Page 8 of Capturing Callie

Chapter 7

Callie had been relieved when Ian and Jace had backed away from their previouslyintensemoods. Ian had seemed to relax more and more with each bite she’d eaten, and truthfully, she’d eaten more than she’d wanted just because it had seemed to make him so happy. They had denied her any more wine, citing the medication they intended to give her, but she knew they were worried she’d have another meltdown as well.Jesus, Joseph, and Mary, I know better than to drink. It always sends me ass over teakettle. I’m going to have to keep my wits about me if I’m going to get this story and survive this next month with my heart intact.

As soon as she had eaten, Jace stepped forward and handed her a small glass of juice and a couple of painkillers, and she didn’t hesitate to down them both because her hand was really starting to throb. It was only after she’d swallowed the pills that she’d noticed both men facing her with stern expressions. “What?”

Jace surprised her by pulling her roughly to her feet and then giving her a sharp slap on the ass. “Watch your tone, sweetness. You are already racking up more punishment points than you can pay off comfortably in a month. Personally I think Master Ian should renegotiate and keep you until you are even up—hell, he’d get to keep you forever. Now, why on earth would you take two pills from a man you barely know without so much as even inquiring as to what they contained?”

Callie was surprised by his suddenly stern demeanor and stuttered her answer. “Well, I mean, you said you were going to give me a painkiller, right? That’s what I took, right? That was like Tylenol or something, wasn’t it? Oh, fuck me, please tell…Hey! What was that for?”

Jace was grateful Ian stood back and let him play this one out with her. If he was going to have any real credibility with Callie as a Dom, he needed to start establishing that position of power now. Otherwise, she would always see him as a friend, even though he was actually the stricter of the two of them. If she wanted gentle and sweet, she’d trespassed on the wrong island. “You language is deplorable, sweetness. Clean it up or suffer the consequences. Now, you can, in fact, always trust what you take from our hands, but you had damned well always ask about what you are being given, even from us. It’s calledinformed consent, and it’s one of the tenets of BDSM that we live by.”

What he hadn’t told her was that his younger sister had always been deathly allergic to penicillin, and on a ranch that was something that had to be watched closely. Hell, she’d almost died as a young teen when she’d helped treat sick calves and inadvertently gotten some of the vaccine on her bare skin. Jace had just happened to see her staggering across the yard before she collapsed or they would have never gotten her to the hospital in time. And you could damned well bet nobody gave Abby Garrett any medicine without her knowing exactly what you were holding out to her.

“Oh, well, I guess you do have a valid point. I can see where that wasn’t very smart on my part.”And why on earth I seem to instinctively trust you I have no idea, because I haven’t trusted any man for many years.

Jace watched as the emotions played out over her face, and when she finally settled, he saw Ian’s slight nod, so he knew it was time to begin. They had wanted the Tylenol to kick in but not so much that her judgment was impaired before they began again. Looking down into her elfin face, he crossed his arms over his chest and said, “Strip, sweetness.”

He saw her sharp intake of breath and then saw her eyes flicker briefly to Ian as if seeking his approval.Oh, you do understand exactly who you belong to, don’t you, angel. He already owns your body—he just has to get your heart on board. But I know something neither of you knows, you already own him as well.When she hadn’t removed the shirt quickly enough, Jace stepped forward and ripped open the garment he’d dressed her in not an hour earlier. “Holy shit…zus. You ripped Mr. McGregor’s shirt. I’m not paying for that, you know. That was probably an expensive shirt…I can’t buy expensive stuff that is good, let alone something that’s ripped. Good grief, Gerty!”

Smack, Jace brought his hand down on her other ass cheek with a resounding crack. “Stop talking. And adding to the end of shit to make us think you’re talking about puppies isn’t going to cut it, sweetness. That’s another mark on the tally.” Turning to Ian he chuckled. “You were right about needing a long sheet of paper. Hell, we may have to devise a spanking bench/porta potty, she’s gonna be on the things so damned long.”

