Page 15 of Jenna's Submission

Chapter 15

Colt had briefed him during their phone call earlier in the day about Jenna submitting with her body but still holding everything else back, so Mitch wasn’t surprised when he felt those thoughts running through her mind. Having the ability to establish a strong empathetic connection with another person was both a blessing and a curse. He was usually able to get right inside the mind of another person and feel what they were feeling as well as hear most of their “self-talk.” Right now, Jenna was barely functioning on a cognitive level at all, it was all lust, but there were whispers of “distance” and “remember last time” that he found really disturbing. It was as if she was trying to remind herself of some previous experience where she’d allowed herself to care for someone who had abused that trust. He didn’t see how she could possibly compare the horrific experience of being raped and beaten by Ted Scott to the pleasures he and Colt could provide, but he well knew better than most how truly complex and mystifying the human mind could really be.

Grayson looked up over Jenna’s shoulder at Colt and gave a barely perceptible nod to let him know he would be able to “read” Jenna. There were those very rare people who instinctively were able to “block” an empath from getting in, as Mitch liked to think of it. But as a natural submissive, Jenna valued other people’s opinion of her, she wanted to please Colt, and even though a part of her was fighting their connection, it was that desire to please that opened the door for Grayson.

“Colt, please, I need you to touch me.” Jenna’s words were barely audible.

“I am touching you, pet. Tell me exactly what you need.” Colt was trying to teach Jenna to equate her feelings of need with the pleasures he could and would provide. Mitch knew that the sooner she craved his touch, the sooner she’d accept that Colt wasn’t ever going to let her go. “Jenna, you are so passionate and responsive. I will give you exactly what you need. Talk to me, sweetness.” Mitch watched as Colt slowly mastered Jenna’s body. He’d known Colt had been planning this scene for years and each and every move had been carefully choreographed.

“Please…I need you…” Jenna’s pleas were airy and desperate, but the men were going to make her tell them exactly what it was she needed. Jenna felt Mitch kneel in front of her and separate her folds, exposing her swollen, throbbing clit to the air. When he blew a small puff of air directly on it, she screamed and started to shake. It was enough to push her closer, but not near enough to bring on the orgasm she was chasing. She knew they wouldn’t send her over until she told them exactly what her body wanted. The battle between her body and mind was raging, and she was adrift in a sea of passion and desire without a life preserver. As she fought the waves of her own passion, the ability to express her need in words was eluding her. “Oh God, please, I need to come. I’m begging you, please.”

“What do you think, Grayson? Close enough, or shall we hold out for more detail?” Even though Jenna could hear the teasing tone in Colt’s voice, she still wanted to strangle him.

“Damn, man, I don’t know. I love how she is creaming all over my hand. How about I just take a lick or two over her little clit and see how that works out, maybe you’d like to push into her rosette and see if we can help her a bit.” Mitch was so close to her pussy she could feel the soft breeze of his words waft across the swollen tissues.

Colt lifted her leg onto the chair she was standing next to and began running his finger through her soaking center. When it was coated with her sweet syrup, he nodded to Grayson, and just as he pushed through the tight ring of anal muscles surrounding her back entrance, Grayson licked and then bit down gently on her clit. Jenna exploded in an orgasm that had her hurtling through space, surrounded by brilliant colors swirling as if she was falling through a vortex of electric light. She would have certainly collapsed to the floor if not for Colt’s arm wrapped securely around her torso. Jenna knew she was shaking violently, but couldn’t seem to control her muscles. And through it all she heard Colt’s and Mitch’s words of praise, and even though she wouldn’t ever be able to tell anyone exactly what they’d said, she knew they were pleased with her response. And all she could do was just float along on wave after wave of the most intense feelings of pleasure she’d ever experienced. As she started to come back down, she wondered how she was ever going to protect her heart from Colt Matthews even when she knew it was already too late. She’d wanted him for so long, and now that she knew he was everything she’d ever dreamed he’d be, it was going to be devastating to lose him. She had always stayed distant because it was one thing to never know exactly what you were missing, and it was another to have experienced it then have it jerked away from you. That was the last thought she had before she slipped back into a blissful sleep.

* * * *

“Christ, Matthews, she is fucking unbelievable. You are a lucky bastard. I don’t know what you did to deserve her, but I’m sure it must have been a long fucking time ago, because you sure as shit haven’t been that good since I’ve known your sorry ass.” Mitch chuckled as he watched Colt gently lay Jenna on the bed. Mitch brought Colt a warm cloth from the bathroom so he could take care of his woman and looked on in longing, sending a prayer out to the universe that one day soon he and Bryant would be caring for Rissa with the same totally captivated expressions.

“I am humbled by your appreciation of my worthiness, you pompous ass. Now go on downstairs and start dinner, I’ll take care of Jenna and then I’ll be down.” Colt’s expression was one of brotherly affection even if his words didn’t reflect the warmth. As he gently cleaned her then patted the area dry.

Colt marveled at the fact that she was even more than he’d dreamed she would be. He stood and watched her sleep for a few moments before moving away from the bed. She was absolute perfection in his eyes. In sleep, she looked so much younger. All the tension and stress of pretending to be strong and in control was gone, and her youthful countenance shone through. Smoothing her dark hair back from her face in a gesture that was more affection than necessity, he smiled at his own actions.Oh yeah, you are so fucked, Matthews!Laughing at his own self-mocking, he turned and made his way downstairs.