Page 42 of Falling for Fallon

Chapter Twenty-Two

Watching Fallon Fosterwalk out of the construction area between Dr.Cecelia Barnes’ clinic and the surgical hospital could only mean one thing—the bitch was planning to stay in Texas.Nancy seethed as the woman who’d upended all her plans walked toward the busy street.“I was on track to make Carson Scott my own.Damn it, I was even willing to deal with his New Age Hippy roommate… well, for a while anyway.”Her plan was to start a family as soon as possible to cement her place with Carson, then find a way to send Silas packing.

Carson had been raised in a close-knit family that included many extended members.There was no way he’d ever walk away from her if she had his baby.Her carefully laid plans were nuked last night when she’d been notified her membership to Prairie Winds was revoked.Kent and Kyle West hadn’t been obligated to refund the unused portion of her membership fee, but they’d included a certified check with the hand-delivered message.

Nancy had saved for over a year to afford the outrageous cost of joining the club.It had taken her several weeks to get Carson’s attention and even longer to time everything right, so she was the submissive he and Silas chose for a scene.Nancy read everything she could find on submission, practicing the various poses until she could complete the moves required with flawless grace.The men had complimented her during every phase of their scene, and at the end of the night, they kissed her, promising to see her again soon.She’d shared a few brief encounters over the next couple of months, but nothing significant enough to seal the deal.

Since Fallon Foster’s arrival, neither Carson nor Silas had even spoken to her.When she’d secured an invitation to the pool party Tobi West hosted for Fallon, Nancy tried to connect with Carson.She’d only been a few feet from him when that damned drone ruined everything.When she met Hagen Brody and learned he’d been the one operating the aerial device that foiled her plan, she’d wanted to smack the arrogant bastard upside the head.It wasn’t until he offered her money and assured her Carson would walk away from Fallon if Nancy helped him find the puzzle his ex stole from him before moving to Texas that she agreed to answer his questions.

Nancy held back until Fallon made her way to the sidewalk.Letting her get a half-a-block head start, Nancy was pleased to see the other woman was walking close to the edge of the road.All Nancy would need to do was claim she swerved to miss an animal darting across the road.Speeding up as she rounded the corner onto the road, Nancy was so focused on her target, she didn’t see the Hummer bearing down on her.


“Didn’t you tellme Nancy Dressler threw Fallon under the bus with that Brody fellow, and the boys kicked her out of the club?”Lilly looked across the front seat at Tobi as she merged onto the busy road.

“Yes, why?”

“She was sitting at a stop sign back there watching Fallon walk down the road, and she didn’t look happy.”The car Nancy was driving passed them, but Tobi caught up easily.“That crazy bitch is going to hit Fallon.”Tobi could hear the alarm in Lilly’s voice.Her mother-in-law was usually unflappable.If Lilly West was scared, things were definitely going to hell, so Tobi didn’t hesitate to press the panic alarm on her bracelet.Hitting the gas, it took little effort for her heavy vehicle to send Nancy’s lightweight Kia skidding off the road before the small car clipped Fallon.

The impact pushed the lightweight vehicle onto the shoulder of the road but hadn’t been enough to roll it into the ditch.Skidding to a stop, Tobi motioned for Fallon to get in when she spun around to check out the commotion behind her.Fallon scrambled into the car, her face pale as she realized how close she’d come to being hit.

“Damn, Texas is dangerous.I already got nailed by the mirror on Silas’s truck.Now, this?Do you think the driver was trying to hurt me deliberately?”Nancy Dressler got out of her car, zeroed in on the Hummer, and stomped closer.

“This is going to be fun.She can’t see us because of the tinted windows.”Lilly rubbed her hands together in anticipation before picking up her phone and hitting the record button on the camera.

“Are you fucking stupid?”Nancy screeched as she approached the passenger’s side.Tobi had already phoned emergency services and was dialing Kyle when his Lexus roared into view.“What the fucking hell?Who the hell do you think—” She stopped abruptly when Lilly rolled her window the rest of the way down and turned to face her.