“Indeed she is, but I have to say, I do like hearing the sound of our hands coming down on her beautiful ass. And once we get her eating like she should, that lovely derrière is going to be a nice couple of handfuls. Now, present her to me.”

Jace pulled the tattered garment from her body and tossed it aside before turning her so that she was facing Ian. He showed her how to kneel properly with her knees spread wide apart, her hands clasped behind her back, and her gaze lowered to the floor. “This will be the position you will take the most often, so it needs to be the first one you practice and become familiar with so that it is natural and comfortable for you. Now, when your Master tells you to kneel, this will be your position, understand? You’ll be learning more as we go along.” Then he stepped back so that he and Ian were shoulder to shoulder. Jace knew they were imposing when they both stood with their feet shoulder width apart and their arms crossed over bare chests, and it was always a good way to begin a scene—it put subs in the right frame of mind very quickly. But when Ian ordered Callie to look at them, Jace was surprised to see nothing but desire in her eyes. Ian had found himself a real gem—now if he didn’t let his fucked-up past ruin it.

* * * *

Ian had watched the scene play out between Callie and Jace. He’d seen the horror on her face when Jace had ripped the shirt she was wearing, but he’d been shocked that it wasn’t about being bared to them in such a brutish manner. No, her shock was because she feared being forced to replace an expensive linen shirt. The woman was such a natural submissive Ian wasn’t surprised that those she loved could take easy advantage of her. If she were his permanently, he’d teach her that she only fully submitted to one man. Oh, he’d make her show the proper respect to other Doms, butnobodywould fuck her unless he was in the room and gave his express permission. Jace would be allowed to play with her, but even his best friend wouldn’t take his pleasure from her without Ian present.

“You have a lovely body, pet. You are a bit too thin, but we’ll remedy that soon enough. I love seeing our pussy all bare, but tell me, how do you afford the luxury of waxing?” Ian was thrilled she was baby smooth, but he wanted to know how she afforded the costly treatments.

“Well…oh geez, this is going to sound awful, but it really isn’t. You see, when I was in college…well, I sort of had this side business where I helped other students with their homework and stuff. I know I shouldn’t have done it, but I really needed the money to help Chrissy because our mom had moved to California and wasn’t established yet so Chrissy’s care had sort of fallen to me. Anyway, a couple of the girls that I’d…um…helped quite a bit couldn’t pay me, but they worked at a local spa, so they arranged for me to get free laser treatments.” Ian shook his head in wonder. The woman was a constant source of surprise. And if he wasn’t missing his guess, she probably had a wicked sense of humor when she was relaxed and alone with her friends.

“Well, bartering is an acceptable method of payment to be sure. And what you did in college to make money is history, pet. But I must say, I am pleased to know your beautiful pussy will always be naked to my eye. Now, stand up.” He watched as she rose with a dancer’s natural grace to a standing position before he continued. “Move your feet just a bit more than shoulder width apart and lace your fingers behind your head. That’s it, perfect. I want to inspect what belongs to me for the next month. Master Jace is going to help me, and you’ll allow his touch the same as you’ll allow mine. Do you understand?”

“Yes, you want to look at me, to see if I pass your inspection.” The quiver in Callie’s voice betrayed her brave words.

“Close, but not exactly right, and I’ll remind you that snarky responses will be dealt with harshly. And we’ll be adding that one to the growing list of infractions you’re going to be paying for later. Inspection can be for a number of reasons, but right now we’ll be making ourselves familiar with your body because we need to know if you have any scars or skin conditions that we’d need to be careful of, we also need to make note of any bruising, etc. There are any number of reasons a Dom would inspect his sub, but the most common is simply because hecan.Remember a submissive’s body is not his or her own, it belongs wholly to his or her Master or Mistress.”

Ian walked around Callie slowly, trailing his fingers in random patterns over her beautiful skin. Her skin was flawless, save the bruises that were rapidly forming on her ass cheeks. He saw her flinch when he pressed his fingers into the darkest of the bruises. “See, pet, this is exactly why it important for your Master to inspect your body. This bruising is more than I’d like to see, and it tells me that your body marks easily. I want you to feel a punishment for several hours after it’s been administered so that it reinforces the lesson. What I don’t want is to damage tender tissues, so this is something that Master Jace and I will take into consideration. But don’t think for a minute there aren’t a number of ways topunisha sub who is out of line that don’t involve spanking, paddling, caning, or whipping.”

Jesus, she was so responsive it made him want her all the more. Leaning over her shoulder, he ran his tongue around the rim of her delicate ear. “Remember, my lovelyCarlin, a Dom’s first obligation is to take care of his sub. I want you to be healthy and happy while I challenge you every single day to expand your horizons.” Continuing to encircle her ear with his tongue, he suddenly plunged his tongue into her ear in several quick stabs, imitating what he planned to do to her pussy. “Are you wet for me?”

Callie’s breath was coming in short pants, but she answered immediately, “Yes…I…I need…oh…”

“Tell me, pet. What do you need?” Ian wanted her to start saying the words he knew were going to be difficult for her to speak. No doubt she didn’t speak that bluntly in everyday language—well, except for her very creative cursing, and he wanted to start blowing through those inhibitions immediately. “Say the words, sweet Callie, and perhaps Master Jace and I will give you what your body craves.”

Ian and Jace had been steadily walking her towards the master suite, and he’d bet she had no idea they were even moving. Jace stepped forward and showed her the small butt plug he was holding. “Do you know what this is, sweetness?” When her eyes went wide, he smiled. “Judging by your reaction, I’d say that you do. Now, do you know why we might be planning to start you on the smallest of these now?” When she shook her head from side to side, he said, “That’s not good enough for scene play, Callie. You’ll have to speak the words so we’ll always know you understand exactly what we’ve asked you.”

“No, I don’t know why it’s important to shove anything up my ass….um, Sir.” Jace watched as she lowered her eyes immediately, so she either knew her tone was a problem or she was lying about knowing why they were going to use the plug on her. Either way, she was being a brat, and it was time to stop that shit right now.

Jace’s aim was spot on—without preamble, he pinched her pulsing clit between his thumb and finger. When she screamed and tried to push his hand away, he just chuckled. “Watch your tone or you’ll find yourself bent over right here in the hall and this plug up your sweet ass without the benefit of preparation or lube. And I’m betting you know exactly what we have planned for you and why we’re going to start stretching that sweet ass of yours.”

They had reached the door, and Ian pulled Callie around so that she was facing him. “Go lie over the edge of the bed and spread your legs as wide as you can.” He watched as she slowly made her way to the edge of the bed. When she’d done as he asked, he said, “Now, turn your feet in just a bit. Good girl.” He’d walked up to her and stroked over the bruises that were becoming more prominent and frowned. “We really will have to be careful with you, pet. I don’t like seeing marks are your beautiful skin for this long. And I particularly hate knowing they are going to be worse tomorrow. When you awaken in the morning, if neither Master Jace nor I are not in the room, remember, you may shower, etc. Then you will wear only what we lay out for you. Then you need to come find us so we can reassess this bruising. Are we clear on this, pet?”

“Yes, I understand.” Ian could hear the airy quality of her voice, he loved that sound in a sub, it meant she was in the right mind-set for the rest of the scene.

“Now, my sweet sub, I’m going to watch as Master Jace works his magic on your sweet ass. You be a good girl and do exactly as he commands, and we’re going to make you feel very, very good.” With those words, Ian stepped to the side where he could monitor her reactions. He knew they were tossing her into the deep end of the pool, but she’d had a pretty stressful day, and quite honestly, he’d never found anything better at relieving stress than three or four “explode in your brain” orgasms.