Page 41 of Falling for Fallon

“I didn’t need to be smart to figure it out.Mr.Barnes strikes me as a man who doesn’t like being out of the loop.”Both men laughed out loud, letting Fallon know she was right.

“That’s an understatement, Sweetheart.Cam’s been accused of being an information junkie.Personally, I think that’s a bit harsh, but I’d certainly agree he is an information sponge.Cam takes the old saying‘Information is power’seriously—very, very seriously.”Silas’s comment made perfect sense considering the man’s former profession.

“I don’t know anybody who begrudges Cam’s thirst for knowledge.Hell, he’s saved several members’ asses because he was able to get information no one else could.He’s an amazing resource, and you’re right to assume he is making a lot of inquiries on your behalf.”Carson’s admission wasn’t a surprise, but it still felt odd that so many people she’d known such a short time were going to extraordinary measures to help her.

“It’s humbling and overwhelming.”Fallon hadn’t intended to say the words out loud, but the shift in their expressions assured her she had.

“Having friends who help?”Silas correctly guessed where her thoughts had gone.Both men seemed tuned into her thinking, making her wonder how long it would take her to anticipate their needs as well.Perhaps this was another question for CeCe, or maybe she’d wait until their pool party re-do.Several of the ladies were in polyamorous marriages and might be willing to offer guidance… and if she caught them before their second margarita, the answers might even be coherent.


Fallon followed CeCethrough the construction site between the building currently used as a clinic and the much larger structure housing the pediatric orthopedic hospital.The architects designing the pharmacy did a phenomenal job utilizing the enormous courtyard without stealing every inch of the outdoor space.“Your use of the space maximizes its potential in a way that’s unusual unless the designers have personal experience.”

“I’d like to say they were inspired, but it’s more likely they’re terrified of Cam.He oversaw a few of the design meetings because I was tied up in surgery.I swear children love him, but adults shake in their boots when he starts asking them questions.Our kids and those of our friends have his number big time, but my staff scatters when he shows up.Hell, I saw a male sub pee his pants because he thought Kyle was going to hand him over to Cam for a punishment.”

Fallon’s face must have reflected the fear gripping her at the thought of being turned over to another Dom.It probably meant something for her to be terrified of being touched by anyone other than Carson or Silas, but she was too lost in fear to figure it out.

“Good heavens, every ounce of color just drained from your face.Your men aren’t ever going to let anyone else touch you.Any Dom who tried to put their hands on me would probably pull back a stump.And no one touches Tobi, Gracie, or Jen but their men.The sub I was talking about was a trainee.He’d filled out all the forms, listed his hard and soft limits.”Fallon was still trying to reconcile the BDSM play she’d read about and the real-life interactions.“Damn, girl, take a breath.Silas and Carson will pitch a fit if you pass out and get hurt.It won’t do much for my reputation as a physician either, but I can play that off because you’re a big person.Little people are my specialty.”Fallon appreciated CeCe making light of her over-reaction.Now was a good time to ask some questions she’d been holding back during their tour.

An hour later, Fallon had accepted the job CeCe offered, contingent on her license being successfully transferred.CeCe assured her it was a slam dunk, citing help Fallon was getting from club members.The famous surgeon had also been a font of information about poly relationships, assuring Fallon it was common for the bonds to form very quickly.By the time CeCe’s emergency pager started shrieking, they’d both had enough coffee to keep them awake for hours.As she ran down the hall toward the hospital, CeCe shouted an apology over her shoulder for not being able to drive Fallon home.

It wasn’t until Fallon stepped outside that she realized Carson and Silas hadn’t returned her phone.Looking around, she didn’t see anyone she knew, then rolled her eyes at her own absurdity.The chances of her knowing anyone walking by were so small it was laughable.It was already warming up, so she didn’t want to wait around for Silas or Carson to notice she hadn’t returned.The driveway for their house was less than a mile, so she decided her best bet was to walk.