Page 84 of We Will Rule



I wake up to the featherlight touch of a kiss on my cheek. Instinctively, I turn my face and wind my arms around his neck, pulling him back for a proper kiss without opening my eyes. I feel the breadth of his shoulders and smell the scent of our shared shower gel.Sawyer.He groans when I run my nails in the back of his hair.

“I’ve got to go, Angel.”

“Why?” I whine, just a tiny bit.

“I’ve got an early class. You get some more sleep. I’ll see you later.” He kisses me again quickly, and I settle back into bed as a warm hand lands on my waist and a chaste kiss drops onto the back of my shoulder.Ezra.I try to pull his arm around my waist and down, and he chuckles lightly.

“I’m just leaving,” he says.

I sigh overdramatically.

“Two guys in my bed and not one to wake me up the proper way.”

“And how is that?” Sawyer asks from the far side of the room.


A pair of groans come from opposite sides of the space, and my lips tip up in a wry smile.

“We’ll bear that in mind for next time,” Ezra whispers before placing a kiss on my cheek, and then he’s gone too.


I think I might be the happiest I’ve ever felt in my life. No, I’m sure I am. Ezra was right—my heart has expanded like a universe, enveloping both of my guys. I’ve still not been brave enough to speak to Sawyer about what I saw that day in the gym, but I don’t want to rock the boat right now, not when everything’s going so well. I also haven’t seen Nico since he found out about The Games, and I feel like he’s changed some shifts to avoid me, but he has a month left before he officially leaves, so surely he can’t avoid me forever?

It’s Liv’s birthday tonight, and we’ve all been invited out for drinks to celebrate. The guys went over a little bit ago, and I’ve enjoyed having the space to get ready without the urge to jump one—or both—of them. No dressing would be happening otherwise. I’ve chosen a dusky pink dress that hugs every curve, the ruching accentuating the dip between my waist and hips and highlighting my legs. Pairing it with sky-high heels and my blond hair around my shoulders in waves, I’m leaning into the Barbie image tonight, but you know what? I’m not hating it. I’m owning it and using it as a positive rather than a negative, just like Ezra said. He’s wise, that one.

Just as I’m getting ready to leave, Fleur calls me.

“Hey,” I say brightly, but I stop frozen when I hear her sniffling. “Fleur, what’s going on?”

“Harlow, can I come over?” she asks with a sob.

“Of course.” Something’s definitely wrong. I don’t think she’s ever called me in tears before—she’s not an emotional person. Well, she wasn’t, before Lee.

“Is there anyone there? I don’t want anyone to see me,” she says.

“No, it’s just me.” The bell buzzes then, and it’s her already. I hang up and let her in, doing a double take at her tear-streaked face and immediately taking her into my arms.

“Fleur, what’s going on?” Her eyes are puffy, and she looks knackered.

“Lee goes tomorrow,” she sobs into my shoulder. Shit, I’m the worst. I’ve been in my happy little bubble while her heart is breaking.

“I’m so, so—”

“And I think I’m pregnant.” Oh my god.Oh my god.I just hold her, letting her get it all out, until her tears dry and she’s hiccuping. Eventually, I pull her back so I can get a look at her. “What am I going to do?” she asks.

“You’re going to do a test,” I say simply. She nods, seeming like she’s in shock. I make her comfy and then duck to the small shop on the corner, praying they have pregnancy tests, and I blush as I pay for it in my party dress. I get home and usher Fleur into the bathroom, taking charge while she follows my instructions blankly. When she’s finished, she sets the stick on the side, and we both turn away from it as I set a timer on my phone.

Just then, the front door opens and Fleur jumps, eyes wide and holding her hand over her mouth. I guess nobody knows she’s here, and she likely doesn’t want to see anyone in this state, which is understandable.

“Harlow?” Sawyer calls. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah, absolutely,” I yell back through the bathroom door. “I just need a few more minutes.”