Page 6 of Capturing Callie

Jace stepped forward and gave Callie five quick but harsh swats. “Hopefully the next time I get my hands on your ass it’s something a lot more enjoyable, Callie.”

Just as Jace stepped away, Ian plunged his fingers into her wet cunt and leaned over her to whisper, “Come, my pet.” Jace knew Callie’s ass had to feel like it was on fire, and most of her babbling through her sobs was unintelligible, but he had managed to catch just enough to know she didn’t understand how the pain had shifted to need.

He was going to enjoy teaching her all about that during the next month, if she lasted that long. And he was surprised how much he hoped that she did, because there was just something amazing about her. He couldn’t have explained it if he’d tried, but she had reawakened needs in him that he had feared were long dead. His cock felt like it was going to burst, and after he had turned her back over so she was sitting on his lap, it had taken every bit of his self-control to not plunge into her depths and take his own relief. He felt her settle against him and fall asleep almost immediately.

Moving toward the media room, he nodded to Jace who opened the door and turned on the large television. After he’d found a music station with soft piano music, he turned on a few of the soft side lights so if she woke up before they returned, she wouldn’t be frightened by the dark, unfamiliar room. Jace handed him a softly woven cover and said, “She is amazing. Do you think she knows?”

“That she’s a natural submissive? I am sure she suspects. There’s no doubt she would have done a good deal of research before attempting to do this story. So it’s going to be interesting to see how many misinterpretations we have to correct. God, I hate those internet sites that are filled with wannabe Doms trying to lure unsuspecting women into abusive relationships on the pretense of dominance and submission.”

As they left the room, Ian glanced back at the sleeping wonder that was Callie Reece. Her face was blotchy from crying, and her hair was a mass of wavy blonde chaos. She was so tiny and delicate he was worried she’d have horrible bruises not only from the numerous falls she had out on the deck, but they’d given her a pretty harsh spanking as well. But he had wanted to convey a serious message about her language and taking better care of herself. Growling that he was going to take a quick shower, he returned to his suite, leaving Jace to make them a quick snack.

When he returned, the television had been tuned to an action movie and Jace sat in his favorite recliner, sipping a bottle of beer. Ian nodded toward Callie in question, and Jace simply shook his head, letting him know she hadn’t awakened. Ian sat on the edge of the sofa and just looked at her for long moments. She was so unbelievably beautiful she nearly stole his breath. Moving his fingers along the side of her face in a slow caress, he smiled when she pressed her cheek into his palm and sighed in contentment. He leaned down and spoke against her ear, “Come on, pet, wake up for your Master. I want you to eat something before I put you in my bed and sink into that sweet pussy of yours. I’m going to fuck you, Callie. Are you ready for that?” He felt her stir against him, and when he pulled back he was pleased to see her eyes wide open and locked on to his.

“Yes, I would like that very much, but, well, my ass still hurts.” He had been so pleased at her agreement that he’d nearly missed the last part until he heard Jace snort with laughter.

“Fuck, Callie. You made beer come out my nose. That shit burns, you know?” Jace’s words were tempered by his laughter, and Ian couldn’t help but laugh as well.

“Well, pet, then I suggest you do your best to avoid future punishment spankings. And yes, before you ask, not all spankings are punishment. Erotic spankings will be for both our pleasure. And I assure you, you will love them.” He pulled her into a sitting position and then pointed to the tray on the table in front of them. “Now, eat up, you’re going to need some energy when we go to bed.” When she took a small sandwich and started eating, he poured her a glass of wine. “Now, before we go any further, are you on birth control? And do you have a clear health report?”

His questions evidently surprised her, because she starting choking on the bite she’d taken, making him glad he’d already poured her wine. When he handed it to her, she promptly gulped it down, trying to ease the chokehold the bread seemed to have in her throat. “Mercy, give a girl a little warning before you cut to third-date questions, Mr. McGregor. You know, maybe you could hold up your hand with a number or something.” Which she promptly demonstrated, using her slender hands to hold up three fingers. For just a second, Ian forgot about the sass and focused on her hand and the vision of how it was going to look wrapped around his cock.

She brought him out of his musings when she said, “I am on birth control, and I had a physical a couple of months ago, there should be a card in my wallet stating my health status. I haven’t been with anyone since.” Ian watched as her gaze dropped to her hands as she’d spoken the last sentence and was grateful she was so very easy to read.

Reaching for her, he caught her chin with his fingers and lifted it so that she was forced to look at him. “How long ago did you last have sex, pet?” He knew the answer wasn’t something she would readily admit on her own, so best to just ask her straight out.

“Don’t suppose you’d be willing to settle for ‘quite awhile’ would you?” she asked hopefully. Then she quickly added, more to herself than to him, he was quite sure, “Oh hell no, you’re going to be like a dog with a bone on this one. I can just tell.”

Ian was torn, one part of him wanted to upend her and swat her ass again for her insolence and another part of him wanted to hug her because she was so damned adorable. When she reached for the wine, Jace took her glass and refilled it for her, saying, “Best rephrase that, sugar, or you’re going to get yourself another paddlin’, and I’m not sure that sore ass of yours can take many more swats tonight.” Callie had drained her wineglass by the time Jace had finished speaking, and he just raised his eyebrow at her in silent question.

Glancing down at her glass, she smiled guiltily and said, “Oh, sorry for that, but it seemed like…well, maybe if I kept myself busy…you know, drinking…I wouldn’t be spouting off getting myself into trouble.” This time, neither of them bothered to hide their amusement, and they both laughed out loud.

“Damn, boss, she is somethin’ else. I think the next month is going to be mighty interesting. Hell, I’d been thinking about taking you up on that vacation plan, but I do believe I’ll stick around now.” Jace leaned forward and refilled her glass for the third time but cautioned her that it was the last she was getting before leaning back and grinning like a Cheshire cat.

When Ian just continued to watch her, she started to squirm before looking up at him through long, golden-tipped lashes and said, “Well, pickle-pops, you’re not going to let this go, are you? Well, it’s been seven years since I had sex. And I’ll just save you the math and tell you, that puts it at the end of my junior year of high school.” Ian noted that she had stopped eating, and her eyes had gone glassy and distant. He noticed her body language had shifted entirely inward, and even though he was tempted to let her have a bit of space, he knew he couldn’t. He’d mentored Doms for years and had preached, “Begin as you intend to go,” to each of them, so he knew he couldn’t let her keep any secrets.

“Look at me,Carlin.” When she finally raised her gaze to his, he hated the look of despair that he saw in her eyes. When he was sure that he’d gained her focus, he continued. “I know this isn’t easy for you, and I know you would rather not share what I’m going to ask. But for the next month, I am your Dom, and as such, I won’t allow any secrets between us, do you understand?” When she reluctantly nodded her head, he went on. “I intend to meet all of your needs, physical, social, financial, and sexual for the time we are together. As your Dom it is my right and privilege to do so. A sub entrusts herself to her Dom and honesty is the greatest part of that. Do you see where this is going? Now, it was written all over your lovely face that your experience was less than it should have been, and I want you to explain that to me so that I don’t do anything that might remind you of that experience.”

Ian watched Callie’s eyes as she processed everything he’d just said. He’d known it would be easier for her to accept if he didn’t just demand the information, even though he’d have been within his rights as her Dom to do so. But he also knew that her free-will submission would be far more valuable in the end than any small power play victory he could win right now. He suddenly had a far greater appreciation for his friends and club members who were in D/s relationships with women they loved. Because for the first time, he was struck by how much more challenging it had to be dealing with a sub you truly cared about.