Page 11 of Dusted Star

Chapter Six

Juan watched asLakyn stood stock still, totally enthralled with the Wests’ scene. She’d completely forgotten about eating, and he made a mental note to watch that carefully. Her responses were so open, and with her guard down, he was amazed to see how much younger she looked. Lakyn Hicks craved everything she was seeing play out on stage—or at least her body did. Opening upthe world of kink for her would be a joy; the only problem would be breaching the walls Lakyn Storm had carefully erected to protect herself from the challenges inherent to her career.

“Tell me what you see,Cariña.” He knew she would unconsciously prioritize what she was watching, and if she was honest with herself and them, she’d describe the most personally significant things first. He wassurprised when she only hesitated briefly before speaking.

“The silk covering Tobi’s eyes is so finely woven, she must feel like she’s wrapped in a cloud. And the way Kent fanned out the fabric at the back of her head like a miniature hammock tells me they’re being very careful her neck is protected, no matter how far back she is tilted.” How fitting that a model would zero in on the silk scarf;he had to fight back his amusement, so he didn’t distract her. “Her dress is an interesting style, and I wonder how many people have noticed her bare labia peeking out from beneath the folds of the dress. Tobi mentioned she is self-conscious of the stretch marks on her breasts, and I wonder if they’ll wait until the lights are dimmed before they bare her completely.”

“Princess, you’re absolutelyright. Both of her Doms are acutely aware of what she considers flaws, but they consider those marks proof of the precious gifts she’s given them. The only thing Kent and Kyle West love more than their children is the woman who lights up their lives in every way. One of most appealing aspects of the lifestyle is the intensity of the connection between Doms and their submissives.”

“Tobi said thesame thing. She explained it was, in large part, due to the emphasis on communication.” For a moment she wondered if it was rude to be talking to Juan and Trac without looking at them, but she couldn’t take her eyes off what was happening on the stage. Kent had tilted the ring back far enough to put Tobi off-balance. Lakyn noted the other woman hadn’t jumped or reacted in any of the ways you’dexpect of someone who’d been moved to the tipping point.What would it be like to have that level of trust in someone?

“Tell me what you’re thinking, Princess. Your entire body shuddered, and I want to know why.”

There was an edge to Trac’s voice she hadn’t heard before, and she found herself responding without taking time to filter her words. It wasn’t easy to put the jumble of thoughts thathad run through her head into words, but she did the best she could. When she’d finished, he pressed a kiss to the sensitive spot behind her ear.

“Well done, little sub. You picked out one of the most important elements of any D/s relationship. First and foremost, submission is always the submissive’s choice—you hold all the power, contrary to how it may appear. Tobi could stop this scene anytime she wanted with the utterance of a single word.”

“Her Masters trust her to tell them if it’s too much. Tobi’s honesty and transparency are the basis for their trust. It may appear seamless now, but I can assure you, polyamorous relationships require a unique level of all of these elements, and the Wests fought hard to get to this point.”

Juan’s admiration for his friends was easy to hear,and she found herself nodding her understanding. Tobi had been very forthcoming during their conversations, and Lakyn appreciated the other woman’s candor. Without that background, she’d be more overwhelmed than aroused by what she was watching now.

Kyle exchanged the handheld microphone for a wireless clip-on he hadn’t switched on yet. Lakyn watched with a mix of wonder and envy as he leanedclose to Tobi’s ear. The audience couldn’t hear what he was saying, but it wasn’t difficult to see Tobi’s reaction. Her eyes went impossibly wide, and she slowly nodded.

“Kyle won’t let her get away with not speaking her answer. Watch.” Juan’s words were prophetic because Kyle immediately shook his head and pulled back. His intensity was so forceful, Lakyn would have sworn she could feel it fromwhere she stood along the wall.

She studied Tobi as the other woman answered whatever questions her Masters asked. Her body was practically vibrating with desire, and Lakyn felt the anxiety she’d felt at Tobi’s earlier greeting begin to melt away. Mia’s reassurances about Tobi’s sincerity replayed in her mind as she watched the pretty blonde relax even further into the bindings. Kent uncovereda tray before rolling it closer. The first item he picked up caused a ripple of surprise to move through the crowd. As soon as he slipped the headphones over Tobi’s ears, Kyle switched on the mic clipped to his shirt.

“Our lovely sub is very good at picking up the smallest verbal clues from audiences, these noise-canceling headphones will keep her from hearing you or our commentary.” A grin curvedthe corners of his mouth, and Lakyn suspected she’d just seen a glimpse of the ornery boy he had no doubt been.

“Unless we want her to be included—then it’s as simple as tapping a button on our lapel mics.” Lakyn noticed Kent’s tone was harsher now that he wasn’t speaking to his wife. Rather than being put off by the change, Lakyn found herself admiring the difference. It was an outward signof his devotion and loyalty, two of the things she admired the most. Lakyn had seen enough infidelity among her co-workers and acquaintances to last a lifetime.

Kyle explained they were adding several sets of the headphones to the club’s equipment inventory and a few mics for demos, prompting cheers from most of the on-lookers. Lakyn was mesmerized by what she was seeing, but she tuned out whatthe men were saying when it became clear they’d meant it when they’d said this would be a demo.I understand they are using this to enlighten their members about new products, but it sounds like a late-night infomercial to me. Okay, a really hot, kinky informercial, but still…


Juan studied Lakyn’sever-changing expressions as she watched the scene. It didn’t appearas though she was listening to what Kyle was saying, but she seemed completely enraptured by what she was seeing. Her eyes were so dilated, there was only a narrow ring of color showing, and the pulse at the base of her neck was pounding so rapidly, he could barely track the beats. He listened as her respiration accelerated and frowned when he noted she was intermittently holding her breath.

From the look Trac gave him over Lakyn’s shoulder, he hadn’t missed the hitches in her breathing either. Juan watched the muscles in his friend’s arms tighten around her shoulders as a subtle reminder for her to take a breath.

“What do you see now,Cariña?” Years of experience had taught Juan to let submissives describe what they were seeing—it was like taking a walk through their minds. As longas she answered honestly, it would give them a good idea of what she found most arousing.

“They’ve taken away her ability to move… she can only hear what they allow, and the silk scarf they tied over her eyes deprives her of the chance to anticipate anything. She can only feel. I remember her telling me the more restrictive the scene, the more freedom it gave her. I didn’t understand at the time,but now it’s so easy to see. Tobi doesn’t have to wonder if she is being too aggressive or if she’s not showing enough interest. She doesn’t have to worry about splitting her time fairly between her two Doms because they’re in control of everything.” Lakyn’s voice sounded almost wistful and Juan was thrilled with her observations.

“Cariña,can you see yourself in those bonds? Can you imagineputting yourself in our care, trusting us with your pleasure?” She finally turned her face toward his and the depth of her desire shone so brightly in her eyes it stole his breath.

“Yes, I want to know what if feels like to lose myself in pleasure. I want to let someone else make decisions for a little while.” From what little Juan had learned about her alter-ego, Lakyn Storm only had two peoplein her life to share the burden—a manager who didn’t appear to be particularly committed to looking out for her best interests and a brother who loved and protected her but was rarely available. One of the things Juan’s sisters had taught him was the importance of what they calledbeing present.It had taken him a long time to figure out exactly what they’d been talking about.

Teaching him howto actively listen was one of the greatest gifts his sisters had ever given him. They’d also drilled into him the importance of touch. They still reminded him anytime he was within arm’s reach about the healing power of a hug.

Trac leaned down, whispering in her ear, “If I slide my fingers between your lovely legs will I find you wet for us, Princess?” Juan was grateful his friend had pickedup the ball while he’d been lost in thought. This was one of the reasons he enjoyed ménage. It was also one of the many reasons he believed a polyamorous marriage was the way to go.

“Yes.” Her breathless response would have made Juan’s cock rock hard even if it hadn’t already been pressing incessantly against his zipper.

Juan moved to stand in front of her and gave her nipples a gentle pinch.“Try again,Cariña.”

“Yes, Sir, you will find me drenched.” The conviction in her voice was far more convincing than the single word response she’d given them the first time.

As much as Juan wished they could whisk her away, it was better to play at the club—at least this first time. It was important for those new to the lifestyle to have the security of people nearby until they had time toestablish trust. Making love to her in the privacy of their cabin was one thing, tying her to the bed and fucking her until none of them could move was another.