“Do you know them?” I asked.
“No. But we’re sleeping here tonight.”
“What? No! I’m not letting you hurt anyone else!” I started to run after Xian, but Jaiden grabbed me around the waist and tugged my back to his front.
“No one will be hurt,” assured Jaiden, his warm breath fanning across my neck.
I had to suppress a shudder, and I told myself it was a shudder of disgust.
He looked tall and strong, but to actually feel that strength wrapped around me was a whole different level.
And it wasn’t just physical strength. It was as if there were some sort of magical aura that wrapped around both of us, buzzing with heat and electricity.
I sucked in deep breaths and counted backward from ten in my mind, attempting to center myself.Ten, nine, eight...
With every deep breath in, his grip around me tightened.
Seven, six, five...
He bent in closer until his nose brushed my neck, and he took a deep inhale.
Four, three, two...
And for some stupid, inexplicable reason, my head fell back, opening my neck up to him completely.
There was a bang as the screen door shut, and Xian was on the porch, waving us in.
“This isn’t over,” whispered Jaiden into my ear.
It wasn’t over, but somehow I felt like I’d already lost the game.