Carson wanted to settle down and start a family right away.They both were at a place in their careers where they didn’t need to push as hard as they had for the past decade.Having more free time to devote to a wife would help their bride adjust to having two husbands, especially if it wasn’t a lifestyle she’d already been introduced to.Silas was more open to spending a few years enjoying the freedom to travel.
“Kent didn’t seem to know much about her other than she had bartending experience.Evidently, that’s how she worked her way through college.He did mention she’d left her job at a large pharmacy suddenly, but he wasn’t sure what prompted it.”In Silas’s experience, professionals rarely left jobs suddenly unless there was a problem.Shaking his head, Silas wondered why the hell he was so interested in a woman he’d never met.
“Watch out.”Carson’s shout of warning was a few precious seconds too late.
Silas was damned glad he’d already slowed down when an idiot using his small sports car like a rocket flew around them.The fool swerved off the shoulder of the pavement, kicking up enough dust to reduce their visibility to a few feet.Of course, he’d chosen today to take the back road to the club.The one damned day a year when the wind wasn’t blowing, and they’d driven down a dirt road.Without a breeze to clear the air, the dust remained suspended forever, creating so many shadows, he hadn’t seen the figure on the edge of the road until it was too late.
Silas Vernon had lived in Texas for years but still considered the small community in the Colorado Rockies where he’d grown up home—no matter how much it changed between his visits.The one thing about Texas he never understood was the drivers’ penchant for speed.He wasn’t sure if it was the long stretches of open highways or the relatively flat roads, but whatever the reason, everyone over the age of sixteen seemed hell-bent on racing full-out between points A and B.
“I think you only clipped him with the mirror but damned if he didn’t rocket off the side of the road.Fuck, I hope he’s okay.”Carson’s assumption they were dealing with a man seemed off the mark to Silas.He was certain he’d seen long hair, but hell, that didn’t mean anything either.
They’d noticed a disabled car a couple of miles back, and when Silas said he wondered what happened to the woman who’d been driving, Carson had shaken his head and chuckled.
“If the female subs at the club hear you say they can’t change a flat because they are women, you’ll never hear the end of it.Not all men are mechanically inclined.Do you want to ride in a car after I changed one of the tires?”His friend had a point.
Carson Scott was as talented as any tech entrepreneur on the planet, but his automotive skills were limited to fueling up and programming the electronics in the cab.Put the man in a boat in the swamp, and he’d get you anywhere you wanted to go.Carson often joked that he hadn’t ridden in a car until he started school, and Silas wasn’t sure it was far off.
After bringing the truck to an abrupt stop, the two men sprinted back to the petite figure lying crumpled in the grass.The closer he got, the more convinced Silas was the person lying unmoving in the grass was a woman.Long jet-black hair fanned out from a bruised face, and long lashes brushed over dark circles under her eyes, making him wonder when she’d last slept.
“Fucking hell, you ran over an angel.”Carson knelt beside the woman, the awe in his voice echoing Silas’s opinion.
He was confident she hadn’t actually been run over, but she certainly was going to be sore as hell from the jolt of being clipped by the pickup’s side mirror.Taking in her appearance, he noted bruising along her cheek that was obviously from a previous injury.The mark was still well defined, but it would likely be eclipsed by the emergence of more black-and-blue marks appearing over the next few days.
When her eyes fluttered open, Silas was convinced his heart skipped a few beats.The woman had the most beautiful eyes he’d ever seen.The shade of ice blue was so crystal clear and haunting, he swore she was looking directly into his soul.
“What’s your name, sweetheart?”She blinked several times as if she were trying to bring his face into focus but didn’t answer.
“Cher, can you tell us your name?”Carson asked the question as he brushed a pebble from her cheek with the back of his fingers.Silas was convinced the move was more about touching her than removing a small bit of gravel from her face.
“Yes… I mean… I’m not sure.Give me a minute.I should know the answer to your question, right?Wait.What did you ask me?Why am I in the grass?I don’t think I like tall grass, but… well, I’m not sure why.”When she tried to sit up, Silas and Carson each put a hand on her shoulder.
“Stay still for a minute until we know you don’t have any other injuries.”Silas trained as an emergency medical first responder several years earlier when he started doing security work.He hadn’t used the skills for a while but felt confident he’d recognize broken bones.It was obvious she was suffering from a mild concussion, but her pupils were the same size and reacting normally, so he wasn’t concerned she was in any immediate danger.
“The driver of that blasted sports car should be strung up by his testicles.He scared the crap out of me, then swerved off the road and blasted me with dust and rocks… that’s why I was in the road.Fallon… Fallon Foster.That’s my name.You still wanted to know that, right?”
When she turned her face toward Silas exposing her bruised cheek to Carson, the smile faded from his face.Gone was the man who’d been enthralled a few seconds ago.In his place was the over-protective Dom, the unattached submissives at the club knew well.
The boy from the bayou whose mother died at his father’s hand would step in front of a bullet to protect someone who couldn’t stand up for themself.Carson had been away at college when his mother was killed, but Silas knew the images from the trial still haunted his friend.Forrester Scott had been an abusive bastard throughout his marriage, but Mary Lynn refused to leave the man she’d promised God she would love until death separated them—sadly, she’d kept her promise.