After much cajoling, I convinced Jeffrey to join me for lunch at a nice steakhouse. He’d wanted to wait for me at the car. He seemed a little uncomfortable about it as we were walking in and I asked, “Are you embarrassed to be seen with an elf in public?”

He smiled and said, “No miss, but I was thinking about what a picture an elf having lunch with a chauffeur might present.” I laughed.

“I hadn’t thought of that, we’ll have to ask our waiter to take a picture of us. Everyone at work will love it.” Jeffrey just shook his head and followed me inside. I think he was as surprised as our mutual employer for the day that I wasn’t uncomfortable at all in the outfit.

We enjoyed our lunch, Jeffrey told me about growing up in the U.K. and that he’d met his employer just after coming to the States for his mother’s funeral. He’d had to stay in New York to care for his ailing father and when Jeffrey told him his predicament, the man had hired him on the spot. He’d also helped Jeffrey obtain his work visa and eventually his citizenship.

“He sounds like a wonderful man this Mr…?”

Jeffrey actually stuck his tongue out at me. It cracked me up because I’d be willing to bet he hadn’t done that since he was five. He said, “When will you figure out that you can’t trick an old English chauffeur like me?”

“I’m persistent like that,” I told him.

I felt so much better after lunch, my energy was renewed. I was wondering if I’d ever get to meet this man or not as it would already be almost the end of the workday when we finished at the office. I wondered what he looked like and if he was as handsome as his voice sounded. I hoped that I’d get the opportunity to meet him and find out first hand.

Jeffrey drove us to the offices of Winters Inc. and I set about my task delivering the gift baskets to each department. Jeffrey followed along behind me and I showed everyone the picture of Jeffrey and I having lunch and took a few orders that I promised to take straight back to Santa Claus. It had a great time and was starting to think I’d like to add something like this to my yearly Christmas

Traditions. I had some of my own already that I’d been putting into practice since I was a kid. No one that knew me seemed the least bit surprised that I was dressed like an elf, and the rest of the staff found it amusing. I ran across Gary when I was in the building and looking me over he said, “Who was it that beat me out last night?”

“I have no idea,” I told him.

“Really?” he asked, suspiciously.

“Really, I haven’t met him; I’ve only spoken with him on the telephone.”

“Hmm, the guy is obviously loaded,” he said. “It would have to be someone from upstairs.”

I shrugged, “I don’t know. He’s generous, that’s for sure. I better get back to my task.” I could feel Gary watching me until I was out of his sight. Sighing, I wondered if he would ever give up.

I finished handing out the gifts at work and Jeffrey drove me home. When he opened the car door for me he had another package, similar to the one he’d given me this morning in his hand.

“What’s this? A present for me?” I asked, like a child on Christmas morning. I’d always rather give gifts out, but everyone likes one of their own sometimes. Jeffrey smiled.

“I think whatever it is; you deserve it for your hard work today.” I surprised him, not for the first time that day, by giving him a hug. I really liked the old guy and because of him my day had been more enjoyable.

“You worked just as hard. Thank you, Jeffrey.”

“You’re very welcome, Miss Robyn.”

I carried the box up to my apartment and I was about to open it when my phone rang.


“Hello Robyn, how did things go at the office?” It was him, the mystery caller. My belly fluttered just at the sound of his voice.

“Spectacular,” I told him. “Everyone was so pleased with their gifts.”

“Good, Jeffrey said you should be commended for the job you did today. So, I commend you. Thank you for taking care of all of that for me.”

“You’re welcome, I enjoyed myself. I hope Jeffrey will also be commended. He’s great.”

“He will be. I’d like to take you out to dinner as a reward for a job well done if you don’t have an objection to joining me?”

“I’d love to,” I said. Not only did I believe I deserved a treat after my long day, I was so excited about meeting him. I was really hoping that he was as beautiful as his voice.

“Great. We have reservations at a very exclusive restaurant in Manhattan. Put on the outfit I sent for you and I’ll send Jeffrey around to pick you up at eight.”

“Okay, I’ll see you then,” I told him, before hanging up. Finally, I pulled open the box. Inside was a cornflower blue silk dress. It had a designer label that I recognized. It was a very expensive dress. It had probably cost him over a thousand dollars. It was beautiful and when I slipped it out of the box, I realized there was a lovely matching scarf, stockings and shoes.

I took it into my bedroom and held it up to me in front of the mirror. It was the exact shade of blue as my eyes, and the soft material of the dress would cling to all of my curves, no doubt. I wondered if this man had matched my eyes on purpose. Did he actually go shopping for it himself, or did he hire someone to do that? I looked at the size of both the dress and the shoes… both perfect. Who was this man? How could he possibly know my shoe size of all things? I looked back at the dress and realized suddenly that the only thing that had bothered me about him all day was that he didn’t trust I had enough sense and taste to dress myself for a night out. I loved it, but it wasn’t me. I was never one to be anything or anyone other than myself. I got an idea then… it was a terrible, awful idea…