I put the note in an envelope and wrote his name on the outside of it in a red, felt marker before I got back to work. That evening when it was time for me to leave, I took the plate and envelope up to the tenth floor. I stepped off the elevator and looked around. I’d never been this high up in the building. It was nice to see that our offices were decorated as nicely and as comfortably as they were up here. It was further proof that although Aaron was loaded, he didn’t hold himself up higher than anyone else. I really liked that about him.

I followed the sign to Suite #1 where I knew his office was from our company directory. His assistant Janice’s desk sat outside his door, but she wasn’t there. It was after five, so she was probably already gone for the day. I noticed that she had her little corner decorated for the holidays. She even had a string of colored lights around her desk. I had to wonder what Aaron thought about that. I knocked on his door, but there was no answer. Tentatively, I tried the knob. The door pushed open and I suddenly realized that not exactly everything was the same up here. Aaron’s office was huge; the size of four, or maybe five of the regular offices. There was his desk of course, but also a large oak conference table, a black leather couch and two chairs, a fireplace, a wet bar, a closet and a very large bathroom, fully equipped with a shower. He could live here if he wanted to. I saw a shirt draped over one of the chairs and got a glimpse into the half opened closet where several suits hung. I wondered if sometimes he did. That made me a little sad. Everyone should have a warm home that they were dying to get to after work. I personally loved going home to my own. I noticed in the office that seemed to have everything, that there was one thing conspicuously missing… Christmas. This time of year when everything else was decorated so festively, it made the beautiful office seem a little sad.

I went over to his desk and sat down the cookies and the note. While I was there, I glanced out the window. He had four huge windows that took up most of the wall behind his desk. The view was breathtaking. The sun was just beginning to go down and the lights of Manhattan were beginning to burn across the city. It was beautiful. I wondered if it made him happy. I glanced at what was on his desk… office supplies, and what was on the walls… artwork. There was nothing personal, no photographs, no diplomas or awards. I couldn’t help but wonder what his life was like outside of here, and why he kept it so closed off from everyone else. Feeling sad for him, I closed the door behind me as I left and headed for home, hoping that I’d at least brightened his day a little bit.