Page 19 of Fae's Claimed

The woman threw her head back and laughed. “Oh, but you are a child. A child to rule and destroy. So much power to one so young.” She looked behind her as though she heard something. “The connection weakens.”

“Wait, I—”

“Goddess bless, sweet Raina.”

The dream dissipated, and I was back to sweet sleep.

My eyes popped open as soon as I regained consciousness, but the light streaming through the window told me that I’d slept through the night.

I was alone in the bed, and the covers around me were undisturbed. Jaiden had kept his word to not touch me.

I had believed him, and yet it still surprised me.

When it came to Jaiden, I was always being surprised.

I kept his shirt on and shimmied into my pencil skirt after taking care of my bathroom needs.

Because there was light coming through the window, that meant his wall of vines had retreated. I could try to make a run for it, but who was I kidding? After seeing what Jaiden was capable of, what chance did I have?

Besides that, the analytical part of my mind was desperate to know more.Exactly what were the limits of his power? How many of his kind were there? And what did he mean when he talked about his homeland?

When I turned away from the window, I was making a choice. A choice to stop fighting and allow myself to get pulled deeper into this world.

But that didn’t mean I was going to make this easy for Jaiden. I still didn’t want him to take me anywhere permanently. I just wanted a few more answers before I made my escape and would try to enjoy my time here a bit more. It didn’t have to be all bad. After all, he was kind of cute when he was pissed.

The hallway was empty, and I took the steps slowly. Voices came from the kitchen. Jaiden and Xian were discussing something and whatever it was, they weren’t happy about it. The very fact that I’d reached the bottom of the stairs and they hadn’t even heard me was a sign of how deep into their discussion they were.

“It has to be a mistake,” said Xian tentatively.

The reason for his tentativeness became clear when Jaiden snapped back, “I don’t make mistakes! He’s here. In this realm. Him being here the same time as us can’t be a coincidence.”

“We should go back. We’re farther from the Fade here and have no way to call for backup.”

“You know I can’t go back until I claim Raina.”

I perked up at the mention of my name.

“Then claim her today. If you need pointers on how to get a woman into bed, just ask.”

Something banged and smashed in the kitchen, and I ran from my hiding place to see Xian lying in the wreckage of what was formerly a dining room table. Jaiden stood over him with a silver glow emitting from his body, sending waves of power through the air that even I could feel. Like a low-level electrical current running through me in pulses.

“This isn’t your house!” As soon as I said it, I knew it was stupid. But I couldn’t logically fathom how to get in the middle of a fae argument, so I went for the first human objection I had. “This isn’t your house and unless either of you have the magical ability to repair furniture, I suggest you calm down.”

Shockingly enough, that worked. Jaiden stepped back as the glow ebbed away, and Xian leapt back to standing. Whoa. I’d told the two badass fae guys to do something and they’d actually listened.

For the first time, I felt as if I had a modicum of control. “Xian, do you care to share exactly how you’d claim me?”

He blanched and physically took a step back as Jaiden growled. “To clarify, you’re not being serious, correct?”

I shrugged. “I mean, you seemed so sure of yourself. You must know the exact right way to get me to spread my legs. So, please, tell me what this master plan of yours is.” Both men then looked at me, Xian with confusion and Jaiden with seething rage. Finally, I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. “For goodness’ sake, I’m not serious. But don’t you dare talk about me like that, especially after everything you’ve put me through.

“And if you think you can talk about me like that behind my back, then you don’t know nearly as much about women as you say you do.”

The corners of Jaiden’s mouth tilted up, and he seemed almost proud of me. Odd, considering I thought my outburst would upset him. After all, it was his general I was outright scolding. “But let’s stop talking about how best to claim me. What is it we’re supposed to be running from?”

“We’re not running from anything,” hissed Jaiden.

I raised a brow. I hadn’t expected a simple question to cause such a vitriolic reaction. I looked to Xian, but he remained silent. So whatever it was, he was waiting for Jaiden to tell me. Would he open up or would he lock me back in the bedroom so the little lady could stay out of things?