Page 32 of We Will Rule

Ezra takes his gloves off and calls out to a younger guy hanging off to one side. “Arthur, can you help Jed with the mirror and wrap him so he can fuck off?” He nods and grabs supplies before heading over as Ezra grabs my hand and drags me into an office down a corridor at the back. I go to question our abrupt departure, but his lips are on mine before I can. He kisses me until I can’t breathe, getting me hotter than any other kiss I’ve had without even touching me properly. “You look sensational,” he murmurs against my lips, pulling back only far enough to get his words out.

“And that makes you... angry?”

“Not angry, territorial.” I don’t need to answer that, or to try and explain why that warms my stomach, because he’s kissing me again, his mouth forceful against mine in a claiming kiss. We’re both panting by the time we come up for air, and his hands are in my hair, cradling my head, his thumbs running along my jaw. “Sorry we missed our dinner reservation.”

“That’s okay,” I whisper, my brain not completely back online after that kiss.

“I did something else. It’s not the same, but will do for now, I hope.”

He leads me further down the hallway, which opens up into a larger room around the corner. I can guess that it’s normally a break room, but for now it has the table, chairs, and armchairs pushed to one side. Instead, there are cushions, pillows, and blankets in the middle, facing a projector screen. Fairy lights are strung everywhere around the room, giving it a romantic glow.

“Wow,” I say articulately, emotion bubbling up at the thoughtfulness. “This is so... cute.” His laugh bursts out of him.

“Okay, I deserve that,” he says. “I know we could have done this at yours, but I wanted it to be adatedate.” I turn back to face him as my face splits with a huge grin.

“It’s perfect. It’s actually myfirstdate date.”

“Question one—how’s it going so far?”

“It’s going well,” I say, pulling him toward me by his shirt and kissing him this time. I want to let him know how much this means to me. How he’s the first guy I’ve wanted to actually date, and how happy I am that he still wanted to, even if sex is off the table tonight. He lets me lead, taking whatever I give him, but as I stroke his tongue with mine, he groans, and I pull back. “What’s question two?”

“How on earth you got to twenty without going on a date.”

“No one has your level of persistence,” I joke, but he doesn’t buy it for a second.

“I highly doubt that.”

“I just don’t date.” I shrug.

“And yet here you are,” he says, squeezing my waist in his hands.

“Looking for an ego stroke, are you?” That grin that seems to light up the room breaks free, and it’s dazzling, as usual. I wonder how long it takes to get used to having Ezra’s smile directed at you.

“No, I’m just curious. I’d be happy to know anything about you.”

“There’s really not much to know. I’ve never met anyone I felt like I wanted to spend more time with in that way.”

“Never?” He looks at me like he can read my mind, and I really hope that’s not true, because otherwise he’ll know my mind went straight to Sawyer. I’d happily spend the rest of my days with Sawyer. I don’t know how to answer, so I don’t, and he lets me off the hook as someone knocks on the door.

“We’re heading off, boss.”

“Let me get everyone seen off and lock up,” he says before dropping a light kiss to my lips and letting me go. “Make yourself comfy.” He gives me a wink, and he’s gone.


I do just that after he leaves and feel giddily happy as I shrug my jacket and toe my boots off, not wanting to stand on the nest Ezra has made with shoes on. When he comes back, I’m engrossed in the tablet left here, swiping through movies. I’m assuming it hooks up to the projector.

“Found one you like?”

“Not yet. You really thought of everything,” I say as I look up at him and see the huge plate and glass bottle he’s brought with him, along with two glasses.

“Hopefully,” he replies as he takes his own boots off. “I wasn’t sure what time you’d get here, so I thought cold food was better. But we can order something hot if you want?”

“No, this is fine! This is great.” He sits down next to me and pulls my legs over his, eliminating the space between us before pouring us drinks. He’s so casual with his touch, like it’s completely natural for him, and I love it. It actually reminds me of how Sawyer is, but tonight is not for him. I put the tablet down without picking a movie and take a glass from Ezra.

“To perfect first dates,” I offer as I hold my glass up.

“To perfect girls to plan them for,” he adds, and we cheers before I struggle to drink with my smile.