Tobi had no idea how Kent and Kyle closed the distance between their car and hers so quickly, but the next voice she heard was Kyle’s, “Step away from the car, Ms.Dressler.I’d advise you to be very careful how you speak to my wife and mother.Until we find out what’s happened here, you’d be wise to tread carefully.”

“Your crazy wife shouldn’t be allowed to drive.She bumped me off the road.I’m calling the police.”She’d no sooner spoken the words than the sound of approaching sirens filled the air.

“Already taken care of.”Kent opened Tobi’s door to lean in and pull her into a bone-crushing hug.“You okay?I swear my heart skips several beats every time your alarm sounds, but damn, I’m glad you have it.”

“Nancy was going to hit Fallon.She was driving straight for her.I bumped her off the road before she got close enough.I’m sorry about the Hummer.”Tobi looked down to see her hands shaking so hard she was forced to press them together.

“We don’t care about the Hummer, sweetness.The only thing that matters is the three of you are okay.Stay inside until we deal with Ms.Dressler and the police.You’ll have to make statements, but we’ll set those up for after you’ve regrouped.”

He pulled her dash-cam from its bracket and grinned.“We’ll make sure Parker gets this.”As the top-ranking law enforcement officer for their area, long-time club member Parker Andrews would make the final call concerning the incident.Tobi was relieved to know it would be in his capable hands despite her concern it would be impossible to prove what she’d instinctively known.

“But you don’t know what’s on it?What if it makes me look like a lunatic?”Tobi knew what Nancy had planned but worried she wouldn’t have any way to prove it.

“We’ve already seen the footage, Kitten.”Tobi listened as Kyle spoke from his mother’s side, her trembling fingers wrapped in his large hand.“We can remote into the camera, and we did as soon as you pressed your panic alarm.”His eyes softened as he glanced at her trembling hands clutched tightly in her lap.“Thank you for activating your alarm so quickly.Knowing that was your first reaction means more to us than we can possibly say.”

Kyle’s words went straight to her heart, and Tobi felt herself relax.Before she could respond, both back doors opened at the same time.Silas slid in behind her as Carson moved into the seat behind Lilly.Fallon squeaked as the men pressed her between them.

“Sweetness, are you okay?”Tobi wasn’t surprised to hear the concern in Silas’s voice.She knew the two men had been waiting for a long time to find a woman to share.He’d told her a few months ago they were getting close to giving up.She’d encouraged him to hang in there, assuring him blessings always seem to show up when you least expect them.She was looking forward to reminding him about their conversation.

Tobi couldn’t hear Fallon’s reply but whatever she’d said drew a litany of curses from Carson.He gave her another quick hug before getting back out of the car.“I’ll be right back.I’m going to have a chat with Nancy, then I’m going to make a couple of calls.”Tobi looked at Kent in question, and he grinned.

“I’m sure Carson has plenty to say to Ms.Dressler.When he’s finished making calls, she won’t find a job anywhere but the bayou.She’ll be on her way back home within the hour unless Fallon plans to press charges.”Tobi understood why Fallon was reluctant to push the issue, even if Nancy deserved to spend time behind bars.

Once they’d been cleared to leave, Tobi was relieved when Lilly opted to ride home with Del, who’d arrived shortly after Silas and Carson.Kyle moved her into his car, and Kent drove hers back to Prairie Winds, where they’d all agreed to meet.Carson led Fallon to his car while Silas hurried down the opposite side of the road to his truck.Tobi heard the two men promise Kyle they would drive Fallon to Prairie Winds after she’d calmed down.

Smiling to herself, Tobi knew what they meant.Carson and Silas needed a few minutes alone with Fallon.Kent and Kyle were usually the same—the time alone gave them a chance to reassure themselves she was alright.Tobi found the Doms’ softer sides endearing but kept the observation to herself.

Kyle lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her trembling fingers as they drove to the club.“I’m so proud of you, Kitten.You made a split-second decision when others would have hesitated.Your quick thinking saved your friend.Fallon would have been seriously injured or worse if she’d been struck by Nancy’s car.”

“I wouldn’t have known she was the one driving the car if your mom hadn’t seen her.Today was certainly a team effort.”Tobi took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart.“What will happen to Nancy?”She was angry at the younger woman but hated the thought of so many people she cared about being embroiled in a court case.