him any more than is necessary. We don’t need them chatting each other up either, it’s no good when they start comparing notes, you know what I mean?” Petrov was nodding like his neck was made out of rubber, what an idiot. “You want me to watch your sub? You think she’s going to try to get herself off while she’s in here? Maybe ease the tension before you get a chance to play with her? I’ll keep an eye on her. Help yourself over there at the bar. Bartender’s name is Cort Douglas, tell him Alex said to set you up with some of the good stuff under the bar.” Alex hadn’t met a Russian criminal yet who didn’t love thinking they were getting the best vodka in the bar. And it didn’t look like this asshole was going to be any different.

“Yes, watch the slut for me. She is a slippery one, don’t let her out of your sight. You can have some of her if you like, I don’t care so much for her, but she has her uses, you know? Cort Douglas, you say? When she leaves watch her to make sure she returns to me, thank you.” Petrov shoved a twenty into Alex’s palm before he walked toward the bar.

Knowing the entire back of the bar was a mirror and Petrov would be watching closely, Alex grasped Mia by the upper arm and roughly dragged her out of sight. “Damn it, Alex, that fucking hurt!” Mia was rubbing her upper arm as soon as Alex had released her.

“Yeah, well, nice to see you, too, Melita, and that piss wad you brought into my Club was watching in the mirror over the bar, so I had to play my part. You owe Trace Bartell a beer, too, by the way.” At her puzzled look, he added, “The cowboy who got you in here, Christ the man thinks quick on his feet.” Smiling now, he reached over and pulled Melita into a rib-crunching hug. “Goddamn, Melita, in a million years Zach and I won’t be able to repay you for helping Katarina escape and return to us. I can’t wait to reunite you with her, but right now, you need to tell me everything you know about what’s going down here tonight.”

Mia quickly filled him in on everything she knew, she was sure he was wired so likely she’d just told their whole team.You have to love rich boys with cool techy toys.