Page 52 of We Will Rule



I can’t believe what happened at Chung’s. I know it was the Guards, and the thought that they were so close—literally across the street from my home—puts me on edge. I wonder if they were there for a reason, or were they just this far out anyway? Knowing that would make a big difference, not that anything can really keep you safe these days. I should’ve asked Nico if he got any more details, but I didn’t think to at the time.

Walking up the stairs to our floor, I spot Ezra on the phone just outside his door. Sneaking up behind him, I gently wrap my arms around his waist, and he covers my hand with his before pulling me round in front of him. Now that I know Ezra better, I can tell as soon as I look into Eli’s eyes that I’ve grabbed the wrong twin.Fuck.

“Sorry—” I say, trying to step away, but he pulls me back by my hand and cages me against the wall.

“I’ll call you back.” He ends the call and pockets his phone.

“I thought you were Ezra,” I say, trying to step to the side, but both sides are blocked by his arms, pinning me in. “Let me go, Eli.” I push him in the chest, but he doesn’t budge. What is going on?

“Butyougropedme,” he says with a smirk, and I look up at him in disbelief. “What? Wrong one again? People are going to stop believing that soon. But don’t worry, I can be the right one for you. I can be whatever you need.”

“Doubtful,” I spit furiously, but I’m furious at myself. He’s right, I really do need to be more careful. How many times am I going to make that mistake? “I bet Liv would like to know that though.” He laughs and I feel his hot breath on my face.

“Calm down,sis,I’m only joking.” With that, he steps away and I make my escape, fumbling with my keys as I let myself into my flat while Eli watches the whole time.

What was that all about? Have I got on Eli’s bad side or something? He’s never acted like that before, and he’s always been the doting boyfriend with Liv. But I’m not so big-headed as to think Ezra would choose me over his twin brother. Eli must know that too. He knows he can take advantage of my mistakes and I can’t complain. And he’s right.Igropedhim. And he was playing along as a joke, or that’s what he wants me to believe. Even if we both know that’s not what he’s doing, it’s a plausible explanation for everyone else.

My phone rings in my pocket, making me jump at the shrill sound in the quiet flat.

“Hello?” I say shakily.

“Hey, are you okay?” Fleur asks. “You sound spooked.”

“Kind of. What’s up?”

“What are you doing?” she asks. “Shall I come over?”

“Yes,” I say decisively. “Bring wine.”

It’s not long before Fleur arrives, and an hour later, we’re comfy on the sofa, her mouth hanging open as I finish the story from earlier.

“No way! What an absolute creep.” She’s outraged, and it validates my feelings on the matter.

“He is a creep, right? I’m not just imagining it?”

“No, of course you’re not. Have you told Ezra?” she asks.

“I’m not telling Ezra.” She goes to interrupt me, but I hold up my hand. I’m not telling him. “I started it. I groped his brother for thesecondtime.”

“Yeah, and as a decent human being, he should let you know he’s not who you think he is and leave it at that.”

“Isn’t it my responsibility to check who I throw myself at first? And maybe he really was joking.”

“Then he needs to work on his material. Why don’t you let Ezra decide who he thinks is in the wrong?” Fleur suggests.

“Because what if he thinks it’s me?” Her angry look eases, and I realize as my best friend, she probably understands the reason for my hesitation.

“You think he’ll side with Eli,” she says.

“Wouldn’t he? He’s his twin brother.”

“Maybe he doesn’t need to side with anyone. Maybe he can just tell him to knock it off.” I shrug at the suggestion, not convinced.

“Whatever. I’m just going to stay away from Eli. Maybe I’ll request Ezra only wears short sleeves so I can see his tattoos or something, and I won’t be sneaking up on him any time soon.”