Page 6 of Falling for Fallon

“Take all the time you need.We didn’t schedule you behind the bar tonight.Silas and Carson will show you around.It’s important you have time to acclimate to the environment before being asked to mix drinks with so much going on all around you.”

What Kent left unsaid was how closely she’d be monitored for any signs of discomfort, disdain, or judgmental behavior.Any of those would jeopardize her job, but Silas’s gut instinct told him she was a natural submissive.It was a safe bet in her previous relationships, she’d been too intimidated to express her interest in the lifestyle.The more he watched her, the more curious he became.Who was her ex-boyfriend, and what the hell happened to send her across the country?

Silas signaled Carson, letting him know he planned to speak to Kent before joining them upstairs, then gave Fallon a quick kiss.

“I’ll be right up, sweetheart.Do you need for me to send up someone from the first aid station?”Fallon looked confused for a few seconds before her cheeks flushed.

“No, but thank you for asking.My shoulder might be a bit stiff tomorrow, but I’ll work it out.”

“Carson will show you how to set the shower, so the jets massage your sore shoulder.It will help minimize any residual stiffness.”Kent’s smile and dancing eyes made him appear younger than Silas knew he was.As the doors of the elevator slid closed, Kent added, “I’d like to tell you that’s why we installed the shower, but everybody and their three-legged dog knows better.”

Silas and Kent both chuckled when Fallon’s eyes went impossibly wide; Kent’s meaning hadn’t been lost on her.

Once the elevator began its ascent, Silas leaned against the frame of the closed door, giving Kent a searching look.

“Talk to me.”

“I don’t know as much as you might think.Remember, she is here because she’s the daughter of one of my mom’s oldest friends.I do know she took a big financial hit to move, so whatever happened between Fallon and Hagan Brody must have been significant.”

When Kent looked like he was considering how much to reveal, Silas cleared his throat, letting the other man know he wasn’t going to let it go.

“The guy has some interesting family connections.His grandfather was a skilled and well-respected chemist specializing in pharmaceuticals.Unfortunately, the lure of money was stronger than his moral compass.He fell in with criminals who make you wealthier than you ever imagined possible, but there is no end to their demands.”

“And now?Does the family still have ties to organized crime?”

“Likely, though they’ve built a large enough fortune to hide it.The grandfather died a few months before Fallon’s parents, leaving the business to his only son.Hagan’s father is twice as mean and half as smart as his old man.Neither he nor Hagan passed the test to get their pharmacist license.The one area where they excel is recruiting.”

“I assume this is the point where Fallon enters the picture?”

“It seems so, but we’re waiting for Cam to get back from vacation to clear up some details.”Kent ran his hand through his hair in frustration before continuing, “I hate it when CeCe drags his ass off to some damned remote island with no fucking internet.What the hell is with her wanting to be so isolated?If we tried to take Tobi to a place with no cell service, she’d skin us alive.”

Silas couldn’t hold back his laughter because anyone who knew Tobi West understood the truth of her husband’s words.Tobi was one of those rare people who lived life to the fullest and damn the consequences.It was a good thing she had two husbands because Silas doubted there was any one man who’d be able to keep up with her.Her antics kept Kent and Kyle on their toes, and the club rumor mill kept her from hiding her activities.The damned grapevine kept Kent and Kyle supplied with enough fodder for the most hardline gossip.

“Who am I skinning alive?”Tobi stepped into the small vestibule and promptly received a solid swat on her barely covered ass.“Sorry, Sir.It always takes me a few minutes to get my head back into club mode.Please don’t tell Master Kyle.He’s already pis… unhappy with me.”

“Valliant attempt, Kitten.Unfortunately, I don’t think anyone was fooled.”Kent and Silas chuckled when Kyle stepped from the shadows.Tobi winced when she realized he’d heard her comment.Why on earth didn’t the woman stop digging when she was already in the hole with one of her Doms?“I’m sure Kent will be interested in hearing about our earlier encounter.Do you remember my warning that any additional infractions would result in a punishment?”

To her credit, Tobi didn’t respond since Kyle hadn’t asked a question.Kent turned to Silas and shook his head.The quirk of Kent West’s lips told Silas he wasn’t actually upset with his sweet wife.Tobi might be a handful, but the woman had a heart as big as her home state of Texas.Her loyalty to her family and friends was unquestioned, and she was a brilliant businesswoman.

Tobi and her best friend, Gracie, had spent several years building an amazing marketing plan for the implementation of retail boutiques into clubs all over the world.Their Forum Shops business model had become so successful, the two women were practically revered by the small business owners they’d taken along on their wild ride to the top of BDSM club clothing and equipment sales.

Gracie’s husbands, Micah Drake and Jax McDonald, led the club’s high-tech security team.From the control center, affectionately referred to as Mission Control, the men sitting in front of the panel of monitors could see every square inch of the club and surrounding acreage, save the toilet areas.The locker rooms were only displayed if there was an issue, but there had been enough of those for Kent and Kyle to decide to install monitoring equipment.

When the inevitable questions about privacy arose, Kent politely reminded the few who expressed concerns they’d signed away their presumption of privacy when they joined the club.Kyle was less tactful, explaining anyone walking around naked in full view of other club members, fucking as a spectator sport, or waving their wanker out in the open for a blow job, had no business bitching about privacy.

Kyle’s blunt response had set off ripples around the room, and to no one’s real surprise, it was Dean West who offered a compromise.Kent and Kyle’s dad suggested they add a flashing light to indicate when the cameras in the locker room were active, but it was Tobi who’d truly broken the ice, jumping to her feet and wrapping her father-in-law in a huge hug before he could take his seat, exclaiming, “Isn’t my pops brilliant?”Silas could swear the man blushed under his tanned face, lined with the marks of years of wisdom.Tobi’s people skills were remarkable by any measure.Knowing the physical and emotional abuse she’d endured as a teen made her bubbly personality all the more remarkable.

“Yes, Sir, I’m sure he’ll be thrilled.”She’d let so much more hanging unspoken in the air between the three of them, Silas struggled to hold back his laughter.

“As much as I’d love to stick around and watch the show, I’m heading upstairs to check on Fallon.Leaving her alone too long with Carson is risky.”Kent and Kyle both muttered terse agreements making Tobi giggle.

Professionally, Carson was the most thorough bastard on the planet, but when it came to D/s, he often pushed too hard, sending even the most experienced submissives scurrying in the other direction.

“We’ll talk again tomorrow as scheduled.”Silas already planned to meet with the Wests to let them know what they learned while escorting Fallon around the club.Suddenly, the stakes for that meeting were exponentially higher